News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone "after Patch" Stash Glitch Is Patched. Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication

barrier glitch

Here, the tombstone duplication glitch is not patched. I'm going to be showing you guys exactly what you need to do in order to achieve this glitch. Now, the February 21st patch did patch the acquisition stash glitch, or at least the original method. If a new method comes out, it will be included in future compilation articles, but I'm going to be showing you guys exactly how to do the tombstone duplication glitch, what has changed, and what you need to do to tweak your method in order to do this successfully.

Just keep in mind that you can fail at this glitch. It is a little bit more about timing now, and I will show you guys exactly, at least, what I do personally in order for this glitch to work out. Now Getting right into things, if you have an existing tombstone, make sure that you destroy it in your game and grab all the items that you want to duplicate.

Again, this is going to be about timing, so make sure that you're very careful when we get to the bad signal portal. If you don't have that assigned as your mission, make sure that you assign it. That is an absolute requirement for this method. Once you've gotten everything squared away and you have all the items that you want to duplicate in the game, make sure that you come into the game and find where your existing tombstone is, like I said, and destroy it.


If you don't already have a tombstone in the game, just simply get up until this point and start a game. Now, as always, the next step to this glitch is to go ahead and find tombstone tombstones randomly placed along the map. I've actually seen multiple now, which I never noticed before. Honestly, I didn't know there were multiple Tombstone machines sometimes or always.


Who knows, but what you can also do is bring in a Tombstone soda that you've crafted. It does not matter; all you need to do is make sure that you have Tombstone equipped when you do this next portion of the glitch. So let's keep going through with this glitch. Make sure that again you have Tombstone added to your player, and then what you want to do is make your way over to the bad signal portal now there are some changes to this and I want to go over them with you guys so it's a little bit more about timing you need to make sure that you actually do drown yourself as a part of this glitch so I'm going to show you exactly the timing in which you need to do this because prior to this you could just simply time it you know relatively, correctly, and it would work out but what I've noticed is I tested it about three or four times this morning and I did fail multiple times however I successfully, did it on both Xbox and PC and I'm going to be showing you clips from both just to make sure that you guys know and see exactly when to do it so previously.

You would just wait for this to get read, and then you would accept the vote, right? What I would suggest that you do at this point is that you wait for it to get a little bit more—just a couple of milliseconds, more so—a couple of seconds more, and then you want to go ahead and accept the contract now.


Timing wise, you should test this out so that whenever it gets around 2 seconds, that is when you should die, because the reason for that is that you want the game to register that you have fully died. Now, when you go to quit the game on the console, you can quit on this portal screen. I'll show you the Xbox footage in a second, but on PC you want to quit on the black screen, which you will actually see here, so watch, it goes through the portal comes up and then a black screen comes up and you want to spam alt f4, as soon as it comes up right here go, now on Xbox again you're going to quit on the portal screen which I will show here, however, just make sure that you actually hover over quit and you get ready like so and I gave it like a second or two just in case again to register that you've actually died then simply just open up the game and go back in.

Now, just as a heads-up, glitches don't always work as intended, so please, if it does not work for you, just try it again. I highly suggest you try it with less desirable items and then craft the expensive, rare items and actually try it for wheel once you get the timing down, but I'm telling you guys I failed it multiple times this morning.

cold war

It is much more about timing, so just keep that in mind as you're doing this glitch. Previously, you were able to actually store these items in your acquisition stash. I'm still able to do that, so I just want you guys to know that you possibly can still do that, but a lot of people a lot of people are reporting that their acquisition stash is hitting the limit, so I can only speculate here as to why that is because I can't replicate it.

However. I presume that the items that you left in your acquisition stats from before the February 21st patch may have counted as legit, so when people just loaded up their stash right with the items before the patch from the tombstone. I think they may have possibly marked those as legit, so what that is is, you know, it counts towards the 10-item limit.

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I won't get into detail, but that's pretty much it, guys. When I don't do that, it doesn't show up in the graveyard because obviously I haven't been eliminated, so make sure that you do that. It was previously thought that wasn't a requirement, but I would highly suggest that you do that. At this point, I would consider it a requirement.

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