News - Defeat The Pharaoh As A Solo Dmz Warzone

Beat the pharaoh solo!

Beat the pharaoh solo!

Hello folks, if you're here because you want to defeat the Pharaoh as part of War Zone's haunting event, particularly as a solo, then you've come to the right place. Whether you've not yet attempted it or the Crusty Ketin keeps defeating you with his gnarly morning breath. I've got a five-step guide filled with great pointers that will help you send him back to the lobby and put you on track for getting that shiny weapon blueprint.

Step 1: which game mode?

Ooh , look at it, so step one is which game mode to choose. I'm recommending using Solo QDMZ for a few reasons. While you can join up with a random squad, the chances of them having mics speaking the same language and then agreeing to defeat the Pharaoh with you are slimmer than a Love Island contestant right before Beach season.


DM said it is far less sweaty than either the main BR or Resurgence. I completed this challenge a few times to make the article encounter plenty of players more B than actual bots, and finally, you will potentially have the option to team up with other players in a mission, but we'll cover that later.

Step 2: which loadout?

But now you're ready for Step two: loadout selection, in terms of your operator The king skin for Captain Price from the series 5 battle pass comes with a self-revive straight out of the box, which will be very handy. The other pay-to-win DMZ operator Skins are available for the custom weapon selection.

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Choose either a rangy SMG such as the basp or fastf or a high-mobility AR like the ak74u. Imagine you're equipping yourself to fight an army of AI at close to medium range, like in a stronghold with weapon handling mobility. A decent maximum size and fast reload speed are the priorities here. Don't arm yourself with Deadshot's 50-cal Barett sniper rifle to mer someone from the other side of a room.

Pick the right tool for the job. If you're a less confident player, consider adding hollow point rounds to the slow pharoh sprint. However, if you failed your first attempt or can't be bothered with this step, a customized loadout isn't essential, but a mission is still achievable just with ground loot weapons and any old operator skin.

Step 3: gear up!

Step 3: gear up!

Moving on to step three, let's make a quick game plan for getting some essential gear while on route to the tomb.

Check the map for the PS location in the northwest of Al Mazra relative to your random spawn location. Plan the loot route via a station to pick up some fighting essentials; there's no need to go crazy like some sort of Doomsday hoarder prepping for a zombie apocalypse. Okay bad anology in this context but just don't worry about spending 20 minutes looting just get the essentials and let's get on with it in terms of a loot tier list essential items that I'd suggest you shouldn't start the mission without or a two- plate vest to reduce the chances of getting downed by the AI and a self Revival or two for the occasion you do get downed, desirable items which might make your life easier or a medium backpack for easier inventory management in the Tomb an additional plates but note that the AI will drop plates in there luxury items which will be good if you get hold of but do not make special effort to get include a large backpack and free plate vest so to cover some good loot locations, firstly the very common small Huts which contain medicine cabinets in which you'll often find self reses the hospitals they for a convenient one on the map you'll see there's a garage located west of Rohan oil the building immediately South is a hospital, and then any other opportunistic looting, such as safes, but watch out for the jump scare.

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Yes, they're still annoying the heck out of everyone, even more so than elusive.

Step 4: kill the pharaoh!

Step 4: kill the pharaoh!

Gro skin gracefully dancing between your bullets the bloody swine , step four the mission, one last check of the infantry and proceed to aasis for the mission should you choose to accept it on approach the pharoh will tell you to bring him skulls Hint: First off, you have a choice to make if human players are already present.

This may be indicated by abandoned vehicles on a mini map, the sound of gunfire screams, or the overly loud prox chat of a Slovakian named Ivan. You've got three options. Here is option A: squad up with them; option B: kill them and then either revive them or send them home crying to their mummies.

I hate myself. Option C: rat tactics, which I would maybe judge you for, but I'll never know, so you don't care. This involves hiding until the team is fighting the Pharaoh, then using death speed or sneak skill 100 to creep in amongst the confusion, attacking the Pharaoh with a couple of shots, and then running away while your minions do the heavy lifting for you.

better than meta

An assist here will count as a kill or, as assumed, a solo. Champion heads inside the tomb, and you will find his sarcophagus. On the sides, there are little shelves that contain either candles or red skulls. Simply fill all the candle slots with red schools to release the pharaoh. You get the red schools by killing the AI with the red glowing heads and then looting them off the floor.

Focus on these, and don't bother yourself too much with the yellow ones when the pharoh emerges. You have just one thing to remember: keep pure distance from him, as he is an instakill melee finishing move that has a pretty big lunch distance. One Elite tee maneuver I learned from my days of playing Laser Quest is what I call the shooting scoot at medium distance.

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Put a decent burst of your gun in his direction. Sprint away to open up the gap again and reload if needed, then rinse and repeat the process until he's defeated. He's a bit tanky, so we'll need a few mags, but it really is that simple sticking to more open spaces will make it easier to maintain that distance and avoid getting cornered. Once dead, he drops a St cash, some souls, and other minor goodies for looting before moving on to step five extraction.

Step 5: extract!

Step 5: extract!

Whether you're fighting your way out or leaving the game, it doesn't matter either way. Once you've killed the Pharaoh, the challenge is complete, and you're now free to go home for tee medals, so drop a like if this helps you defeat the Pharaoh, and I'll catch you back here soon,

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