News - Warzone 2. 0 - The Ultimate Solo Dmz Guide

I have repositioned myself just in case he was able to tell the enemy teammate where I was. I've completely relocated. Then, as I was in the middle of that fight. I heard more shooting above the cliff and knew that there was another team approaching, so this time I went prone, thrown here in this position, because that other enemy, one man, is to my left hand side and this car is giving me cover from that, and also from the cliff down, they'll be looking straight at that what would be their right away from me, and then you'll notice as they come down the hill, they get absolutely no clue where I was, and I made sure I could give all three of them invis before I started shooting.

modern warfare 2

It's really important to use the environment to your advantage here because that's the only advantage you have as a teammate because you are now solo. I managed to grab all the cash and loot from these guys and then move on to the extraction and get out from there. It's really important, guys, that you use your environment, your surroundings, and whatever gun you have to its maximum potential.

Advantageously, I had a 75-round magazine on my RPK, knowing that I could mow through those enemies quickly without needing to be caught on the reload. So there you have it, guys; that is my guide for the solo DMZ. I stream five times a week; otherwise, I'll catch you. The flip.

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