News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Meta Class Setups After Update. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

Modern warfare 2 new top 10 best class setups explained

Modern warfare 2 new top 10 best class setups explained

ladies and gentlemen, hey.

Modern warfare 2 best m4 class setup after update

Mw2 best chimera setup after new update

Mw2 best chimera setup after new update

Is the Chimera I'm going to be honest. Playing aggressively with this rifle is nuts; it's going to fry. It's also got that mid-range sort of sniper support style built into it. It's very easy to use as well. It's just all around checking all the right boxes, and again, we're going for a lot of mobility here.

I got the Brew and Flash rear grips, better ads, and a better sprint to fire the M13 factory stock from the M13C. It also helps out with the sprint speed and the strafe speed, so it's aggressive just off of those seven milliwatt lasers, adding even more mobility to it. The Vorpal barrel is a great choice for movement speed and ad speed, but if you want a bit more consistency, you could also upgrade to the Phoenix, which will make it more ideal.

For some mid-range in there too, with that better range and better control that this adds, and lastly. I go for the bore 490; this is also saying it doesn't do anything, but there are actual stats here; it's horizontally based; I don't know why it's glitched in multiplayer; that's weird; but it's horizontally based, so it's going to make the pattern more predictable, just like over on the M4 with the castle compensator.

Modern warfare ii best fr avancer class setup in s5 reloaded

Modern warfare ii best fr avancer class setup in s5 reloaded

Under barrel for better stabilization; instability helps make that pattern more predictable over the long range. Fr435 barrel for the better control and velocity again the mid to long range is feeling consistent here then Castle compensator, as well for that horizontal control that, said there are ways to flip this around if you want more aggression you could drop maybe an under Barrel or the barrel for a laser you could swap out a muzzle for a stock a lot of ways to build the advancer this thing works in multiplayer in so many different ways and I love it for that and then again with the mid-range sort of sniper support versatile, rifle Trend we got going on the Razorback and I love this too if you can't tell I like these aggressive rifles right this setup though is actually very similar to the one that I use over in Warzone for my versatile, rifles there because this works for close range just because the racerback's more aggressive in general especially.

Best tempus razorback class setup in modern warfare 2

Best tempus razorback class setup in modern warfare 2

Best lachmann sub class setup in mw2 after update

Best lachmann sub class setup in mw2 after update

Now that we're shifting away from some of the rifles, we do have some phenomenal SMGs. In this half season as well the MP5 being one of them and now it's more aggressive and more effective than ever because they finally went through and fixed the Mobile stock so now you're actually getting Mobility benefits, out of this which is nice to see so Sprint speed straight speed ads, speed perfect for an aggressive SMG I go for the tcg10, rear grip it's going to help out with control and keep the gun consistent, and I tune for better Mobility out of that the 40 round mag I feel like works well even for multiplayer 30 can sometimes run out quickly if you're coming comfortable with 30 you could throw on like a frangible hollow point those could work well too I also go for the seven milliwatt laser snap your ads and Sprint to fire in the Falcon barrel for the better movement speed and ads, speed so this thing is going to fly all over the map and also kill extremely quick and be super easy at the same time once.

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Again, a weapon that's checking all the right boxes, by the way, if you're diving into some gameplay here in season five reloaded, whether it's multiplayer, whether it's Warzone, or perhaps you're not even gaming; you're just looking at screens for long periods of time with work or with school. Do yourself a favor and pick up a pair of gamers.

Best iso 45 class setup in modern warfare ii

Best iso 45 class setup in modern warfare ii

best class setups modern warfare 2

If it works well with armor it's going to work well without it too which is nice to see so this set up fantastic mobility and it's going to melt players as well I do like the kt85, compensator on here because it's going to make it a lot easier to shoot and stay on target if you're fighting in like some mid-range since obviously this is your main primary seven milliwatt laser snap your ads and Sprint to fire same deal with the sheer rear grip cheetah, stock for better Sprint speed straight speed ads, speed then I go for the 45 round drum this does have a faster fire rate it's nice and convenient you don't have to worry about reloading ever if, you're okay with those base 30 again you can swap out to maybe some ammo perhaps an optic if you prefer that over the iron sights there's some versatile ways to build this but if it ain't broke don't fix it this setup's been working for me since day one and I love the feel of it you may not realize it but the fennec is actually very good in multiplayer, still even more so than over in Warzone where I've also tested this setup as well because.

Mw2 best fennec 45 class setup in season 5 reloaded

Obviously, health isn't as extreme in multiplayer, so you can get away with this fast fire rate still being a thing, and it's just spamming out ammo like crazy. Because the fire rate is so fast. I'm still running the 45-round mag even in multiplayer because that fire rate's just that obnoxious, but because of that fast fire rate, you're going to melt a KT85. Compensator here as well same deal is over on the iso seven milliwatt laser I go for the rubber rear grip for the better ads and Sprint to fire then I like the Loctite stock for the Sprint speed in the ads speed the, agile Assault 7 is also a really good choice as well that one's gonna have a bit more of an impact on your stability and your sway which may affect you in some gunfights kind of comes down to preference there there's no wrong answer but, yeah the fennec I feel like is kind of under the radar right now people kind of forgot about this thing but it's putting in the work next up we got a Powerhouse the tacv which actually got a range buff with season five reloaded which is fun to see it's a little bit higher recoil but if you get your sights up first you're gonna just erase, players at really any range if someone's coming around a corner close range you got your sights up melted, mid-range peak in the heady melted long range running through a field melted.

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