News - Warzone 2: The Perk System Is Broken. Huge Gameplay Advantages & Major Issues


The gameplay is obviously very different from Warzone; we got movement changes, we got all sorts of mechanic changes, and the loadouts and your class setups are also very different this year. They're obviously much harder to acquire in full. If you want a full-on loadout that's not just your primary guns that you buy out of the buy station, you have to go through and either complete a strong hold (and keep in mind there's only a few of those you know in a match at the start) or you have to wait for the free loadouts to come in later on, and then once one team grabs them, you can still grab them but the icon disappears, so you don't know exactly where it's at, so getting your full-on loadout with your primary, your secondary, and your equipment is Your perks are very different this year, so they are not as easy to obtain, which maybe explains why they are not talked about as much as other perks.

In Warzone 2, the graphics are incredible, incredibly good. There's been a lot of conversation going around recently only about perks, packages in Warzone 2, and perks actually working in Warzone 2, and today we're going over all of the very wonky and very strange things regarding the perks system here in Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 perks weren␙t supposed to happen

Warzone 2 perks weren␙t supposed to happen

At launch, it was very clearly stated in the Call of Duty blog that there would be no perks. There wouldn't even be loadouts; you'd be buying your primary and any other desirable weapons, whether you want to call them true secondary weapons or whatever else, through the buy station. Now, of course, things have changed and evolved; they got feedback from the people who played War Zone too early, they got feedback from those who watched the game, and they got all the community feedback after it was revealed.

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Obviously, we have loadouts in the game now, and we have perk packages in the game now, but we don't fully have the option to customize our perks, which leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to getting your full-on loadout.

Perk packages and how they don␙t make any sense in warzone 2

cod mw2

Now there are some decent perks packages, however. These don't actually work correctly either, on top of there being a huge issue with just fundamental perks working in Warzone 2, so you might have seen recently that there's a lot of conversation going around regarding some people actually having access to a custom perk loadout or a custom perk setup within Warzone 2; they don't have to use the default and standard perk presets that most players have to end up using.

Vanguard Scout, whatever the other ones are called, there's a bunch of them, so that's where things begin to get confusing, and let's focus on this for a bit here. So custom perks are not a direct thing. I think it's called that because it is somewhat decently honest. Most of these Perkins combinations I don't feel like I'm getting the most out of, so I don't even pay attention to them.

There is the one overkill one; that one's kind of decent, so you can have your two primaries. There's one that has bird's eye as the main tier three ultimate perk, and we'll talk more about that here in just a moment, but in general, on my main account, where I play MW2. War Zone 2, and DMZ. I only have preset perk packages.

cod warzone 2

The rumor going around, though, is that free-to-play players can actually access their custom perks if they own MW2. For whatever reason, there's a bug that doesn't let that happen, but I've gone through and tested this. I've logged on to a second account, a free-to-play account here on PC on Battlenet, where I would go for Easter eggs back in Warcraft on one so I didn't tank my stats while trying to figure those out right, and on the second account.

I'm up to level four and played a bit of DMZ so I can lock my custom loadout, but I still don't have the option to edit my perk packages. I'm still stuck with the preset ones, so the fact that people are saying only free-to-play players can access their custom perks is already incorrect because clearly that's not the case on both of my accounts, free-to-play and pay-to-play, where I only have preset perks.

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I've had people say that they're on Xbox and own Modern Warfare 2. They can access custom perks. In fact, on PC for about a week after launch, if I clicked on just the Battle Royale quads menu section rather than going into the actual War Zone 2 menu, it would let me use a custom perk package, but it was clearly using my multiplayer classes and not my Battle Royale classes, so that was just a visual glitch, so right now there is actually no definitive answer as to who is able to use custom perk packages and who's not able to use them.

And for what it's worth, those who have said they can actually see them but can't actually create their own custom packages say that they are working in games, so just using a perk package in and of itself is entirely broken right now. Some players have access to it, and some don't, even though they meet the same criteria.

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For those who have access to it, there have been no answers. Let's try and aim for 2500 likes on this one anyway.

Warzone 2 perks don␙t activate in game

Warzone 2 perks don␙t activate in game

The perk packages contain custom presets and perks that are all broken, however. The perks themselves are too Seem to not be working as intended if you notice as you go into War Zone 2 gameplay and you have any given perk, package, or preset package in this case, it seems like the first two basic perks work as intended, whether it's scavenger and double time or, you know.

EOD or whatever else -- seem to be working fine, but then you get to your tier-two perks, your bonus perks, which can be a handful of different things. Cold-blooded, restock a bunch of stuff. They don't always seem to be working either; it seems like in some games I've had restock work, in other games I haven't, so that consistency doesn't seem to be working right.

modern warfare 2

Also, the ultimate perks don't seem to be working right. Either on high alert or not, I have never once gotten a high alert ping in game to this day, even though I've had it on numerous occasions. Other players using other tier 3 perks have also said the same, with the exception of bird's eye, which, as I'm sure you've seen recently, has been talked about a lot.

It actually gives you sort of an unlimited UAV, if you will; from any stronghold pinging enemies calling in UAVs, your own UAVs are active in all of that, which doesn't seem to be working as intended, which means Bird's Eye right now is incredibly broken and incredibly overpowered as it stands. In general, it seems like a good half of the perks aren't working either, or sometimes they'll be working and sometimes they won't be working whenever you select any given class setup.

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