News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone. Essence Duplication Stash Glitch Is Patched. Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch

If you're doing very simple stuff, then that should be enough in your rock sack, and you can just buy one for each game if you need it, but what you want to do is give your teammate all the essence and items. And they need to make sure they have Tombstone, which he just drank the soda and then he's going to go ahead and down himself now when he downs himself it's super important that you remember he needs to give up and then he also needs to plea for help now you're going to have to communicate this with them because it doesn't I noticed it doesn't actually say plea for help if you're on the same team now if you leave Squad right before you do this section where you down yourself and plea for help it will actually tell you once they've completed the plea for help thing, but if you're on the same team just keep in mind you need to communicate that now both of these are my accounts I'm actually playing both characters, therefore.

dark aether

It's just easier for me to actually just keep track of that, so anyway, anything that you actually have on you, you're actually going to lose at this point, so these two ether blades as well as the schematic. I'm going to lose simply because I had way too much stuff while I'm trying to duplicate, but again.

All right, so the last two steps to this glitch are very important, so let's go through the first one now. So you have two options at this point: you can either get yourself eliminated or just straight up leave the game, but I like to keep the guard rails up because this game, let's be honest, is so glitchy it's not even funny.

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There are so many problems with this game, from multiplayer to war zones to zombies. It's just a very scary thing to lose your Tombstone every game. I even got disconnected while trying to record this glitch, so just beware of that. I would suggest that you get eliminated, but you can also just leave at this point, so let's get into the last step of this glitch now.

duplication glitch

Now here we are in let's call it game three and we're going to go back to the area in which we downed ourselves and you're going to notice your tombstones are there, now it's important to keep in mind that whatever you want to duplicate you need to make sure that each player has on their person when they get down and plead for help because what's going to happen is whatever is on them at that time is going to get snapshotted and saved, so to make sure you have the minimum amount of loss each game make sure that you do this as early as possible don't use your scorcher don't use your ether blade whatever you want to actually have at the beginning of each game make sure you just go do a mission go buy Tombstone or if you have a ton of essence then just go buy Tombstone.


And make sure that you get yourself down, plead for help, and get picked back up, and that's it. As long as you repeat that, you can maintain, and if you have a secondary player to actually share essence, as you can see here, then you can just keep swapping the essence for one player. Downing yourself with Tombstone: As you can see, I have a Tombstone soda right here, and that's it.

Just keep repeating the process, and you will easily get it. 99, 999 essence i can just keep duplicating, let's say dog bones and Scorchers or whatever I want each time that you do this you're going to have double of each one of those items right so therefore you can just simply drop the items you don't want and then keep duplicating the ones that you do and I could have a small ruck sack full of Scorchers here if I wanted but just keep in mind that again each time that you do this whatever you use before you go down and plea for help will be lost so therefore these Tombstone sodas being in your large ruck sack or your small ruck sack or whatever you have are no longer useful because think about it if you have to use Tombstone.


Before you actually get yourself down and plead for help to do this glitch, unlike the one with bad signal right where you buy Tombstone or use the can, and then you close the game on Xfill and it tricks it and says. Hey, he actually filled up with these items, plus his tombstone should be back. There's no double tomb for Tom Stone at this point.

So in closing, I just want to say that if you want to do this solo, you're only going to maintain your items again. Just make sure that you actually down yourself with Tombstone and plead for help at the beginning of the game and get some random person to pick you up, and if you want to duplicate items, you are going to need a second person to do it exactly as I've shown here today.

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