News - Warzone 2 Season 2 Battle Pass Operators & Skins Leaked. Kate Laswell, Soap, Ghost, Warzone 2

Season 2 battle pass date & release time

Season 2 battle pass date & release time

Season 2 is set to arrive on February 7th at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, you can take a look at the end-game The battle pass timer lets you know that it will be ending in exactly 2 weeks from now, and that's going to be when season 1 reloaded comes to an end and we start the brand new season.

This is a repetitive process that they've been doing for a couple years now when it comes to Call of Duty, the battle passes, and the season. The good news is that we don't have to wait two entire weeks to figure out exactly what the battle pass is going to contain, the theme of it, and what content to expect.

In this article, we will cover all the upcoming leaks and cosmetics that leakers were able to find in the files. Now, remember, because these are leaks, take them with a grain of salt. Some of the items here could end up being scrap material; some of them could just not make it to the full game; maybe they might remaster, rework some of the items, or just simply change their mind.

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The good news is that we'll know for sure this coming Wednesday, because one week before an official update goes live, they drop a roadmap, a blog post that covers all the upcoming content and the details that you need to know, and among those items are usually battle pass operators, what the season is themed around, who the main character is, and who the face of the season is going to be. We can definitely come back to this article in a week to see how accurate these leaks were, but let's go ahead and let's talk about it.

Mw3 season 2 battle pass theme

Mw3 season 2 battle pass theme

So the theme of the battle pass is going to be around the campaign. In Modern Warfare 3, we sort of said the same exact thing about season 1, although in the campaign you can sort of split it into two groups.

You have Task Force 141, and then you have the Coney group, which is macarov, and season 1 brought in more of the Cony's group. We got the Cony badges and icons. Nolan was added as an operator who's the right-hand man of Marov himself. Based on the leaks, it's looking like this time we're getting the other side, so more of Task Force, more of Ghost, more of Captain Price soap, and all the fan favorites.

Season 2 battle pass operators (kate laswell, bike, cal, judo, & bike)

battle pass

Before we can even talk about those operators, let's talk about who the main character in the battle pass is going to be, and that is going to be Kate Lazell. We've mentioned this a couple of times, and leakers have confirmed that she will be the main character in the season 1 battle pass, and when it does come to a battle pass, it's always usually a brand new operator or character that we have not yet received in the game, so for example, ghost, far soap, none of them can be main characters in a brand new battle pass because they are already existing operators that we've seen multiple different skin variations of, but the good news is they can still be a part of the battle pass as skin variants; they're just not going to be the main or the face of the season, and Kate Lazell is going to be coming in for the very first time in multiplayer.

As a playable operator, which was mentioned and we've talked about in the past already, we got to see her over in the Deep Cover Mission. That's pretty much the only action that we really got out of her, and that was the only time we had a chance to play as her, and unlike Melena Romanova, which we talked about in the last article, she wouldn't make sense as an operator; she's more of an accounting and finance type of person.


Even in the storyline in the campaign, we never really saw her pick up a weapon and become a character in The Campaign that would, you know, shoot a weapon, shoot a bullet, or get pretty violent. On the other hand, we got to see that, as I mentioned in the Deep Cover Mission, while that's going to be the main character, there's going to be another character to accompany her.

It is speculated that it could be either one of the warlords, which is going to be Maestro, that is set to arrive in season 2, very similar to how we got Daab to be in the battle pass to accompany Nolan, although they're not directly connected or have anything to do with each other, and we're still in sector one of the battle pass as the operators you get automatically upon purchase, and then they would have another version of them, which I'll talk about in just a second.

cod season 2 update

There are also three other operator code names that are mentioned in the files. The first one's name is Cal, the second one is Judo, and the third one is Bike. Unfortunately, as of right now, it's just straight strings. There's really no photo, no proof of exactly who they are; they're usually code names, so the operator names that will officially come out are going to be completely different than these that I have mentioned here.

We see this every single season; there's a couple of new names that are mentioned in the files. What they do is put some of them in the battle pass along with the brand new main character, for example, either cow Judo or bike, and one of those operators will accompany them. Kate in the battle pass; the other one will be in the battle pass, but it'll be as a black cell operator because black cell operators are typically new; and then the third one could be a part of some sort of operator bundle as a brand new operator or character.

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Now, when it comes to these new characters, they're always available in the first sector of the battle pass upon purchase, and then they're also available in Tier 100. In terms of Kate Well, there's a couple of outfits that we've already seen her in, with one of them being the Russian FSB outfit, which we saw in the mission that she was using when she went undercover.

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The second one could be the standard purple puffer vest, which we've seen her wearing in numerous different cutscenes throughout the storyline and the campaign, and because there is always a black cell variant of these operators, you can expect her to wear some sort of additional outfit anyway.

Season 2 battle pass operator skins (ghost, soap, farah, & more)

Season 2 battle pass operator skins (ghost, soap, farah, & more)

Let's talk about the other operator skins that you can expect, so like I mentioned, there's the brand new skins and then there's the existing ones, so for example, reskins of operators we already have in the files. A couple of interesting names are mentioned here, so in the Cod Warfare post, he says season 2 is going to be Task Force 141 themed because there's going to be new skins for soap and ghost.

MW3 Season 2 Battle Pass Operators Skins LEAKED! Kate Laswell, Soap, Ghost, More! - Modern Warfare 3.
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