News - Warzone: The Major Season 2 Weapons Update. Meta Update

As we get into this portion of the conversation, ultimately some of the other weapon changes you can expect. A quick reminder: every single day, I'm your one-stop shop for all things going on in COD news updates and meta breakdowns. It is always seriously appreciated. But talking about some of these aftermarket parts here, like I said, we've got some fun ones, so initially we've got the Jack Burnout, which is going to be available in the battle pass.

It's for the Hoger 26, and it gives it a select fire mode called Jack Burnout that dramatically increases the rate of fire, but it can actually overheat and expand the barrel, which introduces spread, which means it's not going to be accurate and probably not a super great option. It's not going to be really viable in the actual meta; we've also got the Jack Tyrant 762 kit on the Longbow.

warzone 3

This caliber conversion kit swaps out the receiver to end magazine to accommodate a 762 BLK ammo type for harder-hitting subsonic weapons, so just changing up how the Longbow actually plays in gunfights, we've got the Jack Buzzsaw Kit for the Hoger 556, a conversion kit focused on making the Hoger 556 more maneuverable.

The stock is completely removed for faster, more agile tactics, so just making it super fast, the Jack limb Ripper under barrel attachment for several weapons is unrivaled in creating Close Quarters Carnage; it's an underbarrel, chainsaw. It's going to be absolutely hilarious to hear and see this thing running around the map, and it says you're going to be able to use it on several different guns, so you have some options.

warzone 3 meta update

There we've got the Jack Mag Lift Kit on the Haym Maker. This weapon modification reinforces the Magwell bolt and trigger assembly to accommodate an extra-large drum mag, so you can just spray and pray for days with the Haym Maker. We've got the Outlaw 277. Kit on the Bass B. This turns it into a lever action rifle with a slower fire rate but vastly improving its accuracy, so it's kind of like a bass B Marksman style build going to be interesting, there and then.

Lastly, for the aftermarket parts, we've got the glassless optic, which is available on several weapons. It's a glassless reflex optic offering crisp and clear sites for snappy Target acquisition, so lots of different aftermarket parts debut throughout the season.

New warzone season 2 weapon & meta changes previewed

New warzone season 2 weapon & meta changes previewed

As far as the remainder of the weapon updates and meta updates go, a lot of this is just a bit of a preview. Here is some speculation based on how certain things are playing out in the game.

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Usually, I'm pretty spot-on with this stuff. but also, we do have a confirmation that the longbo, in particular, is going to see an update they are finally adding in the Iron Sites for this Sledgehammer. I did confirm this over on their Reddit account, so that's an attachment that will be usable in season 2, so if you're interested in Longbow sniping with the iron sights that'll finally become available personally.

warzone 3 new meta update

I think that's going to be a lot of fun for those who like the quick scoping style of play. As far as other things to keep an eye on, though, in terms of meta updates, I think we've got some pretty obvious ones upcoming. The bass B, as I talked about earlier, is extremely versatile and has kind of been dominating the battle rifle category since launch; it's even seen a couple of Nerfs, and it's still a top-tier option for close-range sniper support, and for long-range, you throw in the Jack BFB.

It's a laser beam, and very few things outgun it, so that's what I feel like could be on the chopping block for a Nerf. I also got my eye on the Marksman rifle category in general, things like the KBD enforcer, the MCW 6.8, even the interceptors, and some more; they're all still up there in terms of the best ttks, overrange in the game, and still kind of crutches for a lot of play styles for the mid to long range just because they're so dominant.

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Yes, they are limited on ammo, and they are semi-automatic, so they have a higher skill. Gap, but so many people are using these still; they're kind of spammed and make for a very one-dimensional. I guess long-range meta there, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Marksman category in general also saw some Nerfs with these next changes.

warzone 3 new weapons

Well, all this is just based on sort of my opinion on how I view the meta right now and likely how they base their changes. You know, based on the information that we know right now, I can almost guarantee we'll see these updates in season 2, Shotgun Nerfs. We've seen several different shotguns vaulted or attachments vaulted for shotties.

Other Nerfs went into place recently, but currently, in the Haymaker with Dragon's Breath and the Riveter with Dragon's Breath, there are some broken and busted shotgun setups that are spamming the close range. I know a lot of different regions across the world have almost no problems with shotguns.

It might not be a thing for all the NA lobbies or the UK lobbies, but I know some South American lobbies have crazy issues with this. There's a lot of different communities that are just breaking the shotgun meta right now. It's super obnoxious, and it's kind of bled into the general, you know. Global Meta 2, so shotguns, I'm fully expecting some pretty severe Nerfs on these moving forward.

warzone 3 season 2

And then something that we've repeatedly brought up in terms of all future meta updates: the developers fulfilling their promises of one healthy sniper meta, which would indicate more than one capable one-hot sniper outside of the cat. You know, having the other bolt-action snipers be able to on-shot without using the stupid explosive ammo that ruins them and makes them useless to begin with, it's not worth running those.

There is no healthy sniper. Meta Even though they claimed they wanted that, it's quite possible we finally see some sniper updates and then also Modern Warfare 2 weapons. They talked more about bringing these more in line with MW3 guns, making the visual recoil on them better and less idle. Sway and RNG there to make them a little bit more stable and consistent low recoil with MW3 guns in general, then just the damage values on them too, bringing those in line with the MW3.

warzone 3 season 2 weapons

Options so that we have multi-game metas available and in play so that we can have those between the close range and the long range, so overall, the season 2 update is going to be very significant, weapon update in general, across the new additions, the weapon changes, and the meta balancing stuff.

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