News - Warzone: Surprise Meta Update Patch Notes. Broken Ttk Taq Evolvere Nerfed. Warzone Meta

New surprise weapon update patch notes in warzone & modern warfare 3

New surprise weapon update patch notes in warzone & modern warfare 3

We actually got a surprise new update now live in War Zone in Modern Warfare 3 that includes some pretty significant weapon changes. I got to say I apologize for the extra effort. Zach Cod loves dropping patch notes when I'm in the middle of working out. It was leg day today, so I'm kind of dying here, but regardless, we do have some new updates to go through and breakdown.


General update patch notes & changes for warzone & mw3

But initially, an update for the Modern Warfare 3 gun game has been temporarily removed from the quickplay filter while we investigate an issue causing players to spawn without a weapon. So, you know, there's just a slight problem if you go to load a gun game and everyone else has a gun and you don't, so if you're looking to play a gun game right now, you cannot do that through the quickplay filter whatsoever.

meta update

It will be back, obviously, once they resolve that issue. Earlier on today, there were a lot of server issues going on, unfortunately, so for Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone, they did post like a little bit of a notice, saying. Hey, we're investigating an issue causing some players to encounter a server queue upon launching the game, and you'd have to wait for that to go through or relaunch and hope you could get in, but they have gone through and they have updated that, so this patch is now out for MW 3 in War Zone.

Impacted players are now able to log back into the game. We appreciate your patience as our team works to resolve this disruption, so if you've had server issues earlier and you're like, okay, you know what's not playing today, I'm good. If you want to jump back on, you shouldn't run into that server issue anymore.

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Raven also posted a community poll today in regards to the zombie powerups he's been live on Fortune's Keep things like zaror, which increase your movement speed, and whatnot. You've got the glasses, and they give you, like, x-ray vision, and you can see player highlights. There's a fire sale. All sorts of stuff like that.

modern warfare 3

They said it was time for a war zone. Community poll zombie powerups have been in Fortune's Keep over the past 2 weeks, which got us thinking: How would you like to see them in Zik Stand as well for the next two weeks? I voted for the chaos because I knew it wasn't going to win, but you could have the option to bring them to Ekhan or vote for them to stay in Fortune's Keep.

There's two days left on this poll as of the time that this article is going up. I think it's safe to say that they're not going to be coming to Ekhan based on the results so far. Like I said. I figured fortunes keep and having them stay there was going to be the favorable choice, so I wanted to see what my percentage was like, and well, it's 30 to 70, so definitely not something that's going to swing a ton.

I would imagine over the coming days, considering there's already There are over 11, 000 votes, but if you want to voice your input here, it's on Raven's Twitter software, and then lastly, for the Twitter patch notes, before we head over to the actual patch notes page, they say we've amended the season 2 initial patch notes to reflect an improvement made to the Medbox fuel upgrade that increases viability.

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Upon use, the reduced healing delay effect will now persist until death, which makes the Medbox really solid. You know Field Upgrade Choice is moving forward, so if you're interested in testing that out, it's better than ever right now.

New modern warfare 3 multiplayer update patch notes

New modern warfare 3 multiplayer update patch notes

But then we get our actual patch notes page, and this is on the Modern Warfare 3 and zombies side of things. We also have specific war zone updates to go through as well.

Initially, here they say that for Friday, February 16th, progression, the crypted boot camp event, they enabled the DM 56 and MCW. 6.8 conversion kits to progress the prophetic squish challenge, which requires you to like use a marksman rifle and a target finder, and I think stalker boots, and get kills with those equipped in order to get that challenge, so now if you're trying to track that, you can use the tier Beholder kit, and you can use the Jack signal burst kit on the DM 56.

modern warfare 3 meta update

Or the full auto conversion kit on the MCW, 6.8 There were a lot of tracking issues going on with that players were trying all sorts of different conversions and it just wasn't working, so they've enabled all three of those to work track now, so if you're going for those crypted boot camp rewards, that specific challenge should now function as intended and should be way easier to actually progress.

We also have some weapon updates on the multiplayer side of things, specifically here regarding the TAC evolver. No real surprise here, but at 762 ammo, they resolved an issue causing recoil not to function as intended, so obviously they nerfed the RPM on the 762 ammo and basically made it so that the tack evolver had no recoil.

However, it was absolutely nuts. There is now recoil there instead. It's still not crazy crazy, like it's still a really good build, but it's not going to be like zero recoil, like it was before. Also, on the 5.56, they decrease the ad's sight movement speed benefit, so you're not going to have as crazy of a strafe speed.

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They increase the vertical recoil control by 40%. They decrease the maximum damage by four. They also decrease the neck, upper torso, and upper arm multipliers, so it's going to do less damage there in the close range than to the multipliers in general, so that is a slight Nerf and a bit of a rework on the 5.56, ammo.

Warzone new meta update patch notes

Warzone new meta update patch notes

I still think it's a great choice, but for multiplayer specifically, this is just like I said, more of a rework than anything else , and then on the war zone side of things, we got much more specific patch notes for these weapons, or for this weapon, the tack evolver again was the main focus here, so for four weapon adjustments on the 762, ammo, here the max damage was reduced by five.

So that's the close-range damage. It's not going to be crazy good if you're pre-aimed at like 10 m now, but it's going to be doing a decent bit less damage. The maximum damage range was also reduced by about 4 M. That's something i mean, you can still use attachments to extend that range back out, but it's 4 M less on that really quick ttk area, and keep in mind that this is the 762 AMMO.

modern warfare 3 patch notes

It was also really good in the mid-range, and the close-range, near-to-mid-range damage range was also reduced by about 4 meters, so again, just limiting the severity of that super fast ttk. The neck damage modifier or multiplier was reduced a little bit, so those neck shots won't do as much damage.

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