News - Warzone: Major Meta Overhaul Update Details. Huge Weapon Updates Will Change Everything

Modern warfare 2 weapons in warzone need a major overhaul

Modern warfare 2 weapons in warzone need a major overhaul

ladies and gentlemen. Within the war zone right now, obviously, we have a huge selection in terms of weapons we want to drop in with because of all the content from MW2 and MW3 available. We've got over 100 different weapons between primaries and secondaries; you throw in launchers, melees, and whatnot.

In there, you've got a ton of options depending on your play style.

Good news, big warzone meta updates are coming

Between all games.

Modern warfare 2 weapon behavior changes coming to warzone

Modern warfare 2 weapon behavior changes coming to warzone

This is the best place to stay up to date with quite literally everything going on in COD, but yeah, the confirmations of this sort of overhaul update, if you want to refer to it as that for MW2 guns, directly stem from the early meeting and briefing that I had for season 1 with the developers a few weeks ago, and within this, it was brought up that we are looking to adjust MW2 weapons to bring them more in line with MW3.

And thanks to the detailed stats and just the ability to sort of side by side compare and whatnot, we know a lot of likely what they're going to attack when it comes to updating the MW2 gun, so by far the most obvious distinction between the weapons of MW2 and the weapons of MW3 is their behavior, and this is something that the developers actually brought up directly, saying.

modern warfare 3

You know, we know that MW3 guns are a little bit more low-recoil and easier to use, and MW2 guns are a little bit more obnoxious and loud if you want to describe them as that, and that largely stems from their visual recoil. This is the first thing you'd probably notice if you went from using something like an MCW or a hoger to one of these basic MW3 guns.

It's very much point-and-shoot. easy to use; anyone can pick the thing up and fry with it, versus even some of the easier guns in MW2. Like, you know, maybe an RPK. Or a Razer back or an M4 when you side by side similar scopes and whatnot, there are just obvious differences. It is so much easier to go and shoot in full auto, just spray and prey, with an MW3 gun versus an MW2 gun.

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You were going to land so many more shots using an MW3. Guns just because of how they behave when it comes to visual recoil alone, but that's just one part of what makes the MW2 guns feel so different, and while it is a big part, it's far from the only factor. MW2 guns and their actual recoil patterns are still going to be a little bit more random and sporadic because of the weapon swaying that they have.

Now there are certain attachments that you can use between MW2 attachments and MW3 attachments that'll help out with this, but still, even though they did update certain damage values and range values and some behavioral aspects of MW W2 guns when they did the initial MW3 integration.

Mw2 attachments vs mw3 attachments in warzone

Mw2 attachments vs mw3 attachments in warzone

That said, even outside of behaviors, there's a few changes that MW3. Guns have undergone the whole integration and obviously the game launch, which also put them decently ahead of MW2. Guns and their attachments have a lot to do with this as well. Obviously, we've got a billion attachments now, to the point where it's honestly a bit overwhelming between all the MW2, attachments, and all the MW3 attachments.

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If you're scrolling through and you accidentally hit the end, you got to wait like 5 seconds for it to scroll all the way back to the beginning, and then you got to go all the way back to the end again if you were looking for one specific one, but a lot of the MW3. Attachments are a little bit more forgiving. I guess could say you look at the pro and con detailed stat list of some of the MW2 attachments versus some MW3 ones and it does seem like MW3 ones are a little bit more built towards just improving your weapon overall and not giving you some really good Pro for you know a really harsh trade off or a really harsh con there so I would like to see some you know attachment updates as well just to balance things out unless they're just trying to emphasize using MW3, attachments on MW2 guns which really would not surprise me they're trying to make you go through and level up the MW3 guns by the premium game to make that a little bit easier and whatnot that could be more you know sales oriented than we might initially think There's also some pretty heavy distinctions; in certain weapon categories, it is nice that even already.

Warzone weapon category balance between mw2 & mw3

Warzone weapon category balance between mw2 & mw3

Before we see all these overhaul updates to the Modern Warfare 2 guns, certain categories are already pretty competitive within the games themselves. You know, when you look at rifles, there are a lot of solid MW2 options. You have things like the Chimera Advancer that are pretty good. The M13 B is pretty solid for long range, and you mix that in with some of the better MW3 rifles like the Ram, the Hoger, and so on and so forth.

SMGs, also very competitive, know competitive as well the ISOs are pretty solid. We have some other decent choices in there to mix in with MW3 guns. A pretty balanced category for the most part, snipers are at a pretty distinct disadvantage since obviously no MW2 sniper can one shot without the use of explosive rounds.

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Granted, it's just the cat that can do it for MW3, but still, that is such a huge advantage to be able to use a gun that's got, you know, 1,300. Velocity, let's say, as opposed to under a thousand for sniping, that's just not doable, and it makes it so that you really don't have a huge reason to use an MW2 sniper over the cat or even some of the other MW3 options in certain scenarios.

They did obviously really make it seem like there was going to be a healthier sniper meta, and just being the cat right now means that MW2 snipers are pretty irrelevant. Then, as I've just gone through and been doing a lot of you know stat testing and you know data checking within true game data and whatnot, the lmg category in particular is hilariously lopsided.

There are no MW2 lmgs that are worth using over any MW3 lmg. They're just so much better, so while we do have the mix-and-match scenarios for other categories where you could use an MW2 rifle and do well or an MW2 SMG and do well if you use an MW2 LMG, you're just straight up going to get fried regardless just because they're so unbalanced and so weak, so certain categories definitely need a little bit more attention in terms of their overall competitiveness.

The future seasonal meta updates are a big step in the right direction

The future seasonal meta updates are a big step in the right direction

On top of the fact that yes, these MW2 guns need their recoil adjusted, the weapon sway adjusted, and the visual noise adjusted to get more in line with those MW3 guns, but at the end of the day, it's great news because the developers are already, you know, prioritizing; they've already stated that they're going to be changed over time, so we're going to have a much more balanced meta across all the game, so good news is on the horizon.

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