News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone. Essence Duplication Stash Glitch Is Patched. Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch

barrier glitch

Yet again, it seems like they've patched the tombstone duplication glitch, but I'm going to be showing you guys exactly how you can still do it today as a solo player or as a team. Now, with this method, you're going to be able to duplicate Essence and items at the same time. This glitch is very easy to do, but it's important that you follow the steps in order to do it right because you can lose your tombstone very easily if you are not paying attention.

First of all, you will need a partner for this glitch. There are two different ways that you can do this: you can either maintain it or you can actually duplicate it. You can do this by yourself; you just need a random player in the game, and I'll go over that in a little bit, but if you actually want to duplicate your items now, you're going to need a second player at least that will cooperate with you for multiple games, so I'm going to be going through those steps now, but first of all.

I just want to go through the steps. If you want to actually duplicate Essence along with your items. I would highly suggest it because, at the end of the day, you use Essence all the time, and it makes your games a lot easier to start and finish, so let's get right into it. All right So here we are in this first game that we searched for.


I'm going to name this game, all right. So for game one, you have an option that you can do. You can either spend a partial amount of the game actually doing missions and gaining a little bit of essence that you are going to duplicate later, or you can spend the entire game and make sure that you are in the best spot possible.

I would suggest the latter of the two. I would suggest that you spend the entire first game just simply doing missions and gaining a bunch of cash, and then at the end of it you can take a tombstone like normal and just simply die, but the reason why we're going to do missions now is because for each player that you have on the team, it's actually going to multiply your earnings, so for example, if you want to do a Tier 2 delivery contract or any contract for that matter, they are worth $3, 000.

Also read:

Essence is a reward, so knowing that if you have three players, each contract that you do is going to be worth $9, 000. Essence Now, it's important to remember that whatever your total amount of essence is, that is what you are going to be duplicating, regardless of whether you want to share or not.


Just know that you need one person to actually hold the essence later on in this glitch, so let's get into it now, just as an example. I wanted to show you guys exactly what it looks like, so I completed this contract, and for those who don't know, as you can see at the bottom left. I've now gained 6, 000 plus whatever rewards I have here, so if I highly suggest that you do this in Tier 2, because what that's going to allow is that sometimes you may get a rare schematic, you may get a little bit rarer of drops, and you can just simply drive to each delivery contract; that's what I do personally.


It's kind of brain dead, and they are the quickest contracts possible, but you can really do any contract that you want, even Tier 1 contracts. All right, so here's where the fun begins. If your priority is items, you can do all these steps in your first game, but I'm going to call this game too because my priority is Essence, and if your priority is Essence again, make sure that you use the entire first game to gain Essence, and then come back in game two after setting a tombstone with all that Essence so here we are in game two and my teammate is going to go ahead and give me all of their Essence this essentially doubles your essence now obviously no glitches happen but let's get into it so we're going to use Tombstone, at this point of course all the time anytime that we do a tombstone duplication glitch Tombstone is going to be required so go ahead and find it around the map now if you know how to do the Superman glitch with the scorcher where you keep firing it up in the air go ahead and do that if you don't know that glitch go ahead and check it in the description, but I'm going to go ahead and save my Tombstone can for my teammate and I'm going to go ahead and go grab Tombstone and come back.

cold war

All right So here we are, back at my teammate. So now I have Tombstone equipped, and I have all of the items and essence that I want to duplicate. Notice how I have 10, 000 now because I spent 2, 000 on Tombstone. So with this glitch, one thing that I highly suggest that you guys do is always do at least one tier one contract, or just simply, in general terms, get 2, 000 Essence every game because what's going to happen is regardless if you always have a teammate or not, you're always going to be minus one Tombstone.

Soda, right, because the way that you do this glitch is that you are going to set a tombstone. Before you actually hand those items over, as you'll see here, I'll shoot myself up in the air. I will drop The Scorch right before I go down, which is not required, but The Scorch just makes your life easier all right, so then go ahead and give up and then plead for help.

cold war zombies

So remember, you had Tombstone; you were in the same game. You go down and plead for help, and then you are going to wait for either your teammate or a random person to pick you up. Now specifically, right here, this is where you could get a random person to actually pick you back up, and you will have effectively set a tombstone here, but that will not duplicate your item, so you'll notice that the tombstone is now gone from the bottom of my screen, therefore it has been used, and there should be a tombstone right where I'm sitting.

So to actually duplicate your items, what you're going to want to do is, first of all you're going to want to drop all of your essence back to your teammate, as well as all of your items. Now my teammate here does not have a large rug sack, and while you're doing this glitch, you're actually going to lose your large or medium rug sack, so just keep that in mind, and personally.


I would say if you want EAS of access and you just want no barrier of entry, as far as doing this glitch goes right, you want to go into each game and make it as simplistic as possible. As much as possible, I would highly suggest that you always do this glitch with a small rucksack. I know it's not exactly the most convenient thing, but it will absolutely make your life a lot easier if all you're doing is playing zombies, doing missions, and doing things like the dark ether and things like that.

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