News - Warzone 2's Broken Matchmaking Is So Annoying

What is happening right now, man? What is happening? I feel like this article is all over the place, but it's just that I've been playing more over the course of the past couple days, and it just happens every other game. It seems like it's so rampant right now, and it's due to the system, man. It's due to skill-based matchmaking, like people back out because of skill-based matchmaking, and then skill-based matchmaking doesn't want to put people in the lobby because maybe they already determined well that team is supposed to win over here.

mw3 broken matchmaking

If this team over here loses teammates, well, who cares? We're not going to put anyone in because they're supposed to lose anyway; it just feels so rigged. You know what I mean. It just feels so manipulative. And it just hasn't been a good feeling over the course of the past couple of days, and I'm sure you guys have experienced the same thing, and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback as well as your stories.

I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you guys all have a wonderful

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