News - Tombstone Glitch. Dark Aether. Solo Or Team - Tombstone Duplication Glitch - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

barrier glitch

Wesley is here, and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to bring your items through the dark ether while doing the tombstone duplication glitch. Now what this glitch is going to allow you to do is that you won't lose out on your current tombstone, and you will have the ability to actually turn in those schematics that you've been wanting to do.

So first of all, you're obviously going to need a sigil; you're going to need at least 3, 000 essences or 1, 000 essences, and a tombstone soda can. Like you see here, just make sure that you have all the items that you want to continue to duplicate because whatever is in your back, just like normal when you do the tombstone duplication glitch, you will both extract and keep in your tombstone, so let's get started.

So first and foremost. I just want you guys to know that I am a hoarder myself, so I do not like to use my Tombstone Soda, so I like to actually hoard them into my stash and replace items that are already in my stash with the Tombstone Soda. If you're like me. I would highly suggest that you buy Tombstone out of the machine, or if you just simply don't have a can, then go ahead and make your way back over towards Bad Signal, generally speaking.


The obvious things that you're going to need right now are the signatures you're going to need for what you want to bring through. I would highly suggest schematics if you're doing this or if you just want to do dark ether content. Just make sure that you have whatever you need for what you want to do, but the glitch is still going to be in the building, and you're also going to need a scorcher, so it's going to be a little bit tricky here.


I do a little bit of a practice run, and I highly suggest that you do a practice run as well because the timer is the same for both bad signals. And the dark ether if you are unaware so for example if you put in your sigil into the dark Ether Portal you have 30 seconds to actually accept it so what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and we're going to enter a code into the portal just like we do with Tombstone duplication but there's a couple of key differences, with this glitch versus the normal one so let's go ahead and first enter the code we're going to enter U and then we're going to hit the up arrowed one and then we're going to hit the one that kind of looks like a d so where is that that's over on the right here there you go so what this going to do it's going to obviously get the portal ready, so the path we're going to take for this glitch is a little bit different Go ahead and buy the portal, and then you're going to run immediately upstairs to this ledge, charge your scorcher, fire it, and then pull your parachute.


Now fly over there as fast as you possibly can I suggest cutting your parachute while you're doing it and I'm going to show you guys a cool little trick that I learned while testing out this glitch now I haven't seen this glitch posted anywhere yet I was testing this today so what you want to do is start charging your scorcher, then start using the sigil and turn towards the building and what's going to happen is it lets you actually put in your sigil, while you're firing your scorcher, which is super useful and saves you about half a second so I actually landed short here so I jumped over landed here and ran in and you can see the portal is still there so once you get through the portal you want to turn right and immediately run I turned, way too much it turns out you can actually turn before you know visible in that spot so anyway run over and as soon as the timer gets to around one make sure you accept it now I literally had a couple extra seconds I was so early that I went ahead and just did this.

And then you want to hit U here, so it's kind of a potion; du is what I referred to it as, so once you've cleared any zombies near you, go ahead and purchase it and run for the portal just like you did before. Now, like I was saying before, make sure you take the path that I do. This is definitely the most efficient way to get back there.


If you have a scorcher, you can get there slightly faster, or maybe an ATV would make this faster, but you really don't need it for this glitch because I'm able to do it 100% of the time, so I would highly suggest that you just do it running without a gun. You can also bring a gun if you want, but you'll see in a minute why that's not really ideal.

All right So on your way back, make sure you take the original path so you don't need to cut across the courtyard; you just need to go straight through the middle. You're going to go for the staircase here, and you're going to go upstairs. And you're going to go through the portal right here. And then what you want to do is turn right and immediately pull your parachute.

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And you're going to get to the edge of the map way, way quicker. This is definitely the fastest way. Obviously, I accept here, and I take my sweet time because I'm here right in advance, so I would highly suggest you guys get to the barrier around 7 or 6 seconds, and that's pretty much it. Now what you're going to notice is that all of your items came through, but everything on the bottom bar disappeared.

dark aether

Now I haven't figured out how to do this yet, but again. Yes, you can use your scorcher case like this one here. You can, you know, be minus one scorcher, or you can just simply bring in a ray gun. Wonder about something that's less important, and bring that in and use it. I would highly suggest the latter of the two.

I would suggest that you bring something in. I went ahead and used my ether blade just so that I could protect myself, but follow the path that I do if you just want to test out this glitch you can run through the air, and then you want to run through the basement here we are at the exit at the top of the castle that's way easier to get to if you have a scorcher you just fire your scorcher, fly through the air and then use the portal it's at one of the one of the tall, points of the castle but here we are at the exit This is it, so you want to make sure that you get to the portal here and, just carefully, exit now.

duplication glitch

Don't get down or die here. I don't know what the implications are if you die in the dark ether. However, I just highly suggest that you be careful because your tombstone will be back in the next game, so let's go ahead and exit and let's see if this worked out. So a few of you may ask, you know, Can I do this with a team?

The answer is yes; it's pretty simple to do it with a team, but let's go through some of the requirements and see what that actually means here now. So first of all, you can do it with as many team members as you want if you want a huge team. I forgot what the maximum number of players was. I know that you can have three players in a natural squad, but I don't know if you can bring extra players into the dark ether.

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