News - Warzone 2: Top 10 Best Meta Weapons Ranked. Mw2 Best Class Setups

best class setups modern warfare 2

First things first: Merry Christmas to those that celebrate. I do appreciate you guys spending some of your day hanging out with me here on the articles, so I hope you guys are all having a safe and fun holiday season with your friends and your loved ones, but today we are breaking down and ranking the top 10 best weapons in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, right now from 10 to 1. We've got a lot of very competitive options, obviously, and recently we've also seen some weapon changes that have adjusted things in the game as well.

Best vaznev 9k class setup in modern warfare 2

Best vaznev 9k class setup in modern warfare 2

But we are starting first here at number 10 with the Vos Dev 9K; this is a super reliable SMG. That said, you could also make an argument for things like the mx9 and the lochman subs, so the SMG category in general is very competitive, but to me, the Voz Nev is one of those that does stand out and makes its way into the top 10 just because it's got low recoil and real good damage and real good mobility as well; it's got a lot going for it in terms of being a competitive SMG, so here I just go for four attachments, and that's just because I don't use an optic in this case.

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If you wanted to use a red dot or a blue dot or a different scope of some sort, feel free to throw that on there totally preference-based instead, though I do start off with a True Tech grip here for that better sprint to fire and ad and I go ahead and tune this for slightly faster sprint to fire, then I go for slightly better control in this case just to balance that out a little bit because this.

cod modern warfare 2

Grip does initially hurt your recoil; a control 30-round mag is fine, so you don't need a magazine there by any means. I go for the shark fin under the barrel; it's that freeze stability obviously with no cons, and then you can tune this for a faster strafe and a faster ad, so you're getting some free stats out of that.

I also go for the cast one barrel here; this is going to be for better range and velocity, which hurts your ads and whatnot a little bit, so I actually tune for essentially the maximum ads. Here you can get away with doing that, then also improving your walking speed slightly, and lastly, I go for the Olay laser on there just for that better sprint to fire and ads.

We'll see plenty of that throughout the article, but yeah, those are the four essential attachments. If you wanted to, you could certainly run, you know, a castle compensator. Or a Razer compensator or something; keep in mind it's going to slow you down a little bit, but that wouldn't be a bad option on here either; or an optic, if you wanted to again sort of come down to preference there; but those are the core four I've got going on right now.

Best fennec class setup in modern warfare 2

Best fennec class setup in modern warfare 2

At number nine, I've got the fennec fox as the reason. You hear the Fennec, especially the TTK, is absurd; it's got the mobility; it's got the TTK even with this build here. It's also very, very easy to use, especially at close range. It is just spicy. As can be, we got the rubber grip here that's actually for better sprint to fire in ads as well.

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I tuned this for an even faster sprint to fire and even better recoil, again, to sort of counteract that con there. I do own the 45-round magazine even in multiplayer because this fire rate is so absurd that you do run out of ammo constantly, and especially if you're playing aggressively, you gotta have that larger magazine on there.

I go for the seven-milliwatt laser for those faster ads and sprint to fire yet again. Phase 3 under the barrel will help with stabilization and hips, and you can tune this for better ad and strafe speeds, so you're getting some nice mobility benefits while also getting some decent control. Last, I go for the lockshot KT85 with the compensator on there.

I tune that for basically Max Gun Kit Control yet again. As well, so this thing is fast; it is snappy with the ads, and it kills incredibly quick now at number eight.

Raal mg best class setup in modern warfare 2

Raal mg best class setup in modern warfare 2

It's so strong right now, so here I do go for the amount V4 if you want a chrono mini dot, though on there, if you want a 3.4 times, you can go for any optic that you're comfortable with.

I like the V4. I tuned that for basically the further side position of your ads, and punch resistance does not matter there whatsoever. We go for high-velocity ammo on here, and you're going to get some better velocity and some better range out of this slightly, but it's something regardless, and it'll just make the hit rate feel more consistent over range.

The Dune under Barrel line here is going to help out with steadiness, which is all general control. I also go for better stability and stabilization on the CP90 compensator here, which is again just basic recoil control, and I tune that for maximum gun kick control and even better stabilization, followed up by the Rhino under the barrel line here, which is better controlling velocity, so this thing's going to shoot straight as can be; I also tune this for better range and better steadiness as well, so low recoil and super. Let's try and aim for 2500 likes on this one.

Best rpk class setup in mw2

Best rpk class setup in mw2

Now at number seven, I've got the RPK and another LMG, this one a lot more aggressive than the Rel TTK. It's not going to be as fast as the Rouse, but it's still one of the more competitive ones in the game. This is also really good damage, really good range, and good control as well, and we make this more of an AR lmg.

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hybrid if you will with this overall setup here, so I go for the Chrono Mini Pro, your basic Blue Dot on there, tuned for that furthest dive position 40, round mag in the Olay Laser, so you got an extended mag that's nice and consistent and also a little bit faster than the base 75, and the Olay Laser is going to help out with that yet again, so it's a lot more aggressive in general, you can actually run around with this thing and play a little bit more fast paste, even though it is an LMG, the Ripper under barrel on here will help out with that stabilization.

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I tuned this for even better stabilization and idle stability, and then lastly the second tread 40, which you are going to see on a ton of different builds here today, is just another basic compensator for the better control tune for better gun kick control and better stabilization, as well as being a super reliable and really consistent rifle here now, the brand new Chimera, which is also a beast here in multiplayer, especially if you land headshots.

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