News - Warzone: The Verdansk Update Just Got Some Really Bad News. Delayed


But Cod 2025. Then has another integration update for war zone and maybe we see a new map then and Black Ops 6 was only around for three seasons or is it going to be time for an upgrade in war zone where we finally at long last have multiple big maps live at one time you and I both know whenever verdansk does return whether it's in season 2 of Black Ops 6 season 3 whatever the date may be that doesn't matter, it comes back war zone is going to see a massive jump in player count doesn't matter how many changes have been made to the map how the game play is people will be back at least temporarily, to revisit rans again and a lot of people will probably jump on and be like yeah this isn't hitting the same as it was in 2019 when we were all stuck inside and having a blast on the game it's fun but you know it's not the OG, that's to be expected, at the same time though maybe this integration is just stupendous you know maybe it's tremendous.

verdansk 3

And the Black Ops 6 updates are awesome; players really enjoy them, and they get a lot of people back on the game. Then Verdansk comes in and brings the hype to a new level, and War Zone is thriving yet again. You know, I would personally hope for that. I'd love to see War Zone in a great state like that again; that's quite possible too, but then it's like, Okay, well, what's going to happen?

Beyond, now that seasons 4, 5, and 6 are getting into Cod 2025, With Verdansk, this muddies the waters for sure. Obviously throughout this year we have not seen many updates to urzikstan in fact this season with season 4 reloaded with paav power getting gooed by all the green stuff with the DNA bomb that's the biggest map update we've seen for ersan, so maybe this was the long-term plan and for a while now they've had this you know in the PIP P line where season 5 season 6 we see more significant updates to the ö stand map maybe some POI changes new pois added you know destruction, whatever the case is that makes the map feel a bit more fresh perhaps we see some player count updates that probably destroy the servers some more who knows but they're going to have to do something now to ekhan to keep that big map Community.

verdansk coming back

entertained because, quite frankly, it's been pretty miserable. Throughout the course of the first few seasons this year. Resurgence has had all the hype, and now knowing that we're going to have to wait even longer for Copenhagen to return and really see that main focus back on the big map, that's definitely not great news.

I'm sure this is not what you wanted to hear when I saw this first surface, definitely not what I was hoping to read when I saw Verdance on my Twitter notifications. Do you think it's maybe for the better that this is getting pushed back some, that it's delayed some, and that it ends up launching in a better state, or that there's going to be more hype when we do finally get to play it?

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