News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Meta Setups

modern warfare 2

So here I'm going for basically control and range. Essentially, if you will, you don't need an optic here. I love the iron sights, and they're super clean and visible over long range, which is a nice added benefit. I go for the combat rear grip, which helps with control. Like I said, this entire build is really focusing on that to make it as easy as possible by better setting the instability on those tunes.

Ford Ironic Cinemag: You could also go 60; it's just going to be a tad bit slower, so that's totally up to you. High-velocity ammo yet again has a better range and better velocity on the tunes, which are pretty straightforward. Edge 47 under the barrel for that better stability. The recoil stabilization there is so clutch over range better stability and stabilization on that tune, and then, lastly, I go for the Echolus 80 suppressor in this case.

I don't feel like you need another compensator. All those other attachments are already doing so much to control you; you might as well get better range and velocity out of this with pretty minimal cons compared. To the other suppressors with better velocity and ads on the tunes, there's one of my favorite guns and one of my favorite builds in the game right now by far, and then to wrap things up at number one.

Warzone 2 best iso hemlock loadout for season 2

Warzone 2 best iso hemlock loadout for season 2

I've got the Hemlock, our brand new rifle here for season two. This thing has a long range.

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The ttk is actually right there with the cast-off 762; we've talked about it previously and how it's basically tied for the best ttk out of the rifles, but it's a million times easier to use. The Castava, model 762, is so much better at TT than the Attack and just as easy to use. This is the clear number-one choice in the rifle category right now.

He's got a couple of different ways you could actually build this if you wanted to test out a couple of builds, so amount-wise. V4 is pretty standard for furthest eye position and faster ads as always. 45-round extended magazines and high-velocity ammo tuned for better range and velocity are the three attachments.

modern warfare ii

I wouldn't really change anything in the build if you want to go all out control and make this thing as easy to use as possible, go with the sack and shred 40 Edge 47 under the barrel. Same tunes here, basically better stabilization in general, but then you're going to tune to enhance that even more alongside the idle stability, and for the second shred 40, again, pretty basic, it's going to give us that better control all around, and I'm tuning to maximize that as well now that there is no recoil.

Super easy If you wanted to enhance the range a little bit more, you could definitely either swap out the muzzle or the under barrel for the 3056. Barrels or the Fielder, t50 Barrel This makes it look a lot like the growl from MW 2019, which I love, but both of these are going to be great for range and velocity.

The one in the Fielder does also help out with control; it's going to have a few more cons, but you know that's sort of the price he pays, so both of those are great options as well if you wanted to swap out one of these and see how it feels. There's a lot of preference in knowing exactly how you want this gun to perform.


This is a build that I find works great for mid-to-long range just because I can land pretty much all my shots, considering how easy it is to shoot that. Peace out.

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