News - Warzone Changes Forever. Huge Meta Change. Call Of Duty Update 1. 36 Patch

bas-b nerf

Massive, massive weapon changes that we're going to be going over, equipment changes, and resurgence changes you need to be aware of to hopefully make the flow better, so let's go ahead and discuss it, and if I see anything questionable, we definitely get into conversation. First up, we addressed an issue experienced by some players that caused previously unlocked items to become unavailable to quit weapons and attachments.

This is something I'm very excited to get into. I think there's more than just this. yeah, we got it. We got way more. All right, cool. I don't know why they separated like that, but it is what it is: assault rifles. A Ram 7, Speedway V5, short barrel attachment is now available, so they added a new attachment to that equipment breacher drone.

It's a really good lethal, maybe two-lethal, improved impact detection to prevent inflicting more explosive damage to players than intended. I've been one-shot many times by hitting a wall near me, and it just needed to be addressed when it comes to customizations. It looks like they just fixed a few emblems, and some bundle issues people were having were that when they equipped it, it came up as a default skin, so that's now been addressed if you ran into that war zone now.

modern warfare 3

Before we get into this, the entire first five days of the war zone, I think it was amazing. I gave it an 8.5 out of 10. But once people started figuring out the metas with the MTZ Interceptor, and I mean, The Metalist goes on with the broken weapons, the game became almost unbearable. Team Stack Camp it on rooftops, just holding you with the most OP weapons.

Whether you had smokes or great tactics, most of the time it didn't really matter; it was more of luck on who was around you whether you could survive or not, so let's hope that these changes make a substantial impact when it comes to Battle Royale strongholds. You made a little adjustment. A black site key will only be rewarded the first time a stronghold is completed; subsequent captures by the squads will not reward a key.

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Resurgence redeployment The Resurgence redeployment mechanic will now be disabled at the end of Circle 3. To be fair, it's going to kind of slow down the revival, which I don't know. I think I, and basically everyone else, like the flow of resurgence. Public events have been disabled in circle one, and two chances for a public event occurring later in circle two have been adjusted as well.

modern warfare 3 1.36 update

All right, real quick in the nitty-gritty, this is something I'm excited for, and of course you can already see the assault rifle they're attacking the DG. Maximum damage was reduced to 32 from 40. Pretty big, pretty big reduction. Like I said in my streams, the DG 56 felt like a really good gun.

I love the recoil. I love how it's viable, but it needs to be a five- to six-round burst to be able to kill somebody. Hitting two three-round bursts to knock enemies is just too hard for any player to contest. Of course, if you're on the giving end of it, it's fun to use. If you're on the receiving end of it, we all know it needs to be adjusted a little bit, even if it's your favorite weapon when it comes to FR.

modern warfare iii

Maximum damage reduced to 35 from 43. Basically the same; it's going down by eight battle rifles, the basb. All right Max damage reduced to 35 from 39, minimum damage reduced to 25 from 27, we'll see how this turns out. I think it needs to be nerfed a little bit more, to be honest. It's going to remind us of the RPK, where they're going to Nerf it and then Nerf it and then Nerf it into non-existence, so it's probably going to take a few tweaks.

I may be wrong on this. We'll see as the games go on throughout the week, but keep your eye on the BSB. I'll probably be playing with it a lot just to see how much it actually changed when it comes to the handguns. This is a big one: the core 45, a Kimbo reduced to 30 from 45; that's the biggest Nerf they have in here so far, as well as 22.

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They've nerfed it by two from 33, so yeah, this one went down by 15 points, this one went down by 11, and the head shot multiplied by red was reduced to 1.2 from 1.4. That's going to be a big Nerf on these things, and honestly, they're nasty weapons. If you were on the receiving end of this, you know it was just one burst and you were dead, especially Point Blank, so the fact that they nerfed this drastically definitely needed marksman rifles.

mtz nerf

The DM 56's maximum damage was reduced to 41 from 50, and the pretty substantial minimum damage was reduced to 37 from 39. Not too much, but I think overall the DM 56 would be in a decent spot. It wasn't really a crazy broken weapon compared to the others, but we all know if the others weren't, that would be a problem.

The KVD enforcer head shot multiplier was reduced to 1.8 from 2.2; that's a pretty substantial one. The MTZ Interceptor is going to be a headshot multiplier reduced to 1.5. Okay, I'm curious about the fact that the gun fires fast; it's only the headshot multiplier they've attacked, not the overall damage.

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I think this is still going to be a problem; most players don't hit their headshot anyway, and they can still melt you with it, so I think this is still going to be the meta. I could be wrong again; we'll see over the next few days, but I don't know why the MTZ Interceptor scares me. It has been the most broken weapon in my eyes up until this point, so I still think the MTZ is going to be a massive problem.

mw3 1.36 patch notes

Keep your eye on that one MTZ, and going back up to the BSB, I think they are still going to be. The meta they should have attacked this one a little bit more; it's always good to Nerf a gun into Oblivion and then work it back up, then just kind of slowly nerfing it again with the RPK meta we had that for three seasons before it really saw an actual impact when it comes to the y r Kimbo maximum damage reduced to 70 from 120, holy.

All right, coming to the shotgun and the haymaker, I'm actually happy they didn't touch the lockwood. The Lockwood requires movement and a lot of skill, and again, if you're going Point Blank against a lot of these weapons, you're going to get blown away most of the time before we dive into SMGs. I do think SMGs are in a very good spot.

mw3 1.36 update

I don't think the TTK really is crazy compared to the other weapons you have, like the Swarm, which of course will melt you, but you have to be close. There's a sacrifice. You have no range at all on that gun, so I do think SMGs are in a good spot, but let's get into SMGs. The Fini 45 MW2 gun is the only thing being touched.

I like that the maximum damage was reduced to 22 from 25. It is definitely a broken weapon—not as broken as a lot of these other ones—but I think nerfing this and getting it on a level playing field with the MW3 SMGs is a great choice. The head shot multiplier was also reduced to 1.25 from 1.3, and the lower torsone multiplier was reduced to one from 1.1.

Warzone Changes Forever! Huge META CHANGE! | Call of Duty UPDATE 1. 36 Patch.
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