News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Pistol Is Completely Broken. Easy Tier 3 Farming

I'm not going to kill any zombies yet, just so we get a nice big group of zombies together, and then we're just going to light them all up, and there we go. We only have one spore left, and we have a nice group of zombies right here, so let's quickly reload and see how quickly we can take all these guys out.

There we go. Okay, yeah, man, just imagine if we had Deadshot Dakiri; we would have just ripped through that whole crowd right away, and even without Deadshot, we're just men. This gun's amazing. Easy 10 on 10 for me. Easy, all right. Let's go destroy that final. Spore, and there we go, contract complete.

mw3 zombies guns

We got a three-plate off that just saved 10 grams right there. Now all we need is a large bag, so see if there's another contract. There's a bounty contract right there, but those guys are going to pick it up. There is an escort contract, but that's going to be super annoying to do, so I'm just going to hang around here for a bit, and let's hope that a bounty contract spawns in soon.

We didn't get a bounty contract, but an Outlast contract just spawned right here, so I'm going to start moving over there. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on the map in case a bounty contract spawns, but I don't think so. All right, let's just pick it up, and that's going to be right over here in this building, and there we go.

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We got the P&A activated, and now we just need to chill in this room. Complete, all right. That was a very uneventful contract right there, but let's see what we get here. We had death perception, a normal sigil, and a precision air strike. I'm just going to leave all that in there. Definitely take the perk, though.

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Let's quickly take out this mangler. Yeah, just look at the damage output, man. This gun's insane, all right. Let's see if there's a bounty contract. There's one back there, but I think those guys are going to pick it up. Let's see, I'll still definitely try to go in that direction, and there we go.

We got the contract. Let's see what Target we get, and it's a mega-abomination. Let's go that's perfect hopefully we get a large bag off in time. We made it to the mega-abomination and made a quick stopover at the perk machine just so we could get Deadshot Dakir and do a bit more critical damage.

Start lining up that Mega, and just look at the damage, man. Just from those few shots, we already took off about a quarter of his health bar. Let's quickly see that a bit less than a quarter is definitely doing an insane amount of damage right now. Let's come back here, and hopefully he hits us with another one of those laser attacks soon.

mw3 zombies solo

Let's quickly get that reloaded. We definitely should have had Speed Cola, but we're trying to save money here. Just start building up that essence in the tombstone. Let's keep hitting those shots. There we go. Another laser attack coming in—that's perfect. Let's hit the critical points. There we go.

He's about halfway dead. Two of his faces are already destroyed; there is just one face left. Beautiful, all right. Let's back up again. He's going to charge at us. Let's get some distance there we go, throw that blade again, nice, let's focus on that last face there we go, got a few critical shots right there again, let's back up, man, it's been a while since we've used a gun that killed mea that fast, especially the handgun.

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The tears, of course, are super good, but that's in a whole other category, right? Those are just super, all right. There is just a little bit left to go. Keep hitting those shots quickly. Kill some of these zombies right there. Let's get that reloaded. There we go, all right. Mega hit us with that laser; he didn't even have to.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether

Let's go, all right? Let's see what's in here, PhD. Flopper I'll take that, thank you, and a large bag. Let's go that's exactly what we needed. I'll take the raw crystal, why not?, and Quick Revive. Let's go perfect all right, and we're at 26 Grand so far, so there's another Sport Control contract back there.

I think I'll do one more contract, and ah, they already took the sport control contract, no way, and they took the bounty contract too, so I guess raid weapons stash is going to be our final contract. Maybe unless someone else takes it out too, don't tell me this guy is going to pick it up, man. Come on, don't tell me he's going to get it no way, my God, and there's no more contracts in the Tier 3 Zone.

No Way alrighty, okay, I'll sit around here. I'll give it like 2 minutes. If we don't get another contract spawning soon, then I'll just end the article here. Yeah, it's been a few minutes. No contract has spawned yet, so I think I'll end the article here. This gun definitely gets a solid 10 out of 10 from me.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether farming

The damage output is insane. Mobility is great since it's a handgun, great for groups of zombies, great for Bounty targets, great for roaming elites, just overall a great weapon. I'd recommend this gun for sure. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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