News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Makes Unlocking Rare Schematics Easy. Easy Solo Dark Aether

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My name's Hypnos, and welcome to a brand new MWZ article. For those of you who don't know, I make daily zombie articles, and in doing so, I come across rare schematics all the time. Since I have them all unlocked already, the best thing I can do is give them to you guys. The winner of the golden plate dog bone ether blade and flawless ethereum crystal schematic from my last article is Jeff Tuttle Jr., so congratulations.

I sent you a friend request. Go ahead and accept that, and hit me whenever you're free for those of you who still need the schematics. Someone by the name of Macki Marcelino, who actually won the schematics a few articles ago, suggested a battle rifle from Modern Warfare 2, the TAC V. Now personally, I love the TAC V; it has a similar field to attack 56, which was my favorite AR and DMZ, so I'm definitely looking forward to trying this thing out.

If you guys have any suggestions for other weapons you'd like to see me check out, then drop a comment below now. I've got a great build for the TAC V, but before we get into that, I just want to take a moment to thank u4gm for sponsoring this article. U4gm is a professional Call of Duty service provider, and they're currently offering a 50% discount on COD points and other discounts on Call of Duty codes.

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They'll help you unlock all the schematics. Mastery Camos and now even offer nuke services Be sure to use my code. Hip at checkout for an extra 5% off, so the build I'm using for the TAC V is as follows: We've got the demo clean shot rear grip for increased Sprint to fire speed and ad speed. The tvx, line Pro Stock for increased ad speed and sprint speed, we threw on the FSS olav laser just to increase the sprint of fire speed and ad speed a bit more, we took the 18-inch Precision 6 barrel for increased bullet velocity and range, and last but not least, we have the 50-round drum mag.

As you can see, we got the stack V to pack three, and we have a bunch of zombies behind us here. So, yeah, man, just look at it. This gun's great damage output is a 10 on 10 reload speed; it's a bit slow, but it's definitely going to be fine for the Tier 3 zone. We'll see if we get into any trouble in the Tier 5 zone, but I think we'll be fine.


So we have this bounty contractor right there. See if we can pick that up real quick there. We do have a mega-abomination or something as our target, and we have a mimic. Okay, he's going to be back there. We do have a Mega right here, though we also have a Mangler. Yeah, just look at the Mangler health bar.

Man, that's just off a few shots. Mega's hitting us with a laser attack, so let's just get those critical hits in. They took off a fair bit of his health. Just off those few shots, let's get that reload and come back here. I don't want the megagun to go too far; he's going to despawn. Let's back up a bit, Nice.

Also read:

Get some more, Distance, yeah, man damage output is a 10 on 10 for this gun, which is definitely really good, so for the Tier 3 Zone, the reaload speed's fine. I think we might have some issues in the Tier 5 Zone, but yeah, we could. We might be okay. We might be okay. We'll see let's back up a bit.

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Mega's hitting us with another laser attack, which is great. We can get those free criticals, and we went down It's all good. It's all good. There we go. Let's keep lighting up that Mega H. Reload mobility is okay too with this build, like your ads, and speed's going to be fine. Sprint speed's all right.

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Sprint to fire speed's good. I got two mimics here; yeah, we just ried through that mimic, man. Let's get that reloaded. We have a mangler and disciple further back; too, man tier three zone is Spicy. There we go, got him. Let's hit those criticals on the mega now, and we're out of ammo. We'll have to go pick some up, completely neglecting that.

There we go. We got a bit of ammo from those zombies we killed all right. Let's come back here and just avoid Mega again. Some more ammo on the ground. Here, we might have to take out that disciple. There we go. We turned him. That works too nicely. Let's back up a bit again. Get some distance, and hopefully the mega hits us with a laser attack.

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Soon, that would be perfect. Come on, there we go. That's the laser attack we needed. We should be able to get the kill—no, almost. Just a few more shots, and then he'll be dead. Let's get that reload. Again, all right. Yeah, so even when you're not doing any critical damage, you're still taking off a fair bit of his health.

Just look at that; it's barely got any health left. Let's back up a bit. There we go, got the kill quick and easy, an Epic tool off that, and Deadshot deiry, which we already have, so yeah, let's make our way over to our target all right. Mimi's probably going to be here; yes, he is. Nice, let's just back up a bit and start hitting those critical shots on the mimic.

So yeah, even for a bounty mimic, just look at that man. Hopefully his health bar pops up again soon, but just from those first few shots, we were doing some serious damage to that guy out of ammo again, so let's just quickly pick some up right here. There we go. Nice, they let our blade get some more distance, and there we go.

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Yeah, he took off about a quarter of his health already, so yeah, the damage output is great. Pick up some more ammo. I can't tell if the ammo is not the best or if we're just neglecting to pick it up, but maybe a bit of both. Let's keep hitting those shots, mimics, about halfway. Now all right, let's keep hitting okay.

Let's get out of that corner. I don't want to get trapped in there. There we go. Let's back up and get that reloaded again. He's got about a quarter of his health bar left—a bit less than that. Actually, there we go; we should be able to get the kill here, and there we already have. So yeah, is dead quick, and Dy got two self-revivals off that, a raw crystal and a precision strike, which we already have, so yeah, is there another Bounty contract?

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There is one, but it's back there. Those guys are probably going to pick it up, so I think I'll make my way over to the dark. Ether, Portal, and there we go. We made it to the portal. We arrived in the tier five zone, got the mega-abomination up ahead, started shooting at that guy, got his attention, and yeah, even the armored zombies in the tier five absolutely had no issues.

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Normal zombies are super quick to kill as well, so yeah, the damage output on this thing is just great. Now we'll see if mobility is going to be an issue because in the tier five zone, you want to move around as fast as possible and you don't want to get trapped anywhere, so yeah, mobility is definitely important for the tier five zone.

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