News - Warzone Is Finally Doing What We All Asked For Modern Warfare 3

cod modern warfare 2

In what honestly we could probably call the apology tour year, we've already been seeing so many things change that were introduced in Modern Warfare 2. We've seen so many things reversed this past year with Modern Warfare 3, but it does get better because we've recently touched on all the changes for Modern Warfare 3's year and what it will do for the war zone.

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Modern warfare 3 is changing quite a bit of warzone.

Modern warfare 3 is changing quite a bit of warzone.

Come Grind Time with those weapon camos and those weapon levels, and all that kind of stuff, but more on that a little later. For now, let's take a look at Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone's year of support. We're bringing back some stuff that we've all been waiting for, so if you missed the article the other day, we talked about how Modern Warfare 3 is fundamentally changing.

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A lot of War Zone and a lot of the experiences that we have right now will be slightly altered to then more so match the fundamentals of Modern Warfare 3 in the years to come. But for those who missed it, just some high-level things here: your user interface. They're bringing back weapon and loot rarity, so colored items with that ammo now have dedicated backpack slots, meaning you don't have to manually pick up all the ammo, including the ones you want to use for quality of life.

The base health is going to be 150 across the board without armor. Again, players will always have a pistol on them whenever they're in the water, whether they equip one for their loadout or not. The stim boost is coming back from Modern Warfare 3's War Zone. Support the current perk system from War Zone is staying, and you have new perks of shrouded IR-radiated Resolute.

Ghost is now only going to work when players are moving, and Combat Scout is returning. The train is going to be there from day one, but you can actually interact with it, stop it, and change directions. All that kind of stuff, and the goog is a new three-lane goog similar to the OG showers, you have the potential for an nvg, fight, and the new overtime mechanic is a zipline out of there, so a little bit more vulnerable of the position, so that stuff is obviously all pretty good and nice changes. I think going into the future, but what's War Zone finally doing what we all wanted well at COD next to multiplayer?.

The reveal of two fan favorite maps returning in warzone

The reveal of two fan favorite maps returning in warzone

and War Zone reveal where the multiplayer experience from Modern Warfare 3 was shown off, and also it was the first time we saw Zan and we saw games run on Ekhan as well, so we got to see a preview of the future year and content for the big map BR experience.

Within War Zone, during that live stream. Stephanie Snowden of Infinity Ward and Ted Timmons of Raven were talking about the future of War Zone and what players can look out for, to which Ted mentioned that not even the people there on the floor were actually playing the game and showcasing Ukhan.

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From their own perspectives, in real time, nobody even on the floor knew what he was going to announce next, but he announced that we'd end up seeing it in 2024. Fortune Keep and Rebirth Island are both returning for the Resurgence, with game mode within the war zone coming, as they said in the rotation, for the war zone in 2024.

So that's pretty big. Obviously, there are two fan favorite maps here that were introduced within War Zone throughout the entirety of the first 3 years, and that chapter 1 experience per se, while I'm sure everybody's probably really excited to end up seeing Rebirth Island come back.

When will we see rebirth island and fortune's keep return to warzone?

When will we see rebirth island and fortune's keep return to warzone?

Now they stated that we'll see this here released in early 2024. Fortune Keep will be the first of the two maps returning within the war zone, and then rebirth Island, as Ted Timman said after Fortune Keep, but just following, so to me, that kind of makes it seem like we'll get one say, let's say, season two Fortune's Keep ends up launching, and then season 3 perhaps, just following, we'll see rebirth Island reintroduced.

So that's something that, honestly, I think could make a lot of sense here that would line up with early 2024. And also, the early sort of stuffing we see in the timetable for those calendar years pertaining to it would kind of coincide with when we'd end up seeing some of the anniversaries of War Zone.

In March. April, and June, we've seen Maps release outside of their season 1 introductions here in the past, so maybe we see that again where Fortune's Keep is maybe on the anniversary of the war zone, and then the season following, we end up having Rebirth Island now. March historically, if I'm not mistaken, is right around that season 2 reloaded time frame, so if it's just following, that could honestly be something where it's just following: season 2 reloaded, we have Fortune's Keep, maybe season 3's launch, we have Rebirth Island, so certainly interesting to consider, but I mean.

How will these return in the content rotation for warzone?

How will these return in the content rotation for warzone?

That also begs the question of how this works for the content rotation; they said that it's going to be in that revival rotation when it's introduced. But if you're keeping track, at the launch of Modern Warfare 3's content year for War Zone, we'll have Ukan as the big map; you're still going to have Asika Island and Vondal as the resurgence maps, and that's all confirmed.

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Plus, we'll have Almaz, still there with Modern Warfare 2 to some degree because they said DMZ is not going to be removed, but it's also probably not going to be supported, but it's still supported where it's going to be playable. I guess, but it's unclear if that's separate from the war zone experience.

You can maybe uninstall that if you don't want to play anything Modern Warfare 2-related, or if that's going to be required to be there in the base build of the game, and if it just eats up your hard drive space despite not being used, but then you add it in 2024. There are two additional maps of Fortune's Keep and Rebirth Island, and that's a ton of bloat when it comes to file size.

Ukhan ashika Island and Vondo Rebirth Island Fortune's Keep, that's a lot for a base file size, so two possibilities exist the way that I see it, you say screw it bloat City, but for map root ation or like maybe one map a week or two maps a week something like that allowing players to play on every single map or I mean maybe you just have it go all out where you just have a truly like every 10 minutes it rotates through those four Maps, or maybe see Aika Island and vondal replaced, just like we've seen happen with every big map since war zone launched whenever we see a change over from verdansk to verdansk 84, verdansk to Caldera.

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