News - Warzone Perma-ban Reversed By Hackers

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Today's article is a very serious one. If what I'm about to show you is 100% legit then cheaters, are going to be running rampants for eternity at least in war zone and War Zone 2 and possibly War Zone 3 and the reason I say that is because apparently there is a program that allows a cheater who's been permanently banned to remove that payma ban from their account so let's crack on with the article so this article that's gone up on YouTube actually shows a guy logging into a battle net account right that battle net account has a payment and ban it's going to show now it's going to go through security check and what whatever, , else, now obviously he's have to go through the security check here and what he does then he inserts the code that sent to him obviously this is a email address he's showing by the way I just want to point out he's showing all the information that he's using for this battle net that he has access to it so he's got access to the email address and everything like that.

Banned, so on the Battle Log account, battlenet. Okay, you can see him talking about this or pointing at this program at the top that's called unbanned. Now, that's apparently the program that he's using to get this account. Pay to have my ban removed now. This is definitely something that I would say to avoid using right or AOID going there so we can see.

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Now that this is coming up, I'm going to look at the information that comes up on this. Okay, it's zooming in and so on, right? What's it saying? Okay, so this is all the information that's being provided by it, so apparently this program is called unbanned; it shows the servers; it shows that it's connecting successfully overriding security policy RE authenticating; 2FA code right; and then run an exploit database admin access granted; enter Activision.

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ID So this is basically saying that he's been able to get access to the database on the admin side, which would be the Activision side of things, and then it's telling him which Activision ID to put in, so like I've said, everything that he's doing so far in this article looks like it hasn't been edited or altered in any way, which makes me believe that it is or could be legit.

I hope it's not, and if it is. I do hope Activision is aware of this and sorting something out to actually make this stop, but I'm going to show you now exactly what happens after he enters his Activision ID. Bear in mind that this guy shows in the next stage that the account is banned and he shows that it's not under review that it's literally being paidma band, and then he copies and pastes that into this program, and what happens after that is crazy now obviously for certain reasons.

I am cutting certain parts of this house, and he's bled a lot of information out here himself, which obviously is personal data, but he's showing here, and this is something I want you to pay attention to: the tabs at the top right, all the tabs at the top of his screen are all the same right, so there's no cut or anything.

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He has a little bit of an issue here again, which shows that he's gone back to emails and such to copy the email address that he has for the account, pastes that in there, types the password in again, and remembers the tabs that were at the top of the screen. This is all that makes me believe that it is legit.

You have entered an invalid email or password again. Showing, password reset, so he's done a password reset at this point. If you have a valid account, password recovery instructions have been sent to the registered email address, and so on. So there you have it. He's been able to do this time around.

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Change the password. We'll skip through those signs. In, now he's got to set up 2 fa right, so this stage is a little bit long-winded, but the whole process of him doing all of this remembering the tabs that he had opened earlier shows me. There we go. I think the tabs will show up now at the top.

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Right, so we still have the same inbox open and stuff like that at the top of the same tabs. This shows his account. Is the Hammer Band right? Your ban appeal has been reviewed, and his final games are War Zone and Modern Warfare 2. So what we know at this point is that he's basically shown us everything after resetting the password on the account signing in showing us that it's pay a band going on to the actual Activision website where you can appeal a ban although you can't actually appeal it, but that website there shows us the email address that's connected to it as well as the Activision ID and shows us that it's not eligible for appeal and that his fan has been basically finalized, for War Zone and Modern Warfare 2, but what happens next if real is definitely going to be a problem now again.

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Paying attention to the tabs at the top is a big part of this for me because I want you guys to realize that this is all through the same tabs at the top in the same browser. There's no cut-off edit at this point; at least that's what I believe. Okay, so he shows here that it's a band's under review, and so it has been reviewed and is final.

He then shows the Activision ID again, and he's able to actually bypass Yeah, again, so he's zooming in on the Activision ID here, so what he's going to essentially do is copy and paste that Activision ID into this program here, and what happens when he does that is just absolutely shocking copies.

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Right then, what does he do? He heads over and enters it in there, probably pressing enter database query. Please wait before sending the database as an edit, request, or edit. Accepted, it says account meigle whatever ban will clear within 42 hours, removing traces. Closing connection, The Unban process is complete, so surely that's got to be fake.

There's no way somebody's been able to create a program that can literally remove PayPal bans from your account. There's no way, but they actually come to think about it. Well, that's pretty much it for Call of Duty, isn't it? But let's see what happens after he's done all of this on the program.

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So starting this back off from the exact point we left at earlier, right, we can see all of the information is still up on the program he's got running. We can see at the bottom left corner of the battl net window that the account is still banned. He logs out of this BattleNet account. Right, and I'm thinking now, What the hell is he going to do?

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