News - Warzone 2 - Spawn Tube Tutorial (departures)


I'm back with another spawn tube tutorial for Modern Warfare 3. This time we're going to be checking out the other season 2 map that is departures, and just like Vista, this map is also really great for tubing. I know that some of you guys already have the lineups figured out, but I'm still going to be showing you guys the spots that I normally use and the way that I line up these shots, whether or not they're the same way that you guys do them, so with that said, let's just go ahead and get started.

Attacking spot 1

Attacking spot 1

Starting things off on the attacking side, I have three spots to show you. These will cover the three most common routes that the Defenders take at the beginning of each round. I'm going to start off by showing you how to tube the middle pathway that's just to the left of the middle, detectors.

For this spot, what you're going to do is run forward, and as soon as you run past these papers on the floor, you're going to look up towards this part of the ceiling, and you're going to notice that there's two sections of it, one dark section and one lighter section. You're going to aim right in the middle of both of those sections right here where this line is, so as you are running forward, this is what you want to shoot your tubes, and I say as you're running forward because this will give the tubes a little bit of forward momentum, which is what you want to get potentially more enemies before they start to split off in different directions.

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Right at the start, you're going to run forward. Right as you walk past these folders on the floor, look up towards this part of the ceiling, and then shoot your tubes as you are walking forward.

Attacking spot 2

Attacking spot 2

So, next, I'm going to be showing you how to tube the enemies that avoid running down the middle path by running along to the right side of the metal, detectors. For this spot, you're going to again run straight forward. This time, you're going to stand on top of the suitcase, crouch, and wedge yourself in the corner.

You're going to look up towards this part of the ceiling, and you'll see where the dark section and the light section touch each other. I'm going to aim right at the corner of that part of the ceiling right there and fire. And for this last spot I'm going to be showing you how to tube the enemies that run to the left out of their spawn and are heading down these stairs that lead to the a bomb, for this spot what you're going to do is you're going to turn around and wedge yourself in this corner next to this suitcase right here, you're going to look up towards this part of the window, specifically this middle section you're going to aim right above, the bottom part of that window, right above the middle, so your dot should be right there, and then once you have this lined up two things one you want to give it a couple of seconds because it does take the enemies roughly 7 to 8 seconds before they actually make it to the bottom of the stairs behind a bomb The other thing is that you want to execute the moonwalk method, which, again, if you don't know, is where you run a few steps forward, start walking backward, shoot your tube as you're walking backward, and just repeat this motion with each tube that you have. Shoot, now.

Defending spot 1

Defending spot 1

I'm switching over to the defending side. I'm going to have four spots to show you, which will cover the most common routes that the attackers take at the beginning of each round. I'm going to start off by showing you two spots at the same time because you can use the three for three method with these spots.

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The first one is going to be how to tube the enemies that are running right in front of Burgertown down the middle, and the other tube is going to be how to get the enemies that are running along the outside by the cars going to a bomb. I'm going to start off by showing you how to do the Burger Town spot first.

So what you're going to do for both of these spots is run forward, and you're going to wed yourself to the left of this desk. You're going to look towards this part of the windows; it's going to be the last window that you see in the distance. You're going to look towards that, and you want your bottom crosshair to be right above the sign like so, and then you're going to shoot your first three.

Defending spot 2

Defending spot 2

Now from the same spot I'm going to show you how to tube the drop off area on the outside of the map, so with the other half of your tubes you're going to crouch and then you want to bring up your crosshairs again so to do this you're going to switch to your primary switch back to your rjo and now your crosshairs are back what you're going to do is you're going to take the bottom right Crosshair, you want to line this up just, above, the left edge of this light and let me preface this by saying this spot isn't going to hit 100% of the time because it does require you to be Pixel Perfect damn near in order for this to actually slip through the bars of the windows you basically have to thread the needle for this to actually work but when you do get it to work it is a very effective way to actually stop the enemies from running to a on the outside but again you're going to crouch line up your crossers just like this this, and pray to God that you can get your tubes to thread the.

Defending spot 3

Defending spot 3

Remaining: 10 seconds for the next spot I'm going to be showing you how to tackle the enemies that run through the alley on the left side, heading towards the escalators next to the bridge. For this spot, you're going to run over to the left side right here, you're going to wedge yourself next to this computer stand, and then with your bottom crosshairs, you want to line this up right in the center of this triangular opening in the ceiling, and then you want to execute the moonwalk method, so you're going to immediately walk backwards and shoot your tube, and then come back forward, and then just repeat this process for each tube so it's going to look like this.

Defending spot 4

And for the last spot, we will have to toot the enemies that immediately run up the stairs toward the coffee shop and are attempting to cross the bridge running to B. For this spot, you're going to again run over to the left side. This time, you're going to stand on top of the benches, like so, aim your center dot right at the corner of this section of the ceiling, and fire away, and that's going to be.



At the end of this tutorial, you guys already know what to do. If you found this helpful in any way, please give it a thumbs up.

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You can also find other tubers like myself to get into a game with and play some hard-core search together. We would love to have you. That said, I'm going to sign off here, and I will catch you guys in the next article.

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