News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Meta Assault Rifle Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Setups

best assault rifle warzone 2

The rifle category here in Warzone 2 is one of the most competitive categories we have. We have a lot of very, very solid options when it comes to the general meta conversation. I won't lie; narrowing it down to the five best is a little tricky right now. That said, today we are going over the top five general best rifles to be running right now, starting at number five.

Warzone 2 best chimera loadout after update

Warzone 2 best chimera loadout after update

I've got the Chimera, and when I say it's tough to narrow this down to number five, I mean it because, obviously. The Chimera is meant for more close-to-mid-range use as a rifle, whereas something that might not be on this list like, for instance, a Lochman 556 or a cast-off 762 is obviously not meant for mid-to-long range, so there's plenty of discussion to be had in regards to what's best for this range, what's best for that range, so on and so forth, but in general right now, the Chimera is fantastic, close-to-mid-range.

Velocity is a little bit lacking for a rifle, so that's something you have to factor in, but overall, this thing's a beast for close to mid-range. It's running the gun and its line, and frying first up here. I got the Bruin flash rear grip better than Sprint to Fire, tuning for that better Sprint to Fire and for slightly better recoil, just to keep it consistent in the mid-range, but overall, we're focused on mainly making this even more aggressive.

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I've also got a pretty nice 45-round mag. Standard extended, mag right, the Sloger Tango under barrel is a bit more aggressive here compared to some of the other under barrel options; this ends up helping with your recoil, but you can also tune this for better mobility as well, which is nice and convenient there.

Use the sock and Shred 40 muzzle if you wanted to use a suppressor to stay off the compass. If you wanted to drop this for, say, a laser or an optic to be more familiar with the weapon and be more aggressive, there's also a really good choice here, though I'm focused on just straight-up recoil and control.

If you wanted to tune for ads, you could also do that, though there really wouldn't be a huge difference there, and then, lastly. I go for the vorpal barrel, which is the best of all worlds damage range, movement speed, and ads. Make it a little bit more aggressive there regardless. You cannot go wrong with the Chimera.

Warzone 2.0 best kastuv 74u loadout after update

Warzone 2.0 best kastuv 74u loadout after update

Right now, I'm just a step above the Chimera, and at number four, I've got the 74u. And really, the only reason I have this currently listed as being better than the Chimera is just because this one's going to feel a little more consistent in regards to the eye.

Buller velocity: This has a much better stock velocity than the Chimera, so while they're both meant for close to mid-range, as AR SMGs and Type hybrid weapons, this one is going to be a bit more reliable outside of just the first 20 meters or so, so you know, up to 30 meters, 40 meters, and 50 meters, this is going to feel a little bit more consistent and like it's landing shots a bit easier because of those just base stats, but the movement on each of them is still very good, and the feel of them is also very good.

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First up, I go for the X2 rear grip. This is my main consistency option for better control. I do tune in for the better mobility, though, so we're getting a lot out of this one single attachment. I've also got the R7 stock. This is all pretty much mobility-based Sprint speed ads. Crouch speed, and we're tuning for even more mobility there at 45, running Cinemag again, and just pretty standard with the added safety net of having that extra ammo.

I also go for the Olay, Laser here for better ads, and Sprint to fire as always for our close range guns. Nothing really new in this category at all, tuning to enhance those stats even more the last thing I go for the 209 Barrel, this is again mobility-based to make this even more aggressive; we're going for ads, speed, and I tuned for a little bit better steadiness, again, just to keep things consistent, in some of those mid-range engagements overall, though this in the Chimera is fantastic, close to mid-range sort of sniper support rifles or AR SMG type rifles as well, and then at number 3, we get more into the versatility of the Chimera.

Best m4 loadout in warzone 2 after update

Best m4 loadout in warzone 2 after update

The top five here are three weapons that are really going to be great in close range if you need them to be, but mainly mid- to long-range as the main primary that you're going to be running with, and at number three. I've got the M4, which pretty much in all configurations is just that standard, reliable weapon.

This isn't crazy broken or ridiculously good, hence why it's not at number one, but it's just so reliable, great ttk, great control, you know, good ammo capacity, good movement for a rifle, like there's no cons here, it's just all decent pros throughout pretty much, so first up here. I do go for the amount of V4, as always with any optic, go for the one that you are most comfortable with, but with all of them you're going to want to tune for that furthest high position in Faster Ads.

best loadouts

I also go for the 45-round MAG exit here if you want to jump up to 60. Go for it; you're just going to be a tad bit slower, so keep that in mind. I've lost the ammo clutched for mid- to long-range builds here, so of course we're on in that we're going for better velocity and better damage range on the tunes Edge 4700, and the barrel is great, especially after this update where all the movement cons on these are pretty minimal now, so this is going to help out a lot with stabilization and not really hurt much in general.

Lastly, I would go for the Echoes 80 suppressor if you wanted to use something like a second tread 40 compensator instead to go all out on control. You could do it, so really there's no wrong answer between using a range- and velocity-increasing suppressor or a control-increasing compensator; it just comes down to how you want the gun to feel.

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In this case, I'm going for that suppression, better velocity, and better ads on the tunes there. Really, this is about as standard and decent a gun as you could get. There are real bad things about it, but it's just going to be nice, reliable, and easy to use now as we move on to the top two here.

If you're looking at screens for long periods of time, whether you're gaming, working, or doing school, these are game changers, man; they're going to help you sleep better, reduce headaches, and reduce eye strain. I love my horizons, and this is the pair that I'm rocking. The colorways are great, and they offer prescription or regular lenses if you want to get a pair for yourself.

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