News - Warzone 2 Zombies - The New Smg Is Super Broken. Easy Tier 3 Zone

He's already taken off about a quarter of his health bar. Man, this thing is insane. Overpowered, this has to be the best weapon in the game right now, man. Of course, you know, the Lockwood 680 is probably still pretty good, and the tears are probably good too, but this thing's just insane. Let's get that reloaded.

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Hit those criticals on the mega beautiful. Now we have to back up a little bit. I'm now trying to go down. Right now, there we go. Beautiful, so as you just saw, even for groups of zombies, man, you'll just rip through them. Set those criticals if we can. There we go, beautiful. You did a lot of damage to Mega already.

Let's take out some of these hellhounds. There we go. It stinks that PhD Flopper isn't working. It's weird there we go. Let's get a bit closer to the Mega again. Throw that blade at those zombies. There we go. So close to dying, man. I just need one more laser attack. Come on, we actually know we need ammo.

Let's go pick some up there. We've got a little bit for the blade. Hopefully there's some more ammo here, and probably some back here. There we go, beautiful. And we can hit those critical, and we should get the kill there. We go beautiful, We got an epic ether tool off of that and Deadshot Dairy, which we already have, so we're not going to take that quickly to kill this mangler here, that reload.

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Just look at the kill speed; this thing's insane. Man, we're going to have some fun here all right, so once you get past that Mega Abomination, I like to just run down this street here, and as you see, there's another Mega there. You'll also have a disciple; sometimes you have a mangler and a mimic too, and what I like to do is just jump onto this wall here and jump right into that window.

Break the glass, climb up this ladder, and pick up the ether extractor contract right there. Jump down to this side of the building so you can avoid the Mega and all the other Elite zombies back there; just run up the road here. And right at this ZIP, you'll actually find the first extractor. Now there's going to be a bunch of zombies here, as well as one or two Elite zombies, so just throw your Casmir.

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That's going to pull in all the normal zombies, and it's going to damage the elites. But it's going to let you deactivate the. Extractor, then just run along here and as you can see once you cross this wooden bridge, you can throw your extractor right at that wall it's going to bounce off and land at the extractor there we, go, and that's going to let us just disable the extractor so that's two out of three complete, quick and easy so far once you got that one got this old mimic here so let's quickly take care of him once you got that one climb up the ladder here, now if you have more Casmir you can just throw them right at the extractor that's going to bounce off and clear out the area since we don't have that we're just going to go with the traditional method, of ripping through all the zombies let's get that reload through our blade real quick there we go One mangler is dead, one more to go; he's almost dead, and there we go.

Both manglers taken care of got this zombie here too; more zombies are coming in, actually. We might have to use energy mines here just to take care of them. There we go, and we can just disable the extractor. There are no issues with this contract; there we go, Beautiful; see what we get off this; and we get a legendary tool in there.

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It's nice to see what else is in there. Come on come on man the fire damage why did they have to change PhD Flopper, let's get a bit closer. Come on, man, there we go. There we go. Legendary tool, an extra golden plate, which will take over the self-revive, I guess, and the dog bone recipe, which, okay, we'll leave that there.

Let's quickly use the self-revive; pick the one up on the ground. I think we picked up a thermite somewhere that I don't know that was weird anyways once you finish at Contract just jump over to the other side right here and you can just come down here to this green bus, and that's where you find the Outlast contract now once you pick that up just run down the street here quickly throw that blade get up this ZIP, and once you get into this building here you just want to take a left and this is where you find the pnd device, go ahead and get that activated and for this contract all you do is stay in this room there's really not much to it if you have Casmir of course use those they're definitely going to make this contract a lot easier.

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The energy mine field upgrade, which I have also helped out since that's going to get a bunch of kills for you, and as you can see, there's a bunch of zombies coming your way, so yeah, just stay alive, stay in the area, and yeah, it should be smooth sailing, and there we go, complete. Most of the zombies are going to die.

You might have a couple left alive. We got an extra Elder sigil, which I'll take over the Golden Plates for sure. I'm not even sure if we actually took it. Yeah, we did all right. There's nothing else special in there, so let's just make our way upstairs, but yeah, overall, I'd have to rate this thing a solid 9.5 out of 10.

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It's definitely the best SMG in the game right now, and it might actually be the best weapon in the game in general. I'll have to do some more testing and see what changed and what the new meta for zombies is, but this thing is definitely in the top three; at least it has to be that this thing's great, so yeah, overall.

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I'm kind of happy with the update. I would have liked a bit more content, but of course we're just going to have to wait until that midseason update. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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