News - Is Warzone 2. 0 Actually Good. Warzone 2 Review & Feedback

What i␙m loving about warzone 2.0

What i␙m loving about warzone 2.0

enjoy about War Zone 2 so far because, honestly, while the game needs a lot of work, and I want to stress that it needs a lot of work to really get to the point where I feel like it should be, there are things that I really am having a lot of fun with, and I do enjoy the core gameplay quite a bit, so, uh, I like proximity.

Warzone 2 proximity chat is hilarious

First and foremost, this is one of the best updates any Call of Duty game has ever had. It's a blast. It's hilarious i've had so many people basically just telling themselves, you know, alerting us of their position because their whole squad is in proximity chat and I guess they don't realize it, like they got the terrible two million decibel PlayStation 5 mics and I can tell exactly which building they're hiding in because it's the only building left in zone right, so like proximity chat.

Sure, it can be annoying in certain cases when someone's got that terrible mic that you can't instantly mute, and you know it's people saying things that they shouldn't be saying, but for the most part, proximity chat is hilarious. update, and I am really enjoying that.

Al mazrah is a good map for warzone 2.0 gameplay

The map, I also think, is a huge W.

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The all-male replacement space is nice and diverse. I like the building design; a lot of them have multiple entries and multiple exits, so you can play the campers well and navigate them well in the world itself. I haven't been in situations where I couldn't climb up rocks and it cost me my life, but I really do enjoy the map.

I think it was very well thought out; it's a little big for the player count, but I think that's more of a player account issue than a map issue. I think the map is really well designed, and I do enjoy all Mazda vehicles quite a bit.

Warzone 2 weapons feel amazing

Warzone 2 weapons feel amazing

You have to build out your guns in a smarter way this year, which I really enjoy, and there's diversity in different engagements; it's not one gun rules at all; there are good guns for close range. This year, I love the gunplay. There's an actual skill gap involved. With that, I also think things like the stem pistol are really cool upgrades.

Few qol updates are neat

A nice little change to gameplay is here in a nice little QOL update.

New mechanics are refreshing in wz2

Well, one of the few QOL updates I should say is that I also think the parachute in the swimming mechanics Work really well this year, the Water mechanics in general it's cool to have that sort of engagement play out in, you know, play.

I guess that's the right way to put it; um, it's just cool. it's nice and different something we never got to experience in the previous iteration of Warzone and I honestly like the vehicle mechanics too with the ability to lean out of the windows to get onto the roof the driving I'm still getting used to because it's a bit different and a bit more realistic but I like that as well the damage values and having to refuel is cool so like there, are quite a few things I enjoy about war zone 2 Gameplay however.

Warzone 2.0 has a lot of issues & feels unfinished

Warzone 2.0 has a lot of issues & feels unfinished

My list of things that I don't like or a list of things that concern me and I think need to be updated is much longer, so, you know, get a snack if you need to, maybe grab a G-Fuel, and use code Immortal for that nice 20% off discount also. War Zone 2, and the DMZ, so you guys can always guarantee you're up to date.

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The wz2.0 ping system is bad

As mentioned, let's try a name for 3500 likes on this one , but getting into some things that I think need updating first and foremost is the Ping system this year.

All sorts of weird. I've had times where the loadouts come in mid-game and I go to ping the loadout, and I can see it on my mini map; it's to my right, and the ping is like 400 meters to the left under the earth, and I can't actually exactly tell where the loadout is, which is very obnoxious. There are also pings that you can't see when you're playing with a squad in the white ping HUD, which I know you can change in your game.

Still not super convenient to see. I've had things where I was like, Hey, you know. Squad, boys, do you see these guys over here? I've pinged it. They were like, Yeah. I don't see any pings. The ping system needs a lot of upgrades, and it just doesn't seem like it's working right now, and it's not visible enough, um,.

Ttk is very fast in warzone 2.0

Ttk is very fast in warzone 2.0

In the game, the time to kill in a battle royale is wildly fast. It says that we have 250 health, but we also had 250 health back in Warzone, and that TTK felt like it was a little bit longer than this one.

One is fast you in certain gunfights, you just have no time to react whatsoever. So I feel like we need that ttk to be slowed down a little bit; maybe add another 50 health or something, but it is very fast right now.

A few loadout updates are needed␦

The loadout system, I think, could be improved upon a bit. I honestly feel like I am getting my custom guns relatively frequently, and I do wish there were more strongholds available on the map at the start to get your full loadout.

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I, too, wish that it were easier to find money. This is sort of, you know, two for one dislike that I have. I wish it was easier to find money to, you know, get your whole squad geared up with your custom guns from the buy station if you're not going to the free loadout drop, which takes forever to come in, or go into a stronghold early in the game to buy.

Your weapons out of a buy station are great if it's just one person, but when you have to go for four people, it can get kind of pricey to have everyone have their own custom gun. So between not having enough cash and the price being kind of steep, I'd like to see some updates and some changes there to make loadouts a little bit more accessible.

The gulag is by far the most important. one, Of my least favorite things, I do not like the 2v2 gulag.

2v2 gulag in warzone 2 is not enjoyable

2v2 gulag in warzone 2 is not enjoyable

I don't like having to rely on a random to potentially , you know, shoot at enemies or save my game if I get two on one, like double teamed, and they both take me out, and then it's up to the random to then take both of them out. I'm not a fan of that. I want my ability to return to gameplay to be left up to me.

and nothing else. I'm not a fan of the 2v2 gulag at all. It's just not working for me,.

Looting and inventory managing is tedious in warzone 2

The loop bags are also probably my second-least favorite thing; they're hard to navigate, and it's hard to try and pick up things off the ground that you want to pick up when all the loot is next to one another.

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