News - Now Replacing Every Smg Warzone 3. Amr 9 Meta Class Setup

amr9 loadout

YouTube, it's your boy back with another article, man, and today we got the AM9. Now we have debates about whether the AR9 is better or the HR9 is better, so we are going to give our discussion or debate at the end of the article. I hope you enjoyed it. Enjoy the great game. AO, good kill. Mar the rest of that on, your down.

How many people do I have to kill? I just want to know if it's already bad. B enough, you are playing together now. You all want to snip good kill, marking the rest of that squ on your t m, it's actually, Annoying kill confirmed we located the rest of them. occupation, scan, the enemy is surveiling the AO, stay low or use the water for concealment, and enemies are dropping into the area.

Watch the skies; enemies destroyed; use your t to hunt down the rest of them; enemy scans are active; stay low; enemies detected locations. This was by far the most annoying day for article. All right, man made to the end of article man Here we go with the class setup. Now one thing I want to say right here, man: the HMR 9 and the AR9 are two great SMGs.

best 3 loadout

One thing I would say is that it just depends on what you prefer. Now, the AMR 9 does kill better from long range, but the HMR 9 just shoots faster and kills quicker up close. I got one with no barrel and one with a barrel, and as you can see, this one has no barrel, and I feel like they're quite even.

Just the HMR n just shoots a little bit faster but they're both very good weapons but if you want range, definitely use the amr9 now let's get to the class setup we got the Jack BFB for the muzzle man this helps with the recoil control as yall can see love this muzzle so much but downside to what you do pop up as an advanced UAV but I think that's better than having a red dot that show that you up or down so I'll throw that on there or if you want you can throw on Sonic suppressor for the muzzle Right here, we have the skeletal vertical grip.

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I like this because it helped with the sprint, fire speed, and EDS. I don't really care about anything else; it's really Sprint the fire speed and ads, and then a little bit of recoil control and vertical recoil control, so that's why we're rocking that 50-round mag. Of course, we definitely need that.

best amr9 class

Don't rock a 100. You're crazy if you rock that 100. You definitely need the 50. There is no reason I like it. This is because you can see all the plus sides of this movement speed. This is for my speed demons. If you guys don't want the speed demons, you can rock this or Y can rock this for your recoil control and a little bit of movement, so pick your poison on which one you really want, and then we got the Slate reflector.

Of course, I love rocking this optic just because it's so clean and smooth, and it helps with the recoil. To be honest, if you guys don't want the Slate reflector, you guys can take that off and throw on the ammunition and a hollow point. The hollow point is still good. All you guys can do is use a barrel or a real grip, but that's what we have for this article.

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I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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