News - Warzone Just Broke This Close Range Meta Loadout. Use This Before It's Fixed. Warzone Meta

warzone 3 best loadout

That's right this is a Kimbo we there's no there it doesn't do anything we there's no point in using an optic you could throw one on there for fun and you know it is what it is but there's no actual point in running that you could use a laser and I probably would recommend using a laser but what you want to do here is very different from other shotguns, the spread on this thing is so tight and the spread is so important that sometimes it's better to have a larger spread here to make sure you're hitting more of the Torso upper torso and head than one singular area cuz that could be a big difference of whether or not you're getting a potential one shot or a potential, you know two or three shot or I say one shot you're firing both weapons at the same time but there's a couple lasers you might want to focus on here as far as hip fire spread goes if you want the tightest spread so you're going to be the most accurate, then The Verdant hook would be the go-to option here it's also going to help out that Sprint fire even more get it down get it down to 31.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Milliseconds, which is absolutely insane that's a crazy fast Sprint to fire but with this if you're using this you specifically, basically want to be going for as many head shot as you can because with the way the spread works on here if you're hitting purely head shot you can actually get that one shot knock or one click of both guns out to like 8 m as goom mentioned which is what would make this the most dominant close- range gun, but you have to be hitting, head shot If you start to mix in the body shots there, that's where it goes away from that, and it's going to be, you know, the second firing of both weapons there, so that's really important.

It's quite literally a hit or miss if you're going for the one shot you get all head shot; you're good that player is going to be raging. You don't hit. You know, all head shots. If you hit something on the Torso, something on the limbs there, then it's not going to be that, so if you want that super accurate spread, the verdant hook would be an option.

warzone 3 broken loadout

Ammo, here, none of this is going to be worthwhile. Here, the slugs are going to obviously change your damage a lot, but you're only getting one shot, and it's hip fire. It's not going to be accurate enough if you miss your dunzo. It's not worth using the incendiary to knock down the damage, and the range is way too much.

The gauge ball is just not going to be good, though it does look good here. Statistically, it is going to end up changing the damage profile some, even though it doesn't reflect there in the actual advanced stats, so you don't want to be using any ammo. Your last option here would be using a muzzle, and there certainly are some options here in terms of general chokes and whatnot.

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You could use something like a Bryson choke whenever you go through the 19 different options here to again help out with that overall spread to make it more accurate if you're straight up just trying to get the one-shot knocks. Then yes, you might want to use that choke to fully improve that accuracy.

warzone 3 broken meta

Something like Bryon improved would also maybe extend that range out some, but for the purely one-shot, head-shot-broken element of this, you'd probably want to be going for one of these two options here, and then that's your total setup right now. If you want to play more consistently, battle here, meaning you're not going to have the super tight spread, but it's going to be easier to probably shoot each gun twice and get that full knock rather than gamble on the one-shot head shot.

Quite frankly, you'd just want to use something like a laser. I think the Scarlet Cylinder is also decent because of the insane stats that it brings with the hipfire minimum, and I think Goom also talked about this one a little bit before too, so certainly an option there, but it also hurts your accuracy when you're moving some, so this is a very strange weapon where, quite frankly, you could run, simply this with only.

warzone 3 broken shotgun

The warden's conversion kit is on here, and it would work, and it would be a very dominant close-range option having ttk's. Similar to that of a lot of the meta SMGs, you could throw on just one laser if you wanted to, or you could do the mix and match with one laser and one muzzle, but that's really all the setup ends up being, which is pretty crazy, and like I said, really the most unique weapon, a true meta weapon and meta competitor that's using.

Sometimes one attachment, sometimes three attachments, and that's what it's limited to, so very bizarre but also performing better than it should be right now, so if you're looking to sort of use and abuse the shotguns, they really don't stand much chance in the meta, and they're never really around for too long.

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Be sure to jump in the game and try this out while it lasts, but that being said, it's going to wrap things up for this article. If you enjoyed it, do me a favor.

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