News - Warzone 2i May Have The Best Camo Challenge System Ever

Career, daily, & weekly challenges

Career, daily, & weekly challenges

And then finally, for the third type, it's a special challenge that encourages exploration with specific conditions, equipment, or field upgrades, and the example they gave here is providing ammo resupplies to five players, so far, at least nothing out of the ordinary here. However, let's now move on to the weekly challenges.

And they are handling this in a different way, and I'm really happy to see this because it completely alleviates the concern that I had that I made in yesterday's article about unlocking aftermarket parts with weekly challenges. My big concern was weekly challenges would be available at the beginning of the week and if you don't complete the challenges by the end of the week well too bad you missed out on your weekly challenge and now you're on to the next week it turns out instead, every time a new set of weekly challenges unlocks, you can still work on the previous week and this means if you do miss out on unlocking that aftermarket part for the week that it comes out that's okay you can still complete it at any time throughout the rest of the season and in that blog we talked about yesterday while the wording suggested that this may be the case there wasn't anything that explicitly, stated that this was going to be the case and for example with the Jack Raven aftermarket par kit which is going to be the one that's first available when the game launches all you have to do is complete any five challenges from week one and there are seven challenges total to complete so you don't even have to complete all of them you can just choose the five that are easiest.

Armory challenges (new)

Armory challenges (new)

And with these armory unlock challenges, you can go in the standard order that they provide for you, or you can activate any one of the valid items in that and complete it out of order as well, so you can kind of skip ahead and unlock something further on. As far as what you unlock with this, at least early on, it looks like it's going to be the actual weapons equipment perks that kill streaks and attachments.

cod mwiii

So this seems like a method of giving you a jump start maybe there's something you don't unlock until Level 55 and you want to get that right away starting at level 25 or you want to at least work toward it from that point, as far as I can tell based on how this blog is worded you can do that you can get that level 55 item potentially significantly, sooner, but you have to select that as your active Armory unlock Challenge, and you have to be completing your daily unlocks in order to get there it's also worth noting if you complete all of your daily challenges in a day you will unlock a bonus challenge and completing that will also count as a point toward unlocking your Armory unlock so this seems pretty interesting I don't know how useful it's going to be once you hit Level 55. It looks like it's going to transition more into Cosmetics at that point because you've already unlocked all of your perks and everything obviously, so we'll have to wait to see how this turns out long term if this is still going to be a great system or if it's mainly just going to apply for those initial unlock levels, but it's cool that they're trying something new here and I like the sound of it so far now let's move on to the camos and the camo challenge systems that are in place with Modern Warfare 3 and there's a lot going on here but I'm going to try to explain this in much simpler terms than what the blog post outlined for all of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons that are carrying into Modern Warfare 3 that's all of the guns, if you have unlocked camo challenge for those guns you carry those forward with you if you haven't unlocked camo challenges for those Modern Warfare 2 guns you can still work toward those same challenges we have access to in Modern Warfare 2 you can pick up where you left off or if you didn't even play Modern Warfare 2 that's fine you can still go through all of the Modern Warfare 2 camo challenges.

Basics of camos (which ones crossover)

Basics of camos (which ones crossover)

While using Modern Warfare 2 guns in Modern Warfare 3, and I apologize in advance I'm going to be saying Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 a lot throughout this section so just bear with me I don't know how else to say it but a big thing that I believe they actually pivoted on cuz I think early on I remember a call with the developers that we had where they mentioned this wouldn't be the case but it actually will be the case for all of the base camos we're not talking about completionist, camos like gold or Orion or any of those types of things but those base camo challenges in Modern Warfare 2 there's four challenges per gun all of those base camos for Modern Warfare 2 weapons will be usable on any gun including the Modern Warfare 3 guns.

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And the same thing applies with the Modern Warfare 3-based camo challenges. They're going to have the same structure, so each gun will have four base camos, and if you unlock that base camo for that gun, it can be used on any gun in the game, including Modern Warfare 2 or Modern Warfare 3 guns. So that's excellent to see.

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I can use my solid-color camos, for instance, that I unlocked in Modern Warfare 2. I can use those now on Modern Warfare 3 guns, or if I unlock a cool new one for my Modern Warfare 3 guns, I can go back and put that on the M4 from Modern Warfare 2, for instance. In saying this, though the completionist challenges stay in their own games, there is no crossover.

Also read:

With the Modern Warfare 2 completionist camos like gold or orion, for instance, you'll never be able to use those on Modern Warfare 3 guns, and it's the same going the other way: any of the completionist challenges you get for Modern Warfare 3 guns, you won't be able to use those camos on Modern Warfare 2 weapons.

Camo structure base vs completionist

Camo structure base vs completionist

So hopefully that was clear enough as far as which camos you're able to use on which guns from which game , now let's talk about this camo structure a little bit more in Modern Warfare 3 specifically on the Modern Warfare 3 guns when it comes to those initial four base camos that each gun will have access to it's going to be the same general structure but one thing they mentioned here is they provided some more unique challenges Within These tiers, depending on the weapon category your gun is in whereas in Modern Warfare 2 these were pretty standard across all weapon categories there wasn't much variation there depending on the class of weapon you were using so you'd see really similar ones for like SMGs and marksman rifles for instance even though those play totally different and that pretty much covers it for the base camo challenges once you complete all of the base camo challenges.

Modern Warfare III's challenges and camo system has been fully revealed and today I wanted to share all of the details and explain exactly how the system will work this year with both MWII and MWIII guns.
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