News - Alien Death Ray Gun "haunting Event" Iw Zombies Warzone 2i

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This little beauty right here is called the alien death ray gun, and you can get it from Modern Warfare 2 by playing; you don't even have to play the actual haunting event. You can just play Modern Warfare 2 and collect souls if you play multiplayer, which is what I did. You can just play multiplayer, and occasionally, when you kill somebody, they will drop a couple of souls, so you run across them and pick them up.

I think you're limited to about 10 or 12 per match that you're allowed to get, but you can go ahead and pick this thing up; it looks great, and it's from, well, kind of, IW. Let's have a look at that real quick. So this is spawning right into zombies in space, and this is the very first barrier in the first room, and there he is.

That's the guy that's on the gun that you can see, and we're going to go check out the actual ray guns. You'll see why this is called the alien death ray. Here we are in the arcade on IW zombies in spaceland; that's the first map from that game, and you can see the same guy here; he's holding the Discord wonder weapon.

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In this map, you have four Wonder Weapons; they are all variations of ray guns. This one happens to be called Discord. When you head over to the space area, we have the face melter again. The guy is the same, but the gun is a little bit different. They are all variations of ray guns again; it's the death ray gun.


In the underground portion of the map, we have the shredder, and the final one is at Polar Peak, and it is called the head cutter. Now, the really peculiar thing about this is that I just showed you guys a article. If you've been subscribed and you pay attention to the short articles that I put out, there is a spot on favella where you can find the movie poster, from Sh and Shuffle and glitching.

Queen did a article where you can see these robots right here and a bunch of other things from IW zombies that were thrown into the multiplayer maps over on Modern Warfare 3, so my question to you is, does this mean anything? Are we going to get some kind of IW zombie integration into DMZ zombies that we're getting with Modern Warfare 3, and in the Haunting event on DMZ right now, there's a UFO that you shoot down as one of the bosses that's the exact same UFO as zombies in space?

bo3 zombies

So you guys, just tell me, does this mean anything, or is it just reused assets? I partially think it might just be reused assets, to be honest with you, but I'm not entirely sure anyway. Anyway, back to the actual death ray gun. Again, this gun costs 150 souls. You can do it in War Zone; you can do it in DMZ; you can do it in multiplayer.

It doesn't matter. You get 150 souls, then scroll over to the haunting event, and then you're going to scroll down. And then back over to the actual gun; you can see it right here. 150 souls is the second most expensive thing; the other most expensive is 200 points, or rather, 200 souls, but here you get a nice, good closeup of it, and it really is a good-looking man.

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And I took this thing to the firing range, and it was two bullets on the closest dummy and the middle dummy. And the furthest dummy, so a two-bullet kill with this gun isn't bad, and the recoil It's some visual recoil; it bounces a bit, but it goes back to center very nicely, and again, two bullets to take anything out.


Now you guys know that if you've been following me for any length of time, you guys know how much I love IW zombies, so this is literally the first thing that I claimed off of that board that you can get, you know, for getting new items for the Haunting event. I honestly haven't even bothered to play Modern Warfare 2 in a while.

I'm not the biggest fan, but I did enjoy for the most part MW3, beta. Well, we don't need to get into all that stuff that's just for each other. Separate article Maybe you've seen all the reviews. You probably played it, and you know whether you liked it or not. Anyway, I think this gun is super cool.

I will be using it once it comes time for Modern Warfare 3. I don't know if I'll do anything else with the haunting event. I really wanted to get this, and now I have it, and I absolutely love it.

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