News - Friendly Ac-130 Above. Warzone 2 Remake Ep. 5


One Bravo 7 was our primary set point. Be advised cony personnel are grouping near multiple locations below your security for the demolition teams to safely protect the target areas. For now, find the chargers and get them disarmed. Too many Livs watch out. I'm moving on to the reservoir. Good hunting down there, LT, same Johnny.

07: Moving to the spillway ghost Roger that I've got eyes outside for M that Char the G that disables the charge 07 get to the bombs and disarm those charges disarmed we're good at the gate house clan war can't go that way. Itus, watch your one spillway. It is clear that all bomb sides are disarmed.

We're good up top. Reservoir is secured by a solid copy stand by Yankee. This is Watcher one requesting immediate XILL for soap on the secondary HLS ghost. You hold a tight copy. Watcher one inbound now, Ghosts and soap prevented a disaster at the dam. They stopped macaroon. You need to do the same with Far and Alex.

We will have you and Graves on the same team. John, don't forget that I don't forget anything looking good, boys. We are going for a pre-check. We're a go-for. Shadow, Gold Eagle, the actual Shadow, is on station Shadow. One ground team is at Rally Point Boneyard. You'll provide air conditioning while they locate the chemicals, hunt down the macaroons, and copy the actual shadow.

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One ground team is holding the RP bonard to the west; we're marked with an ass call. Visual copy stand by Gunner confirm visual on the ground, team copy visual marking ground team we have visual on you copy our targets are the two hangers we move on your signal marking threats in the Boneyard ground hold position we'll clear the area Gunner lay down to cover the fire.

Take out those threats at the trigger time to get to work. Shadows Con knows we're here that, smoked get, some he's not going, Anywhere launching. Miss Direct, Yeah, you're of [__] like, air threats to the Northeast crew. Con's maneuvering near the Comp Tower Gunner got eyes on that tower and now has a Sam site on the tower.

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Gunner dropped a missile on that stamp site. Target destroyed our team. They are pushing through the bar to keep us covered. Roger, Shadow's watching over you. Check out South. Con's move into the bone yard. Shadow One ground team is in contact; send a fire copy that we're on; it's this you sons of.

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Marking can't hide from the eye in the sky. No threats Shadow One good hit keeps them coming. The ground team is pushing up. We have you, the ground, and more sun. Assh is launching a plane at the west end of the tarmac to copy the con jet marking Target. Airborne, let's get on it. He gets airborne; we get big; problems taking off enemy jets destroy air superiority.

Shadows are pushing across the tarmac ground in multiple cones on the tarmac; get to cover, and we'll clear your path. The copy ground team is holding Southwest. Keep that ground team secure. Do not fire on it. Some of you're clear on moving copy ground, and the team is pushing to hanger. One got him, Gunner.

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Cover them in the target building. Do not fire on the hangers until the chemicals are located. We don't want to hand Maccabi a win. Ground teams reach the hanger. One moving internal got threats coming out of those structures to the south side of the base mark. Gunner, do not let Con get near that hanger.

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I got them covered in firing, searching for the chemical St copy that, welcome to. Stand. RPG-located power hanger One enem closing in on the hanger One actual to ground team, give me a sid rep Hing, what is a dry hole? Actually, no chemicals; our Intel's solid; back Rob's entire chemical stock on that base; if they're not in that hanger, they'll be in the next one.

Be sure before you push off, copy; we'll keep searching the hanger sh the on keep us covered; we're not going anywhere. Kilo, all stations negative on chemicals hanging one at the dry hole ground p push to hanger two Shadow-keeping cover Roger Gold Eagle We got your ground C holding to hanger two M incoming from Northwest.


Gunner. Target those mortars and take them out; they got their Mort team [__]. Maerov destroys his whole base to keep those chemicals; they'll be in the next hanger he might be to RPG. Fire is coming from E to the Hang; hit those RPGs; let's go, Gunner. Focus firing at RPG yep station hang clear be advised we've located the chemical marov netive here it could be close ground neutralize those chemicals Shadow maintains OverWatch and keeps the ground team secure until the job's done.

Copy that gold eagle. All stations should be advised. Intel's picking up Cony Communications from off base; they're scrambling armored vehicles and reinforcements. Expect heavy contact. Copy that; the actual enemy tank north side of the base. Do not let that tank destroy those chemicals. Gunner You heard the general eliminate that tank and drop a missile on it.

That's where the radio tower is. The enemy tanks were destroyed, and I hate those. The enemy vehicles to the north were marked G to target the vehicles they're pushing. Two enemy helicopters were taken off from the northwest; they were incoming. I got them hilo's marked, but not those birds out of the sky loading.

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Do let me trigger some quick triggers on vehicles incoming; they're pushing through the fuel depot to all our north stations. con's Mountain up for a re-attack, let's This is T's foothold, so wipe it off the map. Shadow one be advised of the door's opening on a building to the west end of the runway near the beacon to the west end of the.

That's getting on my nose and is bleeding into my [__] tissues. I was like, The [__ is feeling so cold in my face, and I forgot my nose blood. One second, I need to put a little bit more tissue up, way [__] stations. This is actually true. Sig confirms Marov is on the base; he's going to make a play for the chemicals.

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ground team Are you ready to be negative? [__] Negative chemicals are still How am I able to counterfriend that I had an enemy highlight on the play-chem ground team? Are you ready to Negative chemicals are still active; we need more time to copy them to keep them secure. Graves Maintain OverWatch.

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You see Marov. You put him down. Check out Gold Eagle. Shadow he's ready the theang enemy hilo's coming down; we got your ass hookline. [__] All stations enemy bird is down that so damn copy that chemicals render safe pushing out of the hanger now. Graves Once the ground is clear, have your man drop a missile on that hanger.

Barry Marov and his [__] chemicals copy that shadow one ground team is clear level beang us. Gunner sent Taboom, good effect. Hanger's down; that's how we get her done. Shadows do be down you. Vladimir, there are three things you cannot outrun in this world, folks: death taxes and my pleasure doing business with you boys and girls, actual mrtb out here.

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