News - Warzone 3 Is Making A Major Mistake

modern warfare 3

Ladies and gentlemen. Obviously, with Call of Duty next in this past week, we've now learned a ton about the MW3 in the war zone integration update. I see some people calling it War Zone 3. I guess that's a somewhat appropriate name for it, although it's still just going to go under the title of War Zone 3.

The 2.0 thing was definitely gimmicky to make; it seemed like it was this whole new deal, and in reality it was more of a 0.5 than a 2.0, as we know, but anyways, I digress. With the MW3 war zone update coming later this year in early December alongside season 1, we are going to see a lot of major changes to gameplay that we've been asking for ever since war zone 1 sort of went away and transitioned into war zone 2.

However, as much as there are a lot of very positive things coming to War Zone 3 here, there's also something that I personally think is a big mistake and something that they have confirmed is not going to be happening. At least as of now, perhaps it will change in the future, maybe with the help of feedback like this article.

modern warfare 3 warzone

If you agree with what I say throughout it and you want to see this change ultimately, do me a favor. I got you covered on a daily basis, and we'd love to have you join us on the road to 1 million subscribers. But as of right now, when it comes to the MW3, war zone update, we know that when this launches with season 1, like I said, currently set for early December, that's been the leaked date.

As of right now, we're going to see a handful of gameplay mechanics and gameplay dynamic updates, including the updates regarding MW3, movement, something that we've really never seen in War Zone with a new title integration, and actual base core gameplay mechanics we'll be updating, obviously dating back to War Zone 1.

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Then we got the Cold War integration, but obviously Cold War was a separate game from War Zone. So Cold War functioned one-way in multiplayer, and in that application, War Zone still functioned the same as in MW 2019. Then Vanguard dropped, and while it was very similar to MW 2019, there were still some distinctions between the two movement- and gameplay-wise, but War Zone 1 still remained the same as MW 2019.

modern warfare 3 warzone gameplay

Not the case this year though, while war zone 2 dropped alongside MW2, and those games currently function the same once we do see this MW3 integration happen, the MW2, gameplay is no longer going to be the core dynamics, of War Zone we're going to see MW3, movement, and that's the main thing there, but here's the thing currently as it stands, it is just the base movement that MW3, also has so Yes, this does include things like slide cancellation.

It does include things like the stem boost mechanic that's going to be returning when you pop a stem shot. You are going to get a slight movement boost. It's not as crazy as it was back in Caldera and War Zone 1, but it's still an advantage to have in that very specific situation. We're also going to have, you know, tack stance mechanics and stuff like that, but this is where the asterisk comes into play.

modern warfare 3 warzone movement

MW3 is multiplayer. The base movement is pretty solid as we know and based off of what we got within gameplay already, but you can really enhance the movement of Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer by stacking on various vests and, of course, the gear and perks. whether it is lightweight so you can run faster or being able to extend your tack Sprint time or you know have faster overall movement or a longer slide speed or being able to 8s while sliding you can really go through and adjust a ton of stuff you can mantle faster you can do all sorts of really cool advantages for your preferred movement Style by basically going all in on certain perks, and personally, that's something that I really like about the perk system in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer.

If you are someone who is really focusing on slide canceling a ton, you can really optimize that by using certain boots, gloves, and a vest. If you're someone who doesn't slide as much but you're doing a lot of running around, you can optimize that as well if you are really wanting to climb things faster, and because you're moving around like that a lot, maybe you play building to building a lot and you're doing a lot of mantling.


You can enhance that as well. However, War Zone gameplay as of right now is not actually implementing the Modern Warfare 3 perk slashgear. Movement will still be better than it currently is, but optimizing that movement is not going to be a thing unless they do end up changing over the perk system to the MW3, gear-based style.

And that to me is a major mistake because obviously one of the big selling points of this game and one of the big points of emphasis with War Zone's integration here is that movement is back slide canceling is back similar to War Zone 1, a true sequel in that sense. But it's not going to be the peak version of movement, so you're going to go into multiplayer and really have that optimized feel, and then into War Zone, where it's nice and it's better than what we have now, but it's not peak, which I feel like it is.

mw3 warzone

Not the right way to go. It's like you're almost teasing the player base. Hey, here's this awesome movement, but we can't have it in War Zone. While some of it's there in the optimizations, the full extent of it is MP-based. On top of that, it is worth mentioning that with the current perk system that we have right now in the war zone, if it is in fact carrying over fully into the MW3 war zone and extending throughout the year, it is at least going to be diversified.

A little bit because we do have some new perks dropping, combat Scout is going to be returning, there's a new perk called shrouded, which actually drops a smoke grenade when you go down, there's irated, which allows you to move faster and take less damage in the gas, and also Resolute, which is better movement when you are getting shot, not like Serpentine, where you get better health, but instead you're going to be able to move faster with that, so those perks might help out a little bit, but again very situational, with those and not really optimizing the movement.

mw3 warzone gameplay

In a greater way than just the base standard stuff that will be shared across MW3, in War Zone at its core, those perk and gear optimizations are, to me, just a major, and ultimately. I do hope they make their way into the war zone. The War Zone is here. We've got so much content coming up in the next few days, weeks, and months as we approach launch, so you're not going to want to miss anything.

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