News - More Season 2 Content Revealed. Fortunes Keep, Dlc Content, More. Warzone 2 Update

More season 2 content teased & leaked

More season 2 content teased & leaked

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, we're going to talk about the new season 2 leaks that we have just gotten. There's actually even more information as well, and Call of Duty has officially started their marketing for season 2, and they have also confirmed that Fortune Keep is going to be discussed in season 2, and they did upload a couple of updates to it; they changed some of the pois, and that's what we will be discussing in today's article.

On top of that, I did upload a couple of other articles over the last few days. If you want to know about zombies, check out yesterday's article. If you want to know about the Warhammer event, I uploaded a article of the battle. Pass the full road map. But let's go ahead and get into it.

First season 2 update marketing

So Call of Duty has sent out five different packages to five streamers, and two of the five streamers have officially announced that they have received the package.

battle pass

The first one was Kesto. The second one was Outlaws Majin. The other three streamers are still a mystery; they're more than likely going to be uncovering and unboxing, with tomorrow leading up to the Wednesday reveal, which will be the day that we get the road map. The blog post and all the details in regards to this update were tweeted, saying that with only five people to receive this unique package.

I am fortunate, quote unquote, to be able to open this with y'all. What do you think is inside this season? Season 2 will keep the Vibes going unboxing at 9:00 a. M pacific Standard Time pretty much confirms to us that the contents in the box will be in regards to the war zone, and that will be Fortunee, an island that we saw previously in Call of Duty, where they did announce that Codex would be returning in early 2024.

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And once again, like we talked about earlier, they're going to follow the same pattern that they had last year, where they introduced ashika. Island in season 2 looks like Fortune SK is going to be introduced here in the season 2 update for MW3, now you're probably wondering what was inside of this box this is the uncovering and opening that they ended up doing so kesto here he opened up the box and within the box there was foam and there was another box inside of it once he opened it up once again there was a glass cube there was also brick that was wrapped and the final thing is there was a little letter or a card and it said dear kesto two things are guaranteed on Fortune keep, death and Second Chances so once again they have confirmed Fortune keep is back the last time Fortune Keep was alive, you only died 832.

Times, which is his personal stat but the same results aren't guaranteed this time around. Take this piece of Fortune Keep's Pier to get a better idea of your target. From my understanding. Fortune Keep never had a pier, so this might be a tease at a brand new location, and then it says here's a head start drop in that POI for good looting and proximity to both land and water.

New fortunes keep poi, features, & changes

New fortunes keep poi, features, & changes

Vehicles, good luck, and good fortune, and they gave him instructions to follow, which were to insert the brick into the glass cube and slowly fill it with water until it was submerged. After watching the show, after 15 minutes, he went ahead and did that, and when he dropped it in, he filled it up with water.

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Whatever it was that was covering this POI started dissolving, and it gave it 15 minutes around that time to pretty much dissolve everything later. And then he ended up uncovering it, and it was actually a little 3D model of a brand new point of interest that I don't believe was available in the old Fortune Keep.

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According to leakers, this is going to be a location that will be right near the lighthouse house. As they mentioned in the card, it will be a pier, and it'll be right off the coast. For Majin, the other streamer, he ended up receiving a different POI, and that was actually Winery, which is the same location that we did see previously except there was one change and there's a huge crater or crack right down the center of the building other than the change to this POI.

I'm not entirely sure what this could potentially be teasing. Will we be having earthquake-related public events? Will there be other different locations that are going to be cracked like this and adjusted? They're obviously not keeping Fortune the same exact way that we had before, but they're actually making some changes here, introducing new locations and adjusting the current ones that we have.

I guess they're trying to make it fit, so it's a little bit better because there were mixed opinions in regards to Fortune SK anyway. We should be getting even more information from the other three creators that will probably be revealed tomorrow or later today, and then leakers also came in clutch with some more new information.

And they said some stuff about Fortune. Keep, there will be a new intro to map spawn, and there will be an elimination C celebration. There will be a squad elimination, a streak, and a bunker. Buster kill streak, a public event, a zombie hunt contract, a research barge, a new location, and a Hazard Bridge that can be opened and closed. Although this is a map that's coming in from the past, it looks like they're bringing in all new content to try and make it feel a little bit more fresh, and it doesn't feel like it's just reused and recycled content and the same experience that we previously had anyway.

Zombies season 2 missions leaked

Zombies season 2 missions leaked

We have some other leaks that I want to go over and talk about.

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Some of these are scheduled for season 2, and others we have no idea when they're going to release. The first one is a brand new Modern Warfare 3 zombie season 2 mission, and here's what the requirements and goals are, it says. To rescue Fletcher, go to Fletcher's last known location, investigate the nearby distress signal, and defend the remaining survivors until the ACV is ready.

This one's a little bit weird; it says to regroup at the ACV with the remaining Terminus agents. This one is pretty crazy because we know that as dead bull operatives, our enemy is Terminus outcome, and it looks like from this mission we're actually going to be working with them. Definitely something crazy must have gone down for us to be working with Terminus, but the next one says escore Terminus to fletch's last known location, investigate the source of the signal disruption, and eliminate the source of signal disruption.

I hope this time around, the source of the signal is not another worm. It seems like some of these missions are very similar to the past ones that we had. I hope there's a completely new boss, something completely brand new, and the story takes a turn, so that way it brings in fresh new content, but regardless, those are the season 2 missions.

MORE Season 2 Content REVEALED! Fortunes Keep, DLC Content, MORE! - Modern Warfare 3 Update.
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