News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Use This Gun Now. Overpowered Gun Build

So even when he randomly starts making his face glow, we'll always hit those shots. There we go, drop energy mines real quick, and take care of some of those zombies back there. Like got less of a quarter, yeah, center quarter of his, he far left. Back up. Beautiful, there we go, face is glowing, ah, couldn't hit criticals, that's bad.

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Angle, there we go, laser attacks coming in, let's get those critical hits in, and there we go, contract complete, quick and easy, got a large bag off that, which is perfect. Yeah, let's go ahead and equip that all right, so we got Tombstone, which I'll definitely take; I'll also take that one; and a normal sigil, which I'll also take.

Perfect, all right, so there's no more Bounty contracts in the Tier 3 zone right now. Let's go ahead and do a sports control contract. There we go, got the contract that's going to be right back here. It's crazy how quick you get around the map now with this scorpion. This thing's crazy and good.

All right, there we go. Let's get a few of these inhibitors. What I'm going to do is just destroy all the spores except for the final one. I'm not going to kill any zombies for that whole duration, and let's get a nice group of zombies together just to see how good this thing is against groups. We have one spot left, and there's a bunch of zombies back there, so let's get into position.

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This is a good spot right here, so start lighting all these guys up. We also have that disciple right there. All right, we'll have to get a reload going real quick. Come on, all right, it's back up, and there we go. Let's go for it now, yeah. Just to look at those XP drops, this thing's crazy.

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There we go, just melted. That disciple, let's back up a little bit. Only a few zombies yeah, that's crazy, man. I'm loving this thing. This is a hidden gem here in Zombies. All right, let's go to that final spot and get that destroyed, and there we go. Spore is destroyed. Let's go see what we got for completing this contract: an extra three plates, which I'll take for death perception, and an extra self-revive, which I'll also take.

Let's drop that inhibitor. All right, so there's no contract in the Tier 3 Zone at all. Okay, I'm going to chill somewhere for a bit, and once we get another contract coming in, I'll let you guys know. All right, this delivery cargo contract responds, so let's grab that real quick. Man, I remember doing this contract when zombies were first released.

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This was definitely the easiest way to farm Tier 3 contracts back then. Everyone was scared to fight off Megas. No one was taking risks. Everyone wanted the ray gun, though. All right, so once you get to this gas station here, just open up the door, get in the LTV, and drive straight. A lot of people take a right, but I'd recommend taking a left right here.

Drive past these buildings here, take this left path, and just keep driving straight there you go; it's a lot easier than taking the right path; there's fewer obstacles. The helicopter barely hits you, as you can see. The helicopter hasn't even fully arrived. Now that it's done, there we go, contract complete.

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Let's see what we got: extra self-revive and brain Rod, okay, not too bad. I'll take the self-revive; at least we're at 19, 000 Essence. I'll maybe do one or two more contracts. There's two Bounty contracts that just spawned in, and one team is close to the other, so yeah, they took it all right.

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And there we go, getting the contract. Let's see what Target we get, and it's a mimic. Okay, where's he going to be way back there, all right? I'm making my way over there, and I think after this I'll end the article we saw. It performs really well against groups of zombies, great against roaming elites, and really good against Bounty targets.

I'll have to give this thing a solid 9.5 on 10 all right, and the mimic is right here. Start lighting up that guy up there. We go let's take out some of these zombies in the way. Beautiful throw with that blade. Very nice we've got two mimics here; actually, let's focus on our Bounty mimic. From now on, let's drop that, and there we go: energy.

M's going to do a bunch of damage as well with our blade, real quick. There we go, all right. The roaming mimic is dead, and the Bounty mimic is about halfway there. Let's keep hitting those critical points. Come on, a few more shots, o dang. Let's not go down; get some more distance from this guy.

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And can we get it here? Yes, we can contract, complete, awaken easily, and get a legendary tool for our final contract, but anyway, guys, my final rating for this bad boy is going to be 9.5 out of 10. Definitely an insane gun, great for groups of zombies, great for elites, great for everything. Man, this gun is amazing, and I bet it would perform really well in the Elder Dark Eternal as well.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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