News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Warzone 2 Best Weapons After Update

best weapons mw2

The Season One Reloaded update ended up adding in a lot of changes when it comes to weapons. We saw some buffs, we saw some nerfs, we saw a surprising lack of changes to some of the top-tier weapons, and we even saw a new weapon in the form of the Chimera. It's safe to say the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer meta has shifted, and today we are breaking down the new meta and what weapons are best after this patch.

Is the new chimera rifle meta?

Is the new chimera rifle meta?

I've got my handy list of changes, some of which actually apply to Warzone only, so they won't change much, but we also have several changes here that actually do impact quite a bit.

But first things first, let's talk about the chimera. This is of course our brand new rifle; it's really like a rifle SMG, hybrid with how it performs; it's very lightweight; it's a very close range rifle similar to the 74-inch. In my opinion, the 74U still brings a little bit more power, but the Chimera is solid, and for that reason.

I think this is a top-tier rifle. I said I had the cast of 7RU. It's just so good up close, even after the nerf that we'll get to here in a bit, that I think it stays in absolute meta, and I don't know if these are necessarily one to one; you know, you could take either or and dominate. I think in a gunfight where a good player has the 74U and a good player has a Chimera, the 74U still wins, but that's not to say the Chimera is not a ridiculously good rifle right now, so definitely a top-tier choice when it comes down to it, which is really not a huge surprise considering it's an in-season weapon and there's a store bundle immediately available for it, but regardless, it is very good.

New meta changes in modern warfare 2 after update

New meta changes in modern warfare 2 after update

Now I'm sure you noticed that in the patch notes, they attacked a lot of the pistols in the Kimbo p890, the Akimbo X12, the Akimbo Basilisk, and the Akimbo Eagle, but only against two armored opponents, so that doesn't really apply to multiplayer at all because you're hardly running into players that have armor, so that doesn't really change anything for any of those pistols; they're basically just staying where they are now.

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The mx9, which previously I had on average as being one of the SMGs that was good because of its super low recoil and ease of use but not necessarily crazy fast to kill or anything like that, definitely got a significant buff in this update when it comes to mobility. Obviously, you know it's an SMG already, so it's going to be nice and fast, but now it's even better if you're using the 32-round mag because for that, they buffed the general movement speed, the ad speed, and the sprint of fire, which, in my opinion, absolutely makes this a competitive weapon when it comes down to Also.

I feel like I gotta drop the bass P down because this is an SMG and it just doesn't feel like it's all that consistent for me, so a little bonus change there, but yeah, mx9 after the buff feels a little bit better than before, nothing too crazy because it was only to the 32-round mag, but you're probably using that regardless now as I mentioned earlier, the cast of 74u did actually see a slight nerf.

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They basically nerfed the close-range damage to it, so now it requires one more chest shot to get a three-hit kill, but close-range chest shots are very easy, so that's pretty insignificant. Nerf when it comes down to it, so that one is absolutely staying as a top-tier meta choice right now. I think it's just an absolute beast and arguably the best close-range option in the entire game by the ways we're breaking this all down.

cod modern warfare 2 meta

I also want to give a quick shout-out to my friends over at G Fuel. They are currently running a last-minute holiday sale where my discount code, "Immortal," is available. This actually stacks on top of the sale that they're doing for a bunch of different tubs and flavors on the site already, so if you see any flavors that you like listed at a discounted price right now, you can throw in the code "Immortal" at checkout and get an additional 20 to 30 percent off your orders.

Now next up, and probably the most significant, Buff that we've seen to a weapon so far, which is obviously very exciting. The cast of Five-Four-Five got a buff to its velocity, so it's going to feel like it hits harder in the more consistent over-range now, and it got a close-range damage buff as well, so it's going to be more lethal there, and it also got a chest multiplier buff as well, and this, in my opinion, means that the cast of 545 is one of the lower-tier rifles.

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even make it a top-tier rifle. Choice here obviously with how fast the ttk is here in MW2, so few guns feel meh, which is what average is; we don't have a below average category on here because it'd be pretty hard for a weapon to be below average in a game that has a ttk this fast, so I'd say competitive is like the more medium, and the fact that we have so many top tier choices here because of this ttk I think speaks a lot to you know how dominant some of these guns can be, and the cast out 545, now with this buff, is right there with the lockman, the M4, the M13, and the M4.

These other choices have low recoil and are easy to land shots consistently, so that realistic TTK is now looking very spicy with the MP7, aka the vel 46. I did see a slight buff. They buffed the far damage range Choice thing, which I think has like four or five extra meters now before its final damage drop off.

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It also got a slight movement buff and then a hip fire spread buff, so it'll be a little bit more accurate. The MP7 is still very underwhelming, though as an SMG in comparison to things like the lockman like the Voz Nev like the PD SW or the P90, so it definitely doesn't move off of this, but it's going to feel slightly better than it did before, which is nice because before it was not anything to write home about now, surprisingly.

The 50 GS got some pretty solid buffs too; they buffed its overall damage range and its potential to one-shot headshots; that range is now extended as well, and they also buffed the neck and upper body multipliers. And it has better velocity. Still, it's so unforgiving if you miss a shot that I think that's what keeps it in check versus things like the Basilisk, the X12.

modern warfare 2

X13 Auto, and so on and so forth, mainly the Basilisk, which is better than the Deagle because of its akimbo properties; if there was no akimbo on either of these, they'd probably both be average, but I think the Deagle stays average; it's still the worst pistol in my opinion. They did also Nerf the shotguns, but that was also a war zone only in DMZ-only Nerf where they couldn't one-shot a fully plated enemy, but that's not going to be something you run into here in multiplayers, so pretty much all the shotguns are still going to be incompetitive; they're still going to be very, very strong when it comes down to it, especially at close range.

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