News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Use This Gun Now. Overpowered Gun Build

cod mw3

My name's Hypnos, and welcome to a brand new MWZ article. Someone by the name of Rose suggested an lmg from Modern Warfare 2: the 5.56 icus. Now I barely used this thing back in MW2, so I had to get it fully leveled up here on MW3, multiplayer, and it's lowkey a demon. I also took it in for a few games in zombies and came up with what I'd consider to be the best Sous build.

I won't be going into the Elder Dark Eternity in this one, as I'm using this run to farm a bit of essence in my Tombstone stack before we get into the build. I just want to take a moment to thank Mitch Cactus for sponsoring this article. If you're interested in unlocking the interstellar and Borealis Mastery camos, or if you just want to play in easier lobbies to quickly level up your weapons and unlock camos, or if you're a zombies player just interested in unlocking all the schematics, go ahead and check out Mitch Cactus.

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They have over 10,000 reviews on their Trustpilot page and are the safest and most professional Call of Duty service out there. Be sure to use my code Hypno for 5% off. The build I'm using for the acorus is as follows: We're using the X10 rear grip for increased sprint fire speed and ad speed. the demo fade Pro Stock for increased Sprint speed the FSS o laser for increased ad speed and sprint to fire speed the FTAC SB barrel for increased ad speed, and last but not least, we're using armor-piercing rounds for increased bullet penetration, which helps when taking out words from zombies.

If you guys have any suggestions for other weapons you'd like to see me check out, then drop a comment below. Boys, we made it to the Tier 3 Zone. As you can see, we got the Icarus two pack and threw on a legendary tool, and we got this bounty contract right up ahead, so even just at pack two we are ripping through, these tier three zombies just look at that man.

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Yeah, this gun's insane. I can't wait to get this to pack three all right, so let's go ahead and pick up that Bounty contract, and hopefully we get a Mega Abomination. Let's see what Target we get there, and we get a Mega. All right, we got this scorcher with us as well, so we're going to be getting around the Tier 3 Zone really quick.


We are here by the megaabomination. Let's get that reloaded real quick. Yeah, reload speed's fine considering it's an LMG. We do have speed kill, though, so of course you know it is going to be a bit quicker than that. Normal, but yeah, definitely not too bad. I took off one of Mega's faces already, and this thing's packed with two, so yeah, the damage output is great on this thing.

Let's keep hitting those critical points. There we go. Let's get that reloaded. Hopefully, he tries to hit us with a laser attack soon. There we go. Laser attacks are coming in. Set those criticals. We don't have a three-plate We just have one plate for now, so yeah, that's kind of the risk at the moment.

Let's go ahead and start playing it safe. Throw that blade there, and we'll take out some of these zombies. Nice, beautiful, all right. Let's back up a little bit and get some distance from that, Mega. Hopefully, with another laser attack soon, we just need to make sure that we're ready for it so we don't go down.

mw3 zombies

We definitely can't risk that right now. Let's back up a little bit. There we go. Keep hitting those criticals on the mega. All right, definitely going to have to be careful. Here we go. Start bringing the mega back to his spawn point. He's hitting us with a laser attack. That's unfortunate See if we can at least take advantage of it a bit.

There we go. I just didn't want to go down. I got a few shots in. Though we should at least come back here, there we go. Let's get that reload real, quick, beautiful, all right. Hopefully, Mega shows up again, and he's right there. Let's keep hitting those shots, so he's almost halfway dead. No, another Mega just spawned in.

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That's not good, boys. That's not good. We're going to have to play it really carefully. Now, yeah, we do not want two Megas hitting us with that laser attack. Let's come back here. We had that disciple there as well. Well, all right, let's take this guy here. Out there, we go, keeping those shots nice.

mw3 zombies best gun

Mega Abomination is actually pretty close to dying; he's got less than a quarter of his health bar left. Shoot that disciple, there we go, yeah, doing an absolutely insane amount of damage considering this thing's only pack two, so run back here, there we go, and start bringing the mega back to his spawn point.

Let's hit those critical points while we can. Beautiful, all right. Start shooting at that Mega too; both of them are hitting us with laser attacks, and there we go. Nice's, shoot that guy, and Bounty's contract is complete, quick, and easy. Let's run back here; we do not want to go down. There we go.

We'll have to be careful about this, Mega. Beautiful, all right, so let's come over to the Salud pool and quickly throw down that energy mine. We'll take the raw crystal, three plates, and a self-revive. Beautiful, that's some good loot right there; we definitely needed that, and we have money to go get pack three, which we'll take dead wire to.

mw3 zombies classified schematics

Since we got that all right, I'll make my way over to the pack-and-punch machine. This is going to be good, and there we go, boys. Mega Abomination just spawned in, switched over to our Icarus, and started hitting those shots. He's going to fire that laser at us, and yeah, just look at the damage output.

A man has already destroyed one of his faces. He's almost lost a quarter of his health bar. Let's quickly pick up that full power and drop that down real quick. Just take care of some of those zombies. Get that reload, and there we go, setting those criticals on the Mega. Nice, all right. Let's back up a little bit and get some distance.

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Hopefully, it hits us with another laser attack soon. It's almost—yeah, he's almost at that halfway mark. That's crazy, All right Let's back up. Yeah, so once this thing's at pack three, it's just on a whole other level. It was already good at pack two, but pack three is just a whole different animal.

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There we go. Let's get that reload speed, which really ain't too bad, all things considered. Let's get a bit closer to this, Mega. Start with the shots. We're not going to bring him too far away from his spawn point just so he doesn't go back and start healing up and whatnot, so let's bring him back here since this is where we found him.

We go charged right at us. Let's come over here. Okay, so he's more than halfway dead. Let's bring him over here; he's going to hit a few hits on us there. Let's back up there. We have laser attacks coming in. Let's hit the critical points. There we go. Two of his faces are destroyed; now we can just focus on that one.

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