News - Warzone: The Season 3 Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

warzone 3 best loadout

It's still a bit awkward to use with that fire rate, so I think that does limit it from being anything higher than competitive, but it's a good ttk. Option: now a lot of the SMGs. Ended up getting updates here most of them aren't going to have huge impacts on gamep playay some of them though are very important like the ram 9 it got a close damage Nerf and a sprint of fire Nerf that to me brings this into the top tier category and out of the absolute meta area, it's sprint of fire not great already and lowering that damage sum does bring it back alongside that the amr9.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Got a lot of Nerfs here it's Max damage so it's close range and it's minimum damage so it's long range each got nerfed across the board that's pretty huge because that's really where it thrived and made it way more you know advantageous, than other subs they also nerfed its max range and its Sprint of fire even more so again it's a decent SMG for sure and especially a sniper support still but it's a Nerf that's going to be drastically noticeable, when you're comparing it to something like the HMR 9, which only ended up getting a Sprint to fire Nerf and you can still build it to be crazy fast so this is, absolutely the number one SMG and I'm not quite sure why they didn't Nerf this along with the amr9 and RAM 9.

That should have been a thing, by the way, as we are going through everything today. Now, a lot of these other SMG Nerfs aren't going to be too impactful. The Rival 9, for instance, is pretty lacking in damage, but it actually got a sprint of fire from Nerf. That's a bit of a bummer. The base striker got a sprint of fire from Nerf.

warzone 3 best weapons

The striker 9 got a sprint of fire Nerf but a Max range buff, which is nice to see because the striker is going to be a little bit better now. Actually, because of that, the WASP 9 ended up getting a sprint of fire from Nerf and the Swarm. Ended up getting a sprint of fire Nerf that's not going to have a huge impact on these you can still build them out to be very fast it's just in general the SMG category is a little bit less aggressive, now the mx9, probably has deserved a bump up into competitive for some time but it actually is better now they buffed the near to mid damage and it's close range damage as well it's going to have an even faster ttk and it's already pretty quick problem is here is that you've got no ammo 32 rounds does not cut it outside of solos so that's a bit of a bummer there but it's still a decent SMG now the lockman sub the MP5, also got a max damage and a max range buff.

But it's not going to be too drastic there; it's better, but it's not an MW3 SMG; it's ttk. Despite what some clickbait articles might be telling you, it's not crazy broken or anything like that. The MP5 is not really all that close to being back; it's still got a little ways to go, but it's getting better.

warzone 3 meta

The bass P also got a Max damage buff, which is nice to see, but again, it's ttk, which is nothing to write home about now. According to the patch notes, it was supposed to get a long-range damage Nerf but also an ad speed buff, as we've talked about recently, and as I'm recording this right now, this change doesn't seem to be live in the game, but if it were, it would affect the Bruins long-range capabilities and bring it more in line with a lot of these other lmgs.

Like the hoger and the DG, which are really great options over the long range, the bru will just be a tad bit worse than those now. It's still a very easy-to-use lmg and very versatile at the same time, but it's definitely not my clear number one winner for the lmg category. Let's say this is nice.

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The Eradicator ended up getting a close range damage buff, so if you are using something like an iron sight more aggressive build, that'll be more effective, but that's not like its primary use, so kind of a strange update there. Hey, everyone briefly wanted to shout out my friends over at gamer advantage.

warzone 3 meta after update

Of course, Gamer Advantage is no stranger here on the channel. I sleep better because my eye strain is not as bad when I'm wearing them, and honestly, even on days where I'm not just gaming, I'm editing and I'm doing other side work. When I'm looking at screens for long periods of time, these are by far the most important parts of my day-to-day setup, so if you are looking at screens all day long, you're doing work, you're doing school, and you're gaming.

Do yourself a favor and pick up a pair of Gamer Advantage glasses. Now, the evolver ended up getting a Sprint of Fire and an ad speed Nerf, which is not a huge deal on an LMG that you're not building to be crazy aggressive, so you just play it for mid- to long-range. You're not going to really notice that all that much.

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Now I'm a little surprised. By this, but the wrap ended up getting buffed, and we just talked about the wp a couple of days ago because it's actually one of the new fastest ttk lmgs in the game. And they made that ttk even faster by buffing the neck, torso, arm, and hand multipliers. So yeah, this is now a top-tier LMG option for sure; don't sleep on the wrap.

warzone 3 meta loadout

Now the HDR is another one where, as I'm recording this, the changes don't seem to be fully live according to true game data but are supposed to be seeing a max damage buff arm, hand, and leg multiplier. Buffs as well across the board with that it's still going to be a decent lmg, competitive but nothing in terms of you know being able to fully compete with some of these top tier options, and then the Ral for whatever reason they're like nah the slow lmg, it's too fast we got to Nerf this Sprint of Fire and ads Nerfs to the r as well not going to be super noticeable but kind of weird that they're slowing it down even more now previously The Tempest torrent probably could have been more in the competitive, maybe even close to the top tier category with its pretty crazy ttk.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

But they did drastically Nerf its close damage or its Max damage here so it's not going to be nearly as viable anymore which is a bit of a bummer also pretty limited on ammo now for whatever reason they did actually end up nerfing the stalker's ads speed which really gives more power to the Moors but it's still a One-Shot sniper within its aggressive damage range and its effective damage range which can be anywhere from like 50 to 80 M, which is still very good so it's staying in absolute meta now the KV inhibitor they also nerfed the ads speed I'm not sure why but they did it's not going to be a huge drastic difference in that though then this one I really don't get they're kind of just bullying the SPX at this point not many people are using this and they've nerfed the Sprint of fire and the ads.

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