News - Warzone: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

With this update and what changed with it, they're kind of surprised they hit this one now. The Sidewinder actually got another recoil buff. I'm not sure it needed it, but they did it. It's still just competitive because it's so unforgiving with its fire rate, but it is, in the right hands, a very good batt rifle.

We covered it recently, and it's nice to see the glow that this thing's seen. It went from being the worst gun in the game objectively to actually being pretty usable now, and it's nice that it's getting even better now. The amr9 is not super relevant to the base weapon here in our base ranking, but the jacket and double barrel kit are now even easier to use because they made the recoil straight vertical, so if you're a fan of that hybrid build, you could use that, but just the base amr9.

warzone 3 best loadout

Still an absolute beast. Now this is another one that I'm quite surprised by, the Ram 9, which has been definitively a top three SMG, maybe top two SMG. Since the launch of season 2, actually got better because they buffed various different barrels the short barrel the imperative barrel and the suppressor barrel, all got Buffs so if you're running a barrel on these the gun's going to perform even better and you don't even need a barrel on it because it's already super good as is so the ram is absolutely staying in the top tier absolute meta area and right now it's a top three SMG in my opinion easily now the WASP 9 got some nice hipfire and Tack stance Buffs not super crazy though so it's just going to be staying in top tier there they also fixed the P90 or the pdsw, 528s iron sights so they're going to be easier to use now it doesn't change the damage though that's still pretty underwhelming now the Lockwood 680 got a very strange.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Update because they made it so that all barrels, regardless of what one you're using, shoot six pellets, so essentially, this is going to hurt something like the long barrel or the heavy barrel, whatever it's called, but help some of the shorter barrels, so it's kind of a pro and kind of a con. Go i'm sure it's probably going to do some in-depth stuff here with all the different barrels and whatnot, but it's not really a buff or a Nerf; it's just changing its behavior.

Still, though, in War Zone right now, there's not really a super great shotgun meta to begin with. Now, this is what I've been anxiously awaiting: the Bruin, which was already one of my favorite guns in the game because it was a beast, just got better; it buffed the lower torso damage and a bunch of the mobility stats we're talking about.

warzone 3 meta

General Mobility It's all better now. This is a serious contender for the long-range metag gun in the game right now. I mean, this thing is nice, pretty easy to use, and does good damage per mag. It's got it all going right now, and the buff to this I did not expect to happen. But I'm glad it did because it's one of my guns, as mentioned, so now I get to use something I already really enjoy, and it's going to be even better now.

This is a ton of a strange one, and frankly, I got to drop this one down. This is probably overdue with the peum yacht; it's really just not it anymore. The conversion kit's not that great, and the base peum yacht is not that great; they also increase the idle sway, so yeah, just the peum yacht is not really it anymore; it's not really in the conversation.

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It's decent enough, but not something I'd be using a ton of now. A couple of the snipers actually got changed, as well as the stalker and the cat, who were already the absolute meta snipers easily. Both have faster ad speeds now, so that's nice. It doesn't really change the damage or anything else outside of that, but they just got even more aggressive, so you love to see that on the flip side, through the SPX 80, they actually nerfed its ad speed.

warzone 3 meta after update

So I'm not sure who's using this because it's not good anyway, but if you were, it's now even worse, so, like, that's just kind of rude at that point, right? Then, lastly, here we have a couple of different pistol adjustments. The Renetti conversion kit ended up getting a damage buff, so that's nice.

It'll be a little bit more powerful, but it's still really slow for a pistol, and quite frankly, it's so easy to eat a basic secondary that pistols aren't all that great to begin with, but the Renetti conversion is a little bit better. The core 45 conversion kit, which does have a crazy ttk, actually got a buff to its velocity, which is not super impactful in the situations you're going to use it in.

warzone 3 meta loadout

Also, the tier got a near-to-mid-range buff, which is something, but it's also still just super weak after they nerfed the snake shots and whatnot, so it's going to stay in Niche regardless forever, but interesting change there. I don't think any of those pistol updates really do that much; they don't really move the needle per se, but this is a meta update that does balance things out a little bit more, although I will say I'm kind of surprised that we didn't see any adjustments to the AMR 99's ttk that is Best in Class, the HMR 9 just being a Do-it all SMG, and the same deal with the ram 9 there, and then again not really seeing many MW2.

Guns buffed up all that much, which is a little bit disappointing in my opinion, but regardless. We still have, for the most part, a very competitive meta-postseason 2 reloaded.

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