News - Warzone 2 Top 10 Long Range Meta Weapons. Season 2 Best Class Setups Al Mazra & Ashika Island

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already kind of built that out. He's going to go with the blackout rounds, which will actually do a little bit more damage at the cost of fire rate, but the loss of bullet velocity, in my opinion, as a long-range option isn't really that great. Maybe if you're going to use this more as a sniper support, that could be a route you could go, but they were only talking strictly about long-range metas right now, and you can kind of see how again that one's built out, and this one has very low recoil.

I think a lot of people are liking this one because of it. kind of doesn't move, and you can shoot pretty straight, but 45-grain bullets can be a little bit of a hindrance, especially.

M13b best long range class setup

M13b best long range class setup

If you like to play a little bit more aggressively against multiple players The M13 kind of struggles with that same thing, but it does have a 60-round magazine; it's never been a high-damage gun, and it kind of just fits into the old war zone. Niche Keep in mind that a lot of these are going to be great options.

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So same built out like that, we got the Zulu, which is a suppressor. We get extra tons of bullet velocity on this thing, and since it doesn't have a ton of recoil, we could actually get a little bit better aim down sight recoil and steadiness, and we could drop that down to right there and we're good to go, and this one again is M13 super fast bleeds bullets though, so you will burn through a MAG pretty quick. You can kind of see where the accuracy is because you're just aiming at a point, and it's not really going to move all that much, but you won't go through a 60-round mag in a blink of an eye.

Taq v best long range class setup

Taq v best long range class setup

This brings us to the tag V, which did get a little bit of a nerf but is still pretty good. This one.

I think I have it set for Flinch because the aim down side is not horrible, but you could go to aim downside, right around there, and you would be good as well, and this one again still works pretty much the same, not necessarily. Maybe a little bit harder at some engagements that are going to be a little bit further, but again, it's going to come down to how comfortable you are shooting with a little bit more of an aggressive gun because it does have a slower fire rate, and you can get penalized if you aren't necessarily as crisp with your accuracy.

Hcr best long range class setup

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HCR is another good option, and this one is another LMG. It does feel pretty good. You get the high velocity, which again is built out the same way lock precision gives you really good recoil control there, and then we get those built out that way because we're going to have plenty of bullet velocity with the muzzle, the ammo, and the barrel that we're able to stack those out appropriately, and a lot of people will ask, "Why don't you tune into range?" because the difference in range is so negligible even with the tunings that it's not really going to impact where you're challenging most people in engagements.

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So you could go for that, but personally, I'd rather have a little bit better aiming on site to compensate for the fact that this thing is slower. You kind of just build it out. Not a lot of recoil, and that's really what we're solving for with all of these: the low recoil builds that we'll be able to control and have a lot of consistency with, and then obviously once you shoot straight with all of these guns, you can kind of look a little bit closer at what the ttks are and how close and easy it is going to be for you to hit those theoretical numbers, and the closer you get to those, the better the gun's going to show you how fast it melts on top of the armor damage values that I'm sure we'll get to sooner rather than later; brings us attack 56, which is pretty good.

Taq 56 best long range class setup

Taq 56 best long range class setup

I think this is kind of where the meta should be. I don't think this gun's particularly broken; I don't think it's overpowered; I don't think it sucks. I think it's right where the meta should be balanced. So if it's better than this gun it should be nerfed, and if it's worse it should be buffed, and that's just my general thinking, along with kind of like the hemlock or kind of like tied, for where I think the guns would be really balanced, but I'm not responsible for balancing the gun, so I don't think we'll see those changes all right, so for this one we actually have the 60-round mag with the high velocity rounds.

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The lock grip precision, which you can see in the tunings, is kind of what we've been seeing as a trend for all of these because, for the most part, that's kind of where you're going to tune them at, and then we also have the AIM optic, which I prefer close, but if you want to put it far, go for it; if you want to use the thermal optic, go for it; whatever you're going to be really comfortable with again, solving for recoil so you will be able to hit people at range without the gun moving, because at the end of the day you're not really moving crazy cracked out on the map.

It's just that it goes against all the rules of War Zone 2 except for us, so you kind of just got to play to the strengths of the game and be able to be as accurate as possible so that when you hit somebody you're killing them with the first shot and you do not miss obviously, we're humans, we're going to miss, but you know what I mean.

Sakin best long range class setup

Sakin best long range class setup

try to get as accurate as possible, get close to that, then we got the Sakkin, which a lot of people are really liking. I think this one is really dominant. The recoil on this thing is absurd. When we're building this out on stream, I was showing stream how easy this thing is to record, I mean, to shoot with, and it's dumb, literally.

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Dumb, we'll see it right now, where again we're solving for all those stats, and we decided to go for a little bit better aim down sight. If you feel like you want more recoil control, you can do that. If you want a different mag size because you want to go crazy, you can do that. If you want a stock or under barrel, you could swap out the laser for whatever.

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It's just built out with those tunings, and then the aim-up sight is set up pretty much the same way. Where it's set up, it stops right there, and this one we'll go ahead and shoot at the wall just for a comparison. I'm not actually going to control recoil at home, and you'll kind of see what it does.


It really isn't moving all that much; that's about 70 bullets, so you can see it kind of just goes up a little bit into the left, so when you're really shooting this weapon, you don't need to be doing too much. It pretty much goes where you want, and that is solid when it has around 750 HTK. I'd have to double check 100, but it's a pretty fast TTK with this gun, again slow reload because it is an LMG, but if you're looking to put people down.

Rpk best long range class setup

Rpk best long range class setup

This is a gun with very little recoil, even at the furthest ranges, so you could kind of swap out the optic for a higher zoom if you wanted that as well, and then the tried and true that hasn't gotten nerfed to the dirt is the rpk and a kind of similar build we've had for a little while now, which obviously is kind of built out like we've already seen with a lot of these attachments aimed at site bullet, velocity range, or even stability recoil.

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