News - Warzone 2: The Huge Loadout Update Patch Notes. Major Gameplay Changes

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We got an absolutely massive update, not in terms of size, but in terms of the changes it brings to gameplay in War Zone 2. Now, this is just a hotfix update. You don't have to download anything for this one. There's no title update associated with this. With this, you'll just have to go through the whole "update requires restart" screen for this update whenever you get on next.

But this changes the core fundamental gameplay for War Zone 2 in a major way. So Raven ended up posting this tweet here today, and towards the end of the article, we're going to talk about how some very big changes are likely going to be happening to Warzone too soon, but Raven ended up tweeting Have a Holly Jolly War Zone Two; it's the best time of the year; I don't know if there will be snow, but have a loadout drop grenade.

So the rhyming could use some work, but what we've got here is a loadout drop option, now available at buy stations across all monsters, so loadout drops. My friends are officially back, just like back in War Zone 1, but honestly, maybe even in a better way, so this is actually a little thread here from Raven.

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Loadout drop grenades are currently enabled in Battle Royale for players to purchase via the Buy Station. station The pricing, though, is different for every single mode that you're in, so if you're playing solo, it costs eight thousand dollars to get a full-on loadout. Now, keep in mind that just yesterday, they ended up changing the primary weapons in the custom gun prices in War Zone 2.

So now, universally, whether you're in solos, duos, trios, or quads. If you want one custom primary, it only costs 2500 instead of 5 000 if you want to, so it would just cost you five thousand, but if you're playing solos, let's say it's still 2500 for a custom gun, but if you want that second gun plus perks plus equipment, keep in mind that perks still don't fully work, but that'll be eight thousand, so a slight price increase for duos, and it'll be 16 000 if you want a full loan.

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Looting up more early game, landing at spots where you know we're going to have good cash The shops with the cash registers, if you know where some of the radiation crates are around the map also, are doing things like the safe cracker contracts, hunting down some Intel or some bounties early in the game so that you can secure that cash very quickly.

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This to me is a really cool concept; obviously, it's still not super easy to get your loadout drop, but if you don't want to go and do a strong hold and have to fight the ridiculously powerful bots sometimes, or if you don't want to wait for that second zone, you can easily get 32,000 dollars very quickly if you're actively searching out contracts and doing money.

They also end up saying the continuity of this feature will depend on the feedback we receive and the overall impact on the Battle Royale experience in War Zone 2. So likely, this is going to be a feature that they analyze now for the next couple of weeks. During that time, they're going to see exactly what goes on with Warzone 2's player base.

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I'm sure right now they have tons and tons of back-end data saying, All right, we have this many players online on this day when we made the change to loadouts; it brought a lot of players back; they played for this amount of time; and then maybe that wasn't as long as we wanted them to play; maybe we want to have them be more engaged for longer, so let's try this; if they end up playing for longer and there are more players on and they're engaging more with the game because of this loadout change.

It'll probably stay; if players get on and they're not playing for as long or if they're not actually going for these loadout drops and they don't end up being a huge thing in game, they might end up, you know, reverting back to just loadouts in the strongholds, loadouts in the free zone, and so on and so forth.

So this is not a permanent feature per se, but one that is currently in the game that they're going to test over the coming days and weeks, which I think is really cool.

The increase in warzone 2 gameplay updates

The increase in warzone 2 gameplay updates

Now shout out to the man. Maverick because he actually posted this the other day, and because I was curious enough before this update went live this morning. I got ready to make a article for later this week talking about how I think some very big changes are going to be coming to War Zone 2 and here in the future because these are two different blogs from Call of Duty.

They were four days apart. As you can see in this first blog, Warzone 2 is published by Activision. The development for both games is led by Infinity War, so that would be MW2 and War Zone 2. This was the first blog saying that Infinity Ward is a leading developer on Warzone 2. Four days later.

I mean, it's very apparent that even just over the past couple of days, we've seen more communication from Raven on Warzone 2 than we have since launching entirely with Infinity Ward. We've seen more feedback-based changes and quality of life updates from Raven between Season 1 Reloaded and now than we have for anything in MW2 or War Zone 2 up until this point.

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Obviously, like I said earlier, they are going on breaks, so that's going to put some things on hold, but they're also going to return, and that's when I think we're going to start to see even more changes and updates before we get into that conversation. Real quick to wrap things up. War Zone 2, and DMZ.

Big changes are likely coming to warzone 2 soon

Big changes are likely coming to warzone 2 soon

Back now. Modern War Zone ended up tweeting this, and this is basically the exact same thing that I wanted to talk about later on this week; curiously, enough of these things are just happening today, but like I said. I think when Raven gets back from the holiday break that's when they're here full-time, with no breaks in the future moving forward.

modern warfare 2

Obviously, they launch Warzone 2 on a quick break for Thanksgiving, then they're back for a bit of a break for your New Year's and Christmas holidays, and then they're back for good. There's not going to be any more breaks interrupting them in a few weeks, so that's when they can start making this a serious big-time gameplay change like health increases -- potentially a lot of feedback from war zone one where we increased the ttk to make things more viable and gunfights more practical -- and we changed a lot of things there for quality of life that were all based on community feedback -- obviously a lot of that got reset with war zone 2, and that's why some players are not so happy with that.

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