News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Gun Is Actually Overpowered. Easy Tier 3 & Tier 5 Farming

cod mw3

I make daily zombie articles, and in doing so, I come across rare schematics all the time, and since I have them all unlocked already, the best thing I can do is drop them for you guys. The winner of the golden plate dog bone and ether blade is Han of God, so congratulations. To my guy, I went ahead and sent you a friend request for those of you who still need the schematics.

Someone by the name of CLA Williams suggested the Vel 46 and SMG from Modern Warfare 2. Now the Vel 46 was actually my favorite SMG in Modern Warfare 2 for multiplayer War Zone and DMZ, so I'm definitely looking forward to testing this thing out here in Zombies. I've got a great build for the Vel 46, but before we get into that, I just quickly want to thank u4gm for sponsoring this article.

U4gm is a professional Call of Duty service, and they'll help you unlock all the rare schematics, including the new classified schematics. They'll even help you unlock the mastery camos if you guys are interested in this. So the build we're using for the Vel 46 is as follows: We're using the Vel A568, Collapse stock, for a huge boost to ad speed.

modern warfare 3

Sprint to fire speed and mo movement speed the shagger soldier rare grip for increased adys speed and sprint to fire speed We've got the VK lzr 7mw laser for increased ad speed and sprint of fire speed, as well as the Shoger RvB barrel for increased bullet velocity damage range and a bit of recel control, and last but not least, we've got the 60-round mag.

All right, boys, we are here in the Tier 3 Zone. As you can see, we got the Vel 2 Pack 3. And we are absolutely ripping through these tier three zombies, man, so we do have this bounty contract right up ahead. I'm going to go ahead and pick that up, and hopefully we get like a mega or something.

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I'm probably also going to stop at the Wonder Fizz just to get a few perks. But yeah, hopefully we get a Mega from this contract, and there we go. We got the contract; let's see what we get, and Mega, let's go perfect. Okay, and he's going to be back there all right, so we'll go kill him first, and then we'll go get some perks after.


All right, and here's the Mega; let's start shooting at him. Hopefully he uses one of those laser attacks here soon so we can get those critical hits. One thing I will say is that even without speed, col man, the reload speed is nice and definitely feels good. Mobility overall is great, of course, with this build's speed, and everything's going to be perfect as, well, let's hit those extra shots.

So just from one full laser attack, we took away a good chunk of his health, so damage output is definitely great on this thing. I can't wait to have Deadshot Dy, just so we can do even more critical damage, but you know, even without any perks, this thing is performing. Great, let's keep hitting those critical shots on him there we go another laser, attack had to use our blade there let's go ahead and play it up we do have the Golden Plates this time luckily didn't have them for the last article but I went ahead and did a run in the dark ether got myself the Golden Plates again and yeah we're cruising now.

mw3 zombies

Man, okay, so the Mega is about halfway dead already; it's definitely doing a lot of damage with this thing, and for crowds of zombies, it's pretty good too. So far, Ammo hasn't been an issue either, which is great. Let's go ahead and hit those critical shots. There we go. Beautiful yeah 1, 80 Reserve of ammo man that is, insane, 120 in the mag as well this thing is perfect, definitely a great gun for the tier 3 Zone and we'll see how well it performs in the tier five Zone as well after this contract here there we go he's almost dead just need one more laser attack and there we go beautiful, contract complete that was super easy nice let's see we got a extra sulr nothing we need I'll go ahead and take a jug just so we can save some money on what we do have (596,000).

mw3 zombies best gun

We have enough money, but you know, we don't want to waste it all, so far this thing is a solid 9 out of 10. probably the best SMG I've reviewed so far then again the V 46 was my favorite SMG in DMZ as well so, that might have something to do with it but it's definitely perform forming great here in zombies and there we go we got all the perks we got that roaming mimic coming our way, my God just look at how quickly We R through him, , yeah this gun is amazing, man I can't wait to test this thing out in the tier five Zone we're going to have some fun over there that's for sure, and there we go we used our Elder sigil accepted the teleport and I see wall in the tier five.

Zone, and there we go we are in the tier five Zone we got the mega Abomination up ahead got these hellhounds right here as well of course they're going to be super quick to kill hellhounds do not have much health let's go ahead and light up the mega and as you can see man his health bar is just dropping, man I'm not going to lie this thing might even be in the overpowered category for me I mean, just look at these even groups of zombies.

mw3 zombies classified schematics

Let's get that reloaded. Just look at how quickly we're ripping through them. Man, this thing is insanely good. Got a mimic on us two mimics; actually, just a look at how quickly we're killing Mimx. Man, this thing is nice, so it's good against Elite zombies. It's good against Bounty Targets in the Tier 3 Zone; it's great against crowds of zombies; and in the Tier 5 Zone, where you want to be as mobile as possible and want to do a fair bit of damage, it's definitely carrying here.

Man, this is great. Gun, I swear, a lot of the MW2 weapons just perform really well in zombies, which is interesting. Let's take out that mangler. Even the manglers, look at how quickly we're getting the kill on him, Crazy. Let's get that reload; let's keep lighting up this Mega. Man, he is almost dead.

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We just need one more laser attack from him, and we'll have the kill. He never ran out of ammo during this entire run, which is also a great sign. There we go. That's the laser attack we wanted. Let's keep shooting into that laser and keep getting those critical hits! I got a few zombies here, man.

mw3 zombies dark aether farming

I swear the Tier 5 zone is just so much easier with the golden plates on, so don't have to worry about plating up the whole time there we go; that's the laser attack we needed. Let's keep hitting those shots. Reload okay, we almost got him. Just a few more shots, and he'll be dead. We probably should have reloaded while he was charging up that laser.

Attack let's keep hitting those shots. Move out of the way. And there we go. We got him quick and easy. We don't need any of those drops. Gucci is all right. And there we go, getting the contract. Now we just jump down here, run along this wall just to avoid the laser attack as much as possible, and from here you just want to run over to this ZIP, ascend up here, and just throw a Casmir real.

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