News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons Season 2

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We of course just did this the other day for War Zone 2, but our list here, if you were to compare them.

New season 2 weapons in mw2 multiplayer

New season 2 weapons in mw2 multiplayer

It's a competitive option and probably the best shotgun in my opinion just because you can spam it; it's going to be good for that specifically. Now, yes, you know other things like, for instance, the 725, which could one shot at a further distance, but if you only got the two shots you missed, so there's a little less forgivingness.

Factor if you will, this is very forgiving and very spammable. Very cheesy, not super broken, but good for a shotgun. Hemlock, I would say, is a top-tier weapon for sure. On the borderline meta, honestly, it is very similar to the TAC 56 in a lot of ways. I prefer the TAC 56 when it comes down to it for just how it feels and the consistency that I have with that gun over range versus the Hemlock, but they're both very similar.

I do feel like there is a distinction between the two in terms of their overall competitiveness in this current meta, but it's not a bad option whatsoever and definitely one of the better rifles in the game currently. We'll move this up in the rest of the category there, but those are the two new weapon rundowns. Of course, we have plenty of actual weapon changes and weapon adjustments to take note of as well.

How season 2 changes the mwii meta!

How season 2 changes the mwii meta!

So initially, the M13 got buffed, and just like over in Warzone, this is now jumping up into that absolute meta category for me for mid- to long-range. Keep in mind the M13, not for great close range; it's just not built for that; but for long range low recoil, and now because the damage in the range buff that I got makes it even better for medium to long range fights, so I love this thing especially for like ground war or some of those larger 6 v 6 maps.

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Now the 762, which actually got a slight nerf to its range; it's not going to be as effective over long range; it's still one of the hardest hitting rifles in the game though, so for that reason. I feel like it's got to stay in the top meta conversation; it is going to be beefy. In terms of medium to long range, it's just not as good as it was pre-NERF, but it's still one of the better choices, though we did see a couple of strange changes to the Lockman 556 and also the M4.

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They basically just increased the rate of fire when in semi-auto mode, but I wouldn't recommend ever changing those to semi-auto mode, so they're both going to stay where they are. That's not really a meta-shifting change; it's just a niche-shifting change. Now the battle rifles also saw some pretty interesting changes; they made a lot of buffs and nerfs, sort of balancing out the weapons and just making them feel different, not necessarily better or worse.

So the Lochman 762 got a damage buff to some parts of the body but a nerf to other parts of the body. It also has a fully automatic buff now. I don't think it is a top-tier weapon in the grand scheme of things like the Lochman 762, and I'm not going to take over the Hemlock I'm not going to take over the STB or the Second or something like that, but it's not a bad weapon at all, and I honestly feel like it is going to be a little bit improved in terms of overall usage.

cod mw2 meta

Now after this update, the F-TAC Recon also got similar buffs; it's got a damage buff and a ranged nerf in a similar way just to different parts of the body; it also got an ads buff as well, and I feel like it does sort of bring it up into the competitive category, just like the Lochman 762. They're now going to be a lot more similar to one another.

The SL14 also got similar adjustments. I'm going to bring that one up to competitive, but it's on the lower end of competitive versus the Recon and the lock fin 762; those I still think are slightly better, but the SO14. I feel like he's going to be slightly improved after this update. Nothing too crazy, but average, I feel, is not a place where it necessarily needs to be considered.

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What else is here, and then our last battle rifle, the attack V, actually got some decent nerfs here? They did drop this down; it's still going to be one of the heavier hitting guns in the game, but when you factor in, you know, its recoil and also now the fact that it's not going to be as strong as it was before.

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I feel like this is probably more of a top-tier option than an absolute meta option, you know, when we have things like the route that are much easier to use than the tacv in my opinion but also have a really, really good ttk like attack V. I don't necessarily put them like right next to each other in the same meta category; they are still a good choice, just not as good as before.

quick reminders We're going through all the changes here today, and every day, of course. We'll of course be breaking down the loadouts for all these top meta weapons in just a couple of days' time, so stay tuned for that moving forward here. The X13 auto pistol was surprising, The only pistol that was adjusted—which, frankly, I didn't see coming—was the pistol.

meta update modern warfare 2

I thought we were going to see pistol nerfs all across the board. I mean, the X12 is insane right now, but the X13, a Kimbo, got nerfed, but the single version of it got buffed. I think that kind of balances it out in the grand meta conversation here. Depending on which version you like to use, that'll obviously change your setup, but it's still a competitive pistol.

All the pistols outside the deagle are, frankly, not bad choices now that the RPK is out. We were all so happy to see an RPK nerfed right; they nerfed the range, they nerfed the damage, and they nerfed the ad movement, but that was not enough at all. It's still a top metaweapon here in multiplayer and definitely in war zones as well.

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I mean, you just can't go wrong with the RPK. It's obviously slower here in multiplayer, so you gotta keep that in mind, but again for ground war, the long-range maps are a great choice. The rouse recoil from Nerf was significant, like there's noticeably more recoil now, so you just change out one of your attachments for better control, and suddenly that's resolved, right, and it still has the best TTK over long range easily.

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An absolute metaweapon now, the EBR was already top tier, and guess what? It just got even better. They nerfed the range a little bit, but they actually buffed some of the damage, so that to me makes it stand out even more. I think it's a fantastic choice. It's semi-auto, with properties limiting it from being an absolute meta weapon, but it is like a consistent two-shot or three-shot kill over very long range.

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