News - Warzone 2 Two Weeks Later - Does It Suck

I actually don't mind it, but speaking of floor loot and looting stuff, we're going to talk about the looting system and the backpack system. This might be a bit of a hot take, I must say, but I actually don't mind the backpack mechanic in the backpack system in the game currently. It definitely gives you extra capability and variety that you can have in your loadout at any given point in time.

modern warfare 2

You can carry, you know, multiple tacticals and multiple lethals at the same time and swap them out as you need them. It does make you more adaptable on the battlefield, and after some time with it because, let's be real, most of the UI in this game is not easy to learn. I actually find myself quite liking the backpack system and the extra flexibility it brings you on the battlefield.

Looting for the backpack system stinks on a whole other level when things are close together, and more often than not, a lot of things do drop close together, especially if you've wiped out a whole squad. You are not having a good time looting bodies, and it is the most frustrating experience just trying to get your mouse cursor on the right pixel on your screen to start looting the backpack instead of dropping and juggling weapons that are on the ground.

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24 7 it really can take you out of the pacing of the game, and it really does take you out of the experience too. They really need to look at fixing up the looting and coming up with some kind of UI interface to fix things, but speaking of pacing, let's talk about the time to kill and just the general gunplay and gameplay here because the time to kill in this game feels incredibly quick by comparison to Warzone One.

modern warfare 2 2022

Given that the movement in Warzone 2 is a lot slower by comparison to the previous title, this has had some ongoing effects that really do amplify the feeling of that faster time to kill for; for example, no sprinting while plating is just ridiculous and needs to be tossed out the door. We should be able to sprint while we're plating, but when you're trying to make some distance and trying to reset the engagement on your terms by breaking line of sight and getting some plates in, it just feels impossible to do more often than not.

That just seals the deal for the player who shot first. Even if you break line of sight for a moment and move for a smart counter, you're too busy plating up. You can't sprint to make that distance any further, and, well, that enemy player is just going to catch up to you while you're plating. It's not fun, as I alluded to; the shorter time to kill with the slow movement also makes any ability to react feel kind of limited.

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Limited There have been plenty of times where, despite my best efforts to break line of sight with somebody nearby, I've been downed almost instantly. which is never a fun feeling, and just the general combination of the slower movement and the faster time to kill has made it feel like there's a lot less opportunity for counterplay across the board in this game, which can suck sometimes.

Again, it's very much in tune with rewarding that positioning play and the ability to get into the prime position for the circle and stuff like that, but there are times where, if you are the assaulting player, you kind of feel a bit useless. I feel like a small change to the time to kill and the movement speed to allow for additional counterplay could go a long way, but that is just me.

modern warfare 2 gameplay

I feel like it would extend out the skill curve a little bit, which sometimes I really do believe needs to happen, but there are times where the skill curve just feels a little too steep. Consolidated, to appease the overly casual players. I'm sorry, but that's just how it feels sometimes. I feel like cash in the game could also be a smidge more abundant in more areas now, given the price of unlockable Loadout weapons.

It can very much feel like a bit of a drag, especially if you're balancing with, you know, buying UAVs and calling in allies from Death. It can feel pretty difficult to get your loadout weapons, especially, and there have been a lot of games where I've spent the majority of my time without my loadout guns, which can feel a bit alienating sometimes.

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I must say, just as a sort of closing sort of remark, how the mid-game pacing for War Zone 2 feels. Very off like very off the game normally starts off feeling absolutely batshit, crazy, as teams are landing all in the same areas and fighting each other to the death over weaponry and armor, sets, and stuff like that, and the end game also feels very good; it gets intense, there's a lot of action and there's a lot of teams all find themselves making, their way back into the center circle from the split Circle more often not which creates some very interesting Dynamics for engagements and gas play stuff like that but then there's that really awkward midgame lull that just kind of often feels like you're turning the game into a running simulator there's a lot of times where I've been in the mid game like those second third sometimes.

even fourth circles, where the circles are moving so slowly that you just don't see anybody for a solid five to ten minutes, and it does feel very strange for a gameplay flow; it kind of feels unengaging. Now obviously, there were a few complaints there, but generally speaking, as I said before, I'm having fun with Warzone, but does it objectively suck?

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No I don't think it's a game that's objectively bad; however, subjectively. May sucking to you, and that's okay. I have been able to have some fun in Warzone. And when I'm having fun with a game like this and not coming back to it just to make content for my YouTube channel, I think something's gone a touch wrong there in some way.

modern warfare 2 new

What are your thoughts on more Zone 2? Do you think the game stinks? Do you think it's right in the sweet spot? Do you think there's some additional improvement? I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts. Take care, guys. Have a good one

Warzone 2 has been live for a couple of weeks, and there's no denying that it does a lot of things very differently to what we are used to.
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