News - Warzone 2 Zombies - The New Smg Is Super Broken. Easy Tier 3 Zone

cod mw3

And welcome to a brand new MWZ article. For those of you who don't know, I make daily zombie articles, and in doing so, I come across rare schematics all the time. Since I have them all unlocked already, the best thing I can do is give them to you guys. The winner of all the schematics from my last article is Master Reaper, so congratulations.

I sent you a friend request. Go ahead and accept that, and hit me up whenever you're free for those of you who still need the schematics. The season 2 update is here, as we can see, and there's some weapon changes that took place, and of course we also got some new weapons to check out. The one we'll be checking out today is a new SMG, the Ram 7.

I'm going to be honest and say that this bad boy is easily the best SMG in the game right now and is probably even in the overpowered category before we get into the build I'm using for the Ram 9. I just want to take a moment to thank Mitch Cactus for sponsoring this article. If you're interested in unlocking the interstellar and Borealis Mastery camos, or if you just want to play in easier lobbies to quickly level up your weapons and unlock Amos, or if you're a zombies player just interested in unlocking all the schematics, go ahead and check out Mitch {509}.

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They have over 10,000 reviews on their Trustpilot page and are the safest and most professional Call of Duty service out there. Be sure to use my code hypno for 5% off. So this is a build I'm using for the Ram 9; we're using the Sab comb for increased Reserve ammo, the motion tack pad stock for increased Sprint to fire speed and ads speed, the FSS oav laser for increased ads speed and Sprint to fire speed, as well as the armis, light barrel for increased Sprint speed, ads speed movement speed, and Sprint to fire speed, and last but not least, we're using the 50-round mag.

And of course Mobility is great on this thing since it's an SMG; Ammo is great as well with this build; and just look at that man we are shredding; through zombies, damage output is insane on this gun. Just look at that and start lighting up that Mega. Okay, we only hit a few shots there; that's unfortunate, but even from those few shots we hit, just look at the Mega's health bar and how quickly we killed that mimic.


I mean, this thing's insane. The man got that disciple there too. Let's get a bit closer. Just a look at that. This thing's going to get nerfed for sure; it has to. Let's keep hitting those shots on the Mega back up a little bit. got insta kill there I'm not even going to pick that up just so we can really see how powerful this thing is.

There we go. One of the megafaces is already destroyed, and a laser attack's coming in. Let's get those critical hits in the second facee destroyed. Just look at that; this thing's crazy. This might be the best gun in the game right now. This might be the best gun in the game right now, all right, so those last few criticals on the Mega back up a little bit.

mw3 zombies

There we go, even when we're not doing critical damage. His health bar just goes down, man. Look at that. It's definitely the best SMG in the game. There we go, got that kill, had no issues taking him out, got precision air strike off that which we took, and we got this bounty contract right next to us, so let's go ahead and pick that up and see how well this thing performs against bounty target targets, and there we go.

We got the contract; let's see what Target gets. And it's a mangler, okay? Where's he going to be right there? nice Let's go kill that guy. I also read something in the patch notes saying that the ray gun got a buff, so we're definitely going to be checking that out here soon as well. All right, where you are at Mangler, it's probably going to be right here in the garage, and he's right here.

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Let's go, Hit those critical points. Hit his arm. Cannon D, just a look at that, already took off about a quarter of his health bar. He's about halfway dead already. We've got to back up a little bit now. Got a bunch of zombies here, jeez, all right there we go. We ran out of ammo. Damn, all right, let's actually pick some ammo up from those zombies, throw our blade again, get a bit of distance, hopefully he doesn't hit us without arm Cannon, and there we go.

mw3 zombies best gun

We should be able to finish him off. Here we go. beautiful, He got the kill, had no issues, and is taking out two extra self-revivals off that. Yeah, so we're pretty much already geared up to go to the Elder Dark Eternity to see if there's another Bounty contract and there's none, so you know what actually holds on.

This is a sign, boys. Mega Abomination just spawned in, and we have to take him out. That's the rule here on the channel. Man gets to take out the megas as soon as they spawn. There we go. Let's get that reloaded. Make sure we bring the Mega back here just so he doesn't despawn. Beautiful, let's actually test something out.

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Yes, so PhD Flopper is useless now that you still take fire damage, which is unfortunate. Man, ah that sucks, all good though all good Let's go pick up some ammo here; there should be some on the ground there. Go, But overall definitely happy with the update man definitely happy with the update The war zone is pretty hot right now too, But, of course, I do love zombies.

mw3 zombies classified schematics

There's a bunch of zombie content coming midseason. So that's why we don't have the new warlord or anything yet, but you know, it's coming, boys. It's coming I know a lot of you guys are going to be kind of upset about the whole Tombstone dupe glitch being patched, but you know it's how the game's meant to be played, man.

It just stinks that we have to wait so long for our schematics to cool down, and of course, as a content creator, you know you really need to have as much as possible to produce content you can't be coming in with, like a green tool, and then, you know, spend an hour trying to gear up properly and whatnot, but you know it is what it is, man.

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It's not going to complain too much. Let's get a bit closer to this, Mega. I do believe the player count might drop off a little bit, though, from VI to that, which, as you know, is a whole other topic. And there we go, got the mega-abomination, and no issues taking that guy out. There's a large bag on the ground.

mw3 zombies dark aether farming

You know what? Let's drop a self-revive, and we'll take that large bag, because for those of you who don't know. I down myself in the Elder Dark Eternity at the end of every run, and the next game, when I load in. I'll have all this stuff in my Tombstone. And there we go. We made it to the portal.

And there we go, boys. We made it to the Tier Five Zone. Let's take out those hellhounds here and start lighting up that Mega Abomination. See how quickly we can take this guy out. Yeah, just look at that man. We're not doing any critical damage, and we're just ripping through the guy. Now we're getting those criticals in, which is lovely.

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