News - The Meta's Changed. The New Top 10 Best Loadouts To Use After Update (warzone Season 1 Reloaded)

best weapons warzone 3

Season one were loaded in the following days. I shook up the War Zone meta a bit with a handful of solid adjustments to weaponry across the war zone, so today we're running down my top picks for the best weapons and loadouts you should be using in War Zone season 1 reloaded. No nonsense, just explanations of why you should be using them in the builds for them.

I find that, especially right now since they hit the Interceptor in the Swarm again, we actually have a pretty healthy meta at the moment, so drop your thoughts. Drop a like. And subscribe for more, as well as check out Gamer Advantage for 10% off your entire order with code Espresso. But more on that later. For now, let's jump into.

The best sva 545 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

The best sva 545 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

First i want to start out with one that has been a lot of fun to play around with since the update: the SVA, 545. Now this is a weapon that is interesting because you've seen probably discussions about the hyper burst where you can just burst fire and because of the way the SBA works the first couple of shots that initial burst is a faster fire rate than the rest of the magazine so you can air quote hyper burst it to maximize the ttk and the kill potential with it but it's not super practical for long range or for medium gunfights but it is something that if you like use it in the goog, it can help out quite a bit but while we'll touch on in a few seconds here in our second build it's not the best rifle in the game currently but it is a very close second for this I'd say this is almost the pickup and use rifle that is good and doesn't require you to be a pro and control to use but it's just a fun rifle for this I'd recommend the Coro Eagles ey 2.5x.

best weapons warzone season 1 reloaded

Optic the STV Precision Barrel, the new introduction of the Jack BFB muzzle, the Bruin heavy support grip, and the 60-round magazine. This makes it a very easy-to-control weapon over distance, and it's just an overall, I just think fun rifle to use.

The best ram-7 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

Next, the Ram 7 is the fastest rifle. Up to 33 M, you only need 682 milliseconds to kill.

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The difference between the SVA and the RAM though is the ease of use and ease of control, while the RAM does have a slightly tighter recoil pattern it's got a bit more visual balance compared to the sbaa so the ram was a great choice for Mouse and key players back in war zone 1 and while it's still great for that sort of input it's easier to control in that recoil, it's something that with this game it is easy to use on controller as well especially if you kit it properly for me I'd recommend the Cronin headwind barrel and the new Jack BFB again.

Honestly, I'd say this is a very solid choice for all weapons in the muzzle category. It just depends on whether you want to show up on that mini map on an advanced UAV ping for a second. If you can manage that. I think it's absolutely worth the upwards of 60% reduction in the gun kick, offering a ton more control, but then I'd recommend the brewing and heavy support under Barrel the 60-round mag and the HS, 3.4.

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Pad Stock. For this, you're really maxing out the recoil control, and it should make it much more sturdy and a stable build for that recoil control and managing it over a distance. Either way, it is definitely nice to have two solid options for rifles to choose from, and it's nice to have rifle meta contenders for the first time in a while given that since the launch, it's been dominated predominantly by battle rifles and lmgs.

Yeah, you did have the DG 56 for a little bit, but now you have a few more options.

The best hrm-9 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

The best hrm-9 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

Next in the Close Quarters Department, HRM 9 is one that is, I think, climbing the power rankings here with this knockdown of the Swarm. The SMG category is a bit open for interpretation, but I'd say that HRM 9 is absolutely up there as a one-or-two contender for that top spot. Now, the HRM 9 is one of those ones that, when you look at sheer ttk, the Swarm sure is still up there for a solid choice, but only outwards of 5 m, which doesn't really offer you a whole ton in regards to what you should be using it for or viable engagements.

If you're looking at anything else, it's statistically the slowest ttk outwards of 30 m, but the HRM 9 this new season 1 unloaded Weapon It's jumped right in there to take the responsibility of that new meta with a second-best dtk in the game outwards of 16 M, and becoming one of the best for a few meters past that 20 M range, it's a solid Close Quarters option.

For this. I'd recommend the long barrel, which by the way gives you the OG growl iron sights that people loved from War Zone 1, the Jack BFB muzzle, the 50 round drum mag, the tack Handler grip, and the no stock option. For this, you're trying to get as much snap but as much control as possible; you're kind of teetering that line between one or the other, and I also know that right now this may be a problematic Point as the magazine may not have unlocked for everyone just yet if you rank the weapon up after the fix went live for the HRM 9, you should have it, but if you did before, it is still something that they're rolling out that unlock for the magazines so it's possible you may not have that but when you do get it I'd recommend that build , next the amr9, is a very good but punishing build if you're not accurate it's very good if you can hit the upper 50% of body shots that's a must if you hit anything below the belt here with that the ttk drops off significantly from a very powerful, 645.

The best amr 9 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

The best amr 9 loadout after season 1 reloaded's update

Milliseconds, outwards of 22.9. M, so you want to make sure that you're accurate hitting those upper chest shots or head shots where possible but for this build I think there's two options one with and one without an optic without an optic obviously if you can get away with that you have a little bit more versatility and what you can use for ads or control whatever the case but I'd recommend the VP 27 miniak.

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The DR6 hand stops the 50-round magazine; you can go 100, but I think that's kind of overkill and slows your mobility a bit too much. The Phantom grip and then the D Mo D50 buffer stock, but if you want to put on an optic something that you don't like those iron sights personally, I don't either. But I was going back and forth between the two, and I'd recommend the Slate reflector and the VP 27 mini break the 50-round mag. The Phantom grip and the demo D50 buffer tube are really up to what you feel comfortable with.

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