News - Warzone: The Season 3 Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

Again, this is like the third Nerf to the SPX in a row when no one was using it to begin with, so this is becoming almost borderline below average or like garbage. I would say now the retti, it's nice that this got buffed because I was already going to talk about this, but the max range for it got buffed, and as you recall, a couple of weeks back they also buffed the conversion kit damage.

warzone 3 meta season 3

At that time, I made a article talking about how the retti ttk. Is absolutely crazy, it's just a pistol and with the conversion kit it's not super fast a lot of the SMGs can be a lot more aggressive and have a close ttk, to it also some better ranges in some case like just with how you're going to approach gunfights in terms of control and whatnot it's kind of awkward being a pistol, but it's TT K is very crazy right now and I'd say it's absolutely up here in the top tier category for the time being I don't fully expect it to stay this way and it being a natural secondary I think is going to deter some people to begin with but in terms of damage output the retti is going crazy then also the akimbo Stinger the rate of fire got buffed so that's cool if you're just spraying and praying not super practical though but that being said that's generally how our meta plays out here in season 3, some questionable changes to the close- range meta that I feel like kind of monopolizing.

warzone 3 new meta

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