News - Warzone 2 Zombies. Unlimited Essence Glitch. Unlimited Money Tombstone Duplication Glitch "after Patch

barrier glitch

The unlimited Essence glitch is back, and I'm going to be showing you guys exactly how to do it in season 2. Now, with the efficient method I'm about to show you guys, you'll be able to get the maximum amount of money in no time. All right, so let's get into the unlimited Essence glitch. Now, one quick note before we get into the requirements for this glitch: I want you guys to know that the more players that you have on your team, the more efficient you're going to be doing this glitch, so in other words, if you have a full team of three players, it's going to be way more efficient and faster for you to actually do this glitch.

The other thing I want to note as I list the requirements here is that you will be using Tombstone, but this is not the normal Tombstone duplication glitch; this is different from that. So I'm going to presume here that you guys have $0, and I'm going to show you exactly how to do it, but if you have a tombstone with a bunch of cash in it, then you can skip to later in the article.

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So here's what we're going to do in the first game that you're in with—let's just say one other player like I have. I have my spare account here, and I'm going to do contracts until I get around 20 to 30, 000. Now the reason why I suggest that is because you need to get a certain amount of cash for this to be worth it.


You don't want to gain 5, 000 Essence and then start doubling from there. I do not suggest that now. What I would suggest is that you do Tier 2 delivery contracts. All you need is a tier three pack A-punch scorcher, and you can get to each one of these contracts within a minute, and each one gives you 6, 000 Essence, so you just keep running these things over and over again and grinding them, and you actually only need to do it five times if you have two players, so it really only takes about half a game.

As you can see, on the left, I'm at about 20 minutes, and at this point, I have 30, 000. Essence saved up between the two of us. Now, once you have enough essence to duplicate, I highly suggest that you two meet up or you three meet up and share all of the essence with one player. You're going to need to have all the essence on one player at a time, so as you can see here on the bottom left, I have 40, 000 Essence total.

Now, once you have all the essence consolidated, make sure that every player has a tombstone. Now you can get this from the WonderFizz machine. If you have a scorcher, you can easily make it out of the Red Zone after purchasing, so it's the closest usually in my mind, or you can find the tombstone machine or bring in a tombstone soda can; it does not matter.


Once all players have Tombstone and you've grouped back up, make sure that one player has all the essence, and you want to go ahead and down yourself now. If you have a scorcher, scorchers make everything easier. Now, once you've downed yourself, you actually want to give up. When you give up, you also want to plead for help.

This is an absolute requirement, so you go down, give up, and plead for help, and then what's going to happen is that your teammate needs to pick you up, or a random person in the game can pick you up. Once your teammate has picked you up, what I want you to do is go ahead and drop all the essence that you have in your inventory.


At this point, you have a tombstone on the map that contains that set amount of essence, so what you want to do is first pass off all of your essence to your teammate. So once player two has all the essence and they have Tombstone equipped, make sure that they go ahead and down themselves. You're going to need to repeat this process for each player on your team, but each person that does it is another set of those essences.

So in other words, as you can see at the bottom left, there is 78, 000 Essence for every player on your team that does this, which is 78, 000 times. However, many players are on the team, so if you have three players, you will have 3 * 78, 000, so in this case, they want to obviously give up and then plead for help, just like you did.

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Like I said, repeat those instructions. And then you want to revive them. Now, lastly, what do you want to do once you've actually revived everyone? They've gone down. Please plead for help. You want to downgrade yourself again. Now this is going to be the last time that you down yourself for this game, and each game you're going to do this, so what's going to happen is that you're going to down yourself, and you are going to give up and not plead for help.


So here I go on my second account, and I'm going to downgrade myself on both. Now once all players have gone down on your team you need to wait for the plea for help timer to go out, because you want to actually lose the game so you will lose whatever large rck Sack or medium rug sack that you have you won't lose the items in which you had because obviously Tombstone is active so you will also save all of whatever items that you had on you so just know that but you want to wait for the actual XP to come up on your screen here or the mission progress and at that point you can leave the game, so if you repeat those steps each subsequent game that you do it will Times by however many players are on your team so for example if you have a full Squad it'll Times by three you consolidate all that Essence and then you repeat the process right and what's going to happen is you'll be able to do this an infinite amount of times until you get to.

99, 999, the coveted Max Essence if you will, so if you guys appreciate this long convoluted article, I'd really appreciate your support.

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