News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Ultimate Dark Aether Easter Egg Guide. Best Schematics

That's okay, just go find another ether nest and do the following: you're going to take your brain rock gun and shoot a single bullet into one of the boils on the wall now. Obviously, be careful. There's going to be a ton of zombies spawning in don't try to rush this because you're going to have to hold F on this or hold square on this for like 10 seconds it takes forever to do, but once this thing explodes you will get these purple version of the pills out of this it's not a guaranteed spawn sometimes you have to go to another one in the match in order to do it and it only works once per ether hold, but once you do it correctly you will get these purple pills and then it is time to upgrade them to gold which you guessed it is the exact same process as jumping through portals.

And doing the Bounty that it gives you now for this one you're going to get a different type of Boss zombie that's all fine here is a map of all the portals in the game that could possibly spawn if you want to have that because they don't appear on the map you kind of just have to find them randomly, so this will help you out in finding your portals cuz it can be really frustrating to go around and find them, anyway get the purple Bounty that it spawns in, kill all the bosses kill the main boss that is marked it will complete it you'll get the golden pills out of the rewards portal and you were on to the last one so last but not least we're going to get the golden, camera in order to get the golden camera you need to have dead wire on your gun obviously just do the exact same thing go into an ether Nest clear it in order to get good chances of getting a dead wire or just spawn into the game with it and once you have it go find one of the orbs flying around the map here's a handy little map of all the different orb locations that you can possibly find.

Go find one of these purple orbs and shoot it with the gun that has dead wire on it, and it should turn gold. Just continue shooting it until it blows up, and whenever it does blow up, you will be able to go over and pick up the purple camera off the ground, and, you guessed it, exactly the same upgrade process will get it to gold.

Find a portal nearby. Jump through it, and it'll take that camera away. Whenever you start this bounty contract with the portal, it'll take the camera away until you get it and upgrade it, so make sure you complete this. If you start the contract, start the contract and go find it. Sometimes you have a chance of these things going to Tier 3, so I recommend.

Again being very set up for this because you don't know what kind of tier you're going to get on the Bounty, be set up for it kill them all and you get that golden camera so now you know how to get all four of the golden Quest items now let me tell you that you don't actually have to get all four of yourself you just between your squad, have to have one of each in order to progress to the next step in our game we have had like three of them and we found a random that somehow had the golden camera and we actually combined forces we invited them to our Squad and we were able to complete it with the random so you just need one of each item, between your squad in order to go on to the next step just you can go around asking people or you can just load in the game with all four if you want to do it by yourself.

Anyway, once you have everything you need, you're going to make your way over to this tornado, right next to the Tier 3 Zone once again, and you're going to put these in their respective places. The diary goes into ice pills, the brain rot cam C goes into dead wire, and the dog H goes into fire. You're just going to interact with it, open it up, and place it into the inventory, and if done correctly, it will start glowing and humming and be activated.

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You'll be able to tell very easily that it's activated. Now, just a quick note here on day one: when we completed this and were not sure how long this was going to last, these were incredibly. Buggy to open up the inventories, or you had to look at them at a very specific angle in order to get them to open; not everyone can do it; it's incredibly frustrating.

But just know that Treyarch is fix fixing this and by the time you're watching this and doing it it'll probably be fixed but really at this time there's no bug fix you just have to kind of look at them at a very particular angle in order to open up the inventory to put them in again Treyarch will fix it soon but just a heads up if you doing this on day one so once you have placed all four in the portal will spawn and once you activate, this it is going to be a boss fight let me let me let me make sure you hear this it is going to be a capital B boss fight there's going to be a tier three boss that spawns in maybe even tier four, because this thing absolutely clapped us you're going to get tons of regular zombies tons of armored zombies tons of special zombies, and then a big old Abomination that is going to clap you I strongly recommend being incredibly set up for this or having a juggernaut suit on standby to just absolutely melt this thing because it is a small island and you just we had six people and we're struggling.

It's hard with this, so make sure you're set up to activate it, and once you kill everything there, the portal will now be finished. You have now finished the Easter egg, and you are ready to go in for the sigils. Once you go in for your first sigil on this completion, this is unlocked for you forever, you no longer have to do anything with the quest items ever again it is going to be there in every single game that you are your squad is going to be able to see it you are set up you are done you were done with the Easter egg it is a oneand done thing and now let's talk about sigils and how we can actually get that insane loot so we have now permanently unlocked this portal, how you actually activate this and how you actually use it is going to be the sigils now sigils once you you've completed this Easter egg will start dropping from tier three contracts so you just need to farm some tier three contracts, until you get a Sigil or just use one of the sigils that you get when completing the initial Easter egg once you get these sigils you can activate this massive portal to send you into the tier four Zone which is the brand new dark ether Zone, again I'm going to warn you this is incredibly.

That you can do in this area, to get the insane loot, you need to watch where they fly off to track them with your eyes as much as possible, go over to the area you saw them land on, look high and low, and listen for them to be laughing a lot of the time; they'll be on a roof or maybe in a room and just laughing at you.

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