News - Warzone 2 - Spawn Tube Tutorial (rio)

Attacking spot 1

Attacking spot 1

To start things off on the attacking side. I've got four spots to show you, which will cover both of the stairways within the mall at the center of the map as well as the far right and left sides of the map. Beginning with these first two spots, which will cover both stairways inside the mall, to tube the enemies on the right side of the stairs, you're going to run straight.

Forward, you're going to make your way through the doors into the mall, lean up against the back wall right here, and you want your dot to line up with this line in the background between the tree and this ceiling, so that line right there is where you want to aim your dot, and just start shooting as fast as you can.

Attacking spot 2

Can And to tube the escalators on the left side of the mall again, you're going to run straight forward, you're going to open these doors, and you don't even have to go inside the mall. You can stand right in the doorway, and when you open the doors, you're going to line up your dot just below these set of leaves right here that are sticking out of the wall, just below that, and again, just start shooting as fast as you can.

Attacking spot 3

Attacking spot 3

Final, minute : Next, I'm going to be showing you how to tube the right pathway in between the mall and the apartments. For this spot, you're going to run straight forward to the right, lean up against this wall behind you, and you want to line up your bottom crosshair just above this tree in the very back.

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Just like this, this will go right through the window and blow up the bike that's actually next to the apartments, which could help you get an extra kill or two, so again, lean up against this wall behind you, aim your bottom crosser above this tree, and shoot through it.

Attacking spot 4

Remaining , and this last spot will be had to tube that back left corner by the garage headed toward the bomb.

This spot is my personal favorite. What you're going to do is come over here to this back corner, where the telephone is. You're going to hop on top of this yellow stand. Now let me just preface this by saying that this is the spot that I've experimented with the most, and the only way that you're going to be able to get kills with the RGL is by using this spot the way that I show you, so try your best to follow along with me here.

So again, stand on top of this yellow stand. You're going to aim the bottom crosshair, just in line with the top part of the mall, and you want to aim towards this opening right here. Now what you're going to do is try to give yourself some room to walk back and forth. You want to make sure you're as forward as you possibly can without falling off of the yellow stand, and while lined up, you're going to back up and shoot your tube while you're backing up, so it's going to look like this: Now switching over to the defending side.

Defending spot 1

Defending spot 1

I have five spots to show you here.

Just like the attacking side. I'm going to show you how to tube the two stairways inside of the mall and the two far pathways on the left and right side, starting off with these first two spots, which will just be had a tu the two stairways inside the mall with the left side first, you're going to run straight forward, you're going to open these sets of doors on the left side, you're going to quickly back up, and then you want to line up your crosshairs with this opening in between the tree right here these two trees, the one in the front and the one in the back, this opening you want to line up your bottom two crosshairs with that opening like so and just start shooting.

Defending spot 2

Defending spot 2

And To tube the set of stairs on the right side of the mall again, you're going to run straight forward, and if you're lucky enough to get the teammates to open the doors for you, that would work better if you just opened the doors yourself, and then you're going to look to the right, and until you see these sets of windows at the top part of the mall, you're going to aim towards those windows and line up your bottom crossair with the top of this wall right here, and then again, just start shooting as fast as you, In this next spot.

Defending spot 3

I'm going to show you how to tube that Main Street on the left side in between the mall and the apartments. For this one, you're going to run over to this left side, lean up against this back wall, and you want to aim in between the opening that's in between this tree and the edge of the mall, and then line up your bottom crossair just above that tree, and then just shoot in between that opening.

Defending spot 4

Defending spot 4

Lead And these last two spots I'm going to show you are actually a combo spot that you can use to split the difference between the enemies that are running up these sets of stairs on the outside side of the motel on their side and are running through that new stand area as well as the enemies that are running through the back alleyway on the very far right side of the map, but first I'll show you how to tube the new stand area, so for this wall and you're going to do is run over here up against this wall and you're going stand in between these two sets of weed sticking out of the ground.

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Just like so, and you should see this little part of the guardrail sticking out. What you want to do is aim your entire crosshair in between that part of the guard rail and the wiring above, so your crosshair should look just like this in between those two things, and then you're going to, just like on the attacking side on top of the telephone stand you're going to walk backward.

Defending spot 5

Defending spot 5

And then shoot, and then come back forward, walk backward, and shoot, and so on and so forth for the first three shots, that is, so again, once you have this lined up, you're going to walk backward and shoot like, so , and to tube the enemies that are running along that back alleyway again from that same spot after shooting your first three shots like so, you're then going to back up until this part of the guard rail is in between this pole and this power line, and you're going to aim just above the guard rail like so, and then shoot your last three.

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And that's going to conclude this tutorial. You guys already know what to do if you like this article.

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