News - Warzone 2 Season 2 Operators Leaked. Battle Pass Operators, Crossovers, More - Warzone 2

Mw3 season 2 operators leaked!

Mw3 season 2 operators leaked!

Welcome back to a brand new article we got our early look preview at some of the Season 2 operators that are going to be coming in these are going to consist from the battle pass two different crossovers that are going to be happening such as The Walking Dead and a game called Warhammer, and there's also going to be other upcoming operators, from the campaign so there's really a lot going on with this update that's coming in just under two weeks and we got all the details covered here in today's article so if you find it helpful or informative,.

Just a quick reminder: this is a double upload. I did post a article a couple hours ago going over the brand new patch notes and all the details that we have for the brand new update that just went live earlier this morning, so be sure to check that out since We're talking about brand-new operators.

Firecracker bundle release date & showcase

The Firecracker bundle is set to be released on January 30th, which will be the last and final bundle that we're going to have with the boys collaboration. That means between now and the 30th, black noir is set to drop in the shop, which should be around the 26th or the 28th. And then a couple days after that firecracker.

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will be releasing, and this day comes from Charlie Intel, which is a very reliable source when it comes to these types of things, so that's when you can expect these upcoming bundle dates, and then the rest of the operator bundles, such as the sketch style, the Heart of Ice Ultra skin, and the tech luux pro pack bundle.

All these will be released, probably after the boys event is over. As of right now, this is the schedule to expect in terms of the operators that are going to be coming in from now until season 2.

Free operator bundle coming soon early preview

Free operator bundle coming soon early preview

Another bundle that you can also expect is going to be a prime pack, which is set to be released in Just 2 days from now, these are free bundles for anyone who has Amazon Prime, and if you connect that to your Call of Duty account, you're able to get yourself a free bundle pack every single month.

What they usually do is bring in store operator bundles that have been released in the past that are usually not traced around, or they're not really all that popular and as unlucky as it is most times. It is a bundle that many of you guys may have purchased, so you may not end up getting it for free, depending on how unlucky you are now.

Someone over on Twitter was able to figure out what the next Prime Pack bundle could potentially be. We got a brand new update earlier today that lets you access any store operator bundle that's not currently available in the store, as long as it's not an upcoming bundle; it wasn't a limited-time exclusive bundle or a discounted bundle.

battle pass operators

Someone on Twitter used this new feature to find out which bundle is missing because usually what they do is right before a new Prime pack drops, they will remove it from the store, so that way you're no longer able to buy it, and then they will make it free. Apparently, the bundle that he found is called the Call of Duty League mid-season pack, and it comes in with a new operator skin for Fender called Do You Even Lift?

This is what the operator skin will look like. The bundle was originally introduced in Modern Warfare 2, I believe around April, so during the Cod League, they ended up adding it. It also comes with two different weapon blueprints. The first one is called the watermelon, Gain, which is for the TAC 56.

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The second weapon blueprint is called the Vel 46, which is called the Raspberry Dream, and then there's other stuff. There's a shaker cup charm, you get a large decal called a goat, you get a weapon sticker, two different calling cards, and then there's additional items, which are two different emblems. Because this pack was removed, and if you notice the pattern with Prime gaming bundles, they're usually always Cod League-related, or at least they did that for quite a while, so a couple months straight in a row they did Call of Duty League bundles and just brought them in for free, so this could potentially be the next free Prime pack that we're going to be getting in just two days from now.

Mw3 season 2 battle pass operators (kate laswell & milena)

Mw3 season 2 battle pass operators (kate laswell & milena)

Anyway, let's go ahead and talk about the season 2 operators that are set to arrive, and just a quick disclaimer before we start talking about these leaks. Remember, they are leaks; anything can happen, and they can end up being delayed. Some could be scrapped; sometimes they're not finished in time, so Call of Duty will scrap them overall.

We have no idea. Because these are leaks and nothing has been officially confirmed yet, take them with a grain of salt. Some of these might not make it to the season 2 update. The first operators that usually get every single major seasonal update are going to be the battle pass operators; this time around, it's apparently Kate Lwell, who's going to be the main character in the entire season.


We usually get the leak of the main character operator every single time prior leakers have mentioned that she would be a playable operator since the beginning of Modern Warfare 3's official launch. And now it seems like there's more Intel, more information, and more codes in the files that are suggesting that Kate Lwell is actually an upcoming operator skin that we'll be releasing with the season 2 update.

Along with Kate Lwell, there's also another potential operator that's going to be coming out, and that is Melena. Roman NOA Prior to the Season One update, she was also one of the operators that was leaked to be coming in, just like Kate Lawell, from the campaign as a playable operator, which we've never seen before, but this time around there's not as much information in regards to her or mentions of her in the file as there is for Kate Lawell.

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So this is a potential operator. Maybe we could see her in the battle pass, maybe she'll be safe for a future season, or she could be scrapped regardless, based on the leaks and how there's really not much information. In regards to her, there's not a high probability that she will be available this upcoming season, or she might be saved at a future date, but just remember that when it comes to battle pass operators, there's usually two to three brand new characters that have not yet been added to the game, and then the rest of the operators are usually reskins of existing operators.

As we have already considered, we have Kate as one of the new characters. There's going to be maybe another one to two operators that are going to accompany her, just like it was with Nolan, and then he had Doabe accompany him in regards to the battle pass. I will have a more dedicated article where I break down all the operators and skins that have been leaked so far.

Definitely expect a article of the battle itself in the upcoming days.

MW3 Season 2 Operators LEAKED! Battle Pass Operators, Crossovers, MORE - Modern Warfare 3.
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