News - Warzone 2 - Spawn Tube Tutorial (6 Star)

6 star

I'm back with another spawn tube tutorial for Modern Warfare 3. With the most recent update, we've got four new maps, with two more coming out later on in the season, but out of the four new maps that we have, we're going to be first checking out the map Six Star, and it's kind of ironic because in the live stream that I did for the first day of the update.

I went on record saying that this map probably had the least amount of potential out of the four maps that we have, and man, let me tell you. I'm quickly going back on that opinion, and I'm actually going to say that this is probably my favorite map to tube on, mainly because this is one of those maps where the enemies just don't immediately expect a tube to be flying across the map, as opposed to a more open map like Grow House or Emergency or whatnot, and I think really the reactions that you get are probably some of my favorites for maps like this because you get a mix of confusion. Angry, shocked reactions from enemies, so this is why I'm really looking forward to showing you guys the spots that I have on this map, so with that said, let's go ahead and get started.

Attacking spot 1

Attacking spot 1

Starting off on the attacking side, I've got three spots to show you, which will cover every possible route that the Defenders can take at the beginning of each round.

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I'm going to start off by showing you how to tube the enemies that are running across the sky Bridge head towards the bomb. For this spot, what you're going to do is lean up against the corner of this plant, and then you want to line up your crosshair specifically like mine. You want the bottom left part of your crosshair to be lined up with the end of the helicopter blade, and then you want the top left crosshair to be lined up with the upper part of the blade.

So your line-up should look like this: You don't want to aim too much to the left, like this, or too far to the right, like this, because the tube will not land by the white chairs, which is where you want it to, so again, you want your going up to look exactly like this. Land up with each part of the blade, like so, and start shooting.

Attacking spot 2

Attacking spot 2

Next. I'm going to be showing you how to tube the Defenders that are running through the statue room and prevent them from going to the bar in the middle or by going to the pool side on the right side of the map. So this spot is probably going to be the hardest one to pull off just because it requires you to be pretty precise in lining up your shot, so just try to follow along with me.

As best as you can, what you're going to do is stand on top of the couch right here. Line up the bomb icon with this yellow line on the wall, and you want to back up until your character is at the highest point of the couch. Right here and you don't want to back up too much because you'll be considered out of the map so just enough until you're at the highest point of the couch then you want to look in between the end of the helipad and the left Leaf of the palm tree so right in this little space in between the two then you want to line up your bottom Crosshair with the tallest part of the palm tree, so right about here and again you got to be pretty precise in order for this tube to actually land in the right spot so just try to line up your shot just like mine and you'll have the best chance of getting anyone run through that statue room so if you get this line up within 3 to 4 seconds your shot should look like.

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This is 10.

Attacking spot 3

Attacking spot 3

Seconds , and now I'm going to be showing you how to use the Defenders that run immediately to the right out of their spawn R through the bar headed to B. For this spot, what you're going to do is lean up against the back of this wall, line up the B bomb icon with the end of this wall, and you simply want to line up your shot with this part of the leaf sticking out like so and just start.

Defending spot 1

Now switching over to the defending side, I'm going to have four spots to show you. These will cover four of the possible routes that the attackers can take at the beginning of each round. I'm going to start off by showing you how to tube the attackers that are running outside that security office area, headed towards a bomb.

What you're going to do is run all the way back here, and you want to move to the right until you see your character on top of the suitcase like this. This is how you know you're on top of it, and then you want to look towards this thin line right below the ceiling. You want to look at that. This will basically tell us the direction in which we'll be aiming our tube.

While looking at that, you're going to aim your crosshairs until the bottom crosshair is just above this part of the beam in the ceiling, like this, and just start.

Defending spot 2

Defending spot 2

Next, I'm going to show you how to tube the attackers that are running down the metal stairs and running through them. Aquarium, for this spot, you're going to run forward over here. Lean up against this wall and you want to slowly walk forward until a small part of the white wall right here is exposed, so about this much of it you want to aim towards the top right corner of the white wall so right about here, is where you want to aim your tube and this is going to be one of those precise spots like the last spot I showed you on the other side where you're going to have to really thread the needle order for this to actually land in the aquarium so again you want about this much of the wet while exposed aim towards the top red of it and start.

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Next, I'm going to be showing you how to tube the attackers that run through the pump room and proceed into the lounge area on the left side of the map. For this spot, what you're going to do is come over here and stand on top of the cylinder you're going to crouch on, and you want to line up the B bomb icon with the left edge of this gold bar so you see how the bomb icon is lined up with the left edge of it. This is what you want your lineup to look like beforehand, then you want to look towards the top of the opening in between the gold bars when a liner shoots just like this and start shooting towards the.

Defending spot 4

Defending spot 4

Finally, I'm going to be showing you how to tube the attackers that run all the way to the far left down the stairs right as they get to the pool.

In this spot, you're going to again come over to the left side. This time, you're going to crouch in front of the cylinder. You're going to look toward B. You want to aim up and line up the bottom of your crosshairs with the top of the palm tree like this and start shooting UAVs, standing, and.


That's going to conclude this tutorial. You guys already know what to do.

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